With Snapchat being one of the most well-known virtual entertainment applications to associate clients to companions and even outsiders, it gives a stage to save recollections from snaps to recordings, so it’s simply important to bode the inquiry; ‘On the off chance that I uninstall Snapchat will I lose everything

Some of time, we need to dispose of our virtual entertainment applications to finish a ‘scrub’, or as a general rule, we wind up selling our gadget that has every one of our information on.

If I remove Snapchat and then reinstall it, will I lose anything?

We have created this straightforward aide for you to follow, to have the option to comprehend what will happen on the off chance that you uninstall your Snapchat application.

Will I lose anything if I uninstall and reinstall Snapchat?

Assuming you are considering; ‘What occurs on the off chance that I uninstall Snapchat’ the response is, very little happens that you want to stress over.

Uninstalling Snapchat off of your gadget just eliminates the application from your telephone, and doesn’t have anything to do with your real record.

  1. Your profile will remain dynamic
  2. If you are sent snaps while your application has been uninstalled, they will in any case be there when you introduce Snapchat once more
  3. Any snaps sent not long before you uninstalled the application will in any case go through to the recipient
  4. Your companions’ rundown will remain in salvageable shape
  5. Companions will want to track down your profile and reach you
  6. Recollections will remain and not get erased

Does uninstalling Snapchat erase talks?

You don’t have to uninstall Snapchat off of your portable to have talks erased. Snapchat will consequently erase messages in the visit segment whenever they have been opened.

You can save a message in the visit segment if you don’t believe that it should be erased by compressing it down onto the thing and choosing ‘Save’

Talks can be set to be erased straight after the message has been seen, or 24 hours later.

How would you change your chat settings?

If you have any desire to change your talk settings so they either get eliminated straight later or after 24 hours, you can do this with these simple tasks;

  1. Go onto your ‘Chat Screen’ on Snapchat
  2. Select a companion and hold down onto their name
  3. Click on ‘More’
  4. Presse ‘Erase Visits
  5. You can now pick ‘After Viewing‘ or ’24 hours in the wake of review’

Note, assuming your Snapchat visit settings were at present set to ’24 hours after survey’ and you have refreshed it to ‘In the wake of review’, your talks that have been recently seen will currently be eliminated.

What happens to unopened Snaps?

On the off chance that you are uninstalling your Snapchat application with unopened Snaps for you, there are a couple of interesting points.

  1. Unopened Snaps will remain on your Snap server for 7 days
  2. Snaps shipped off bunch talk will be naturally erased following 24 hours assuming they are unopened
  3. Snaps sent and unopened for 30 days will be naturally erased

If you have saved snaps on your recollections, these won’t get naturally erased and will remain on the Snapchat servers until you genuinely erase them.

Does clear discussion erase sent snaps

If you conclude you need to clear your snap discussions, this won’t erase any snaps you have shipped off that client or any satisfied you have saved from them.

To clear a discussion:

  1. On Snapchat, go into ‘Settings’
  2. Find and snap on ‘Clear Discussions’
  3. Select the ‘X’ button against the reaches you need to clear

At the point when you enter your visits, they will currently be cleared other than for anything that has been saved.

Might you at any point erase a Snapchat message?

Snapchat does permit you to erase a snap or message shipped off a companion, yet does erase a Snapchat message erase it for the other individual?

Indeed it does since you erase the message or picture before the beneficiary opens your message.

At the point when you erase a Snapchat message, the collector will be told with a message expressing; ‘You erased 1 visit’

Note, assuming you erase more than one message it will express the number of talks you erased.

Could you screen capture it on Snapchat?

You can take screen captures on Snapchat, nonetheless, because of Snapchat security and protection gauges, the profile you have screenshotted will be told with a message expressing that you have taken a screen capture.

Step-by-step instructions to erase your Snapchat account

You can erase your Snapchat account for all time on the off chance that you have picked to not simply uninstall the application.

Snapchat gives clients a multi-day effortlessness period where you will want to recuperate their record if you have adjusted their perspective, in any case, following 30 days, your record will be forever erased, and you can not get it back.

When your record is erased, all data on the Snapchat data set will be taken out. This incorporates;

  1. Companions
  2. Snaps
  3. Recollections
  4. Talks
  5. Favored settings

To erase your Snapchat account you should go onto the ‘Records Entryway‘ and follow the means.

Ensure you store your login accreditations someplace on the off chance that you conclude you need t to recuperate your Snapchat account inside the multi-day beauty period.

On the off chance that you choose to reactivate your record, you can download the Snapchat application once more and sign in according to ordinary.

Note, you may have the option to reactivate your record with your username and not your email address.


How Snapchat has been made, to consequently erase snaps after they have been gotten, has made Snapchat perhaps of the most well-known social medium stages with more than 520 million clients around the world.

Being able to uninstall and reinstall the application is gainful with regards to changing telephones or just having severed the application.

We trust this guide has given you all that you had to be aware of and addressed your inquiry, if I uninstall Snapchat will I lose everything? furthermore, assist you with the uninstalling system of Snapchat off of your telephone.

Snapchat does have an incredible help page for anything more you might inquire.