Are you ready to permanently shut down your professional LinkedIn account? If you’re ready to take the plunge, know that it can be done, but the process is not reversible. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to delete a LinkedIn account for those seeking to permanently close out the professional side of their social media presence.

I. Introduction to Linkedin Account Closure

When you close your LinkedIn account, your profile, connections, messages, and all other data associated with your account are permanently removed from the platform. LinkedIn will not be able to recover the data once your account is closed.

Before closing your account, consider the following:

  • Deactivate Your Account: You can take a break from LinkedIn by deactivating your account instead of closing it. While deactivated, your profile and content will be hidden from search and other users, but you can restore your account to its previous state.
  • Export Your Data: Download a copy of all your activities and data associated with your account, such as posts, messages, contacts, and groups.

You can close your account by either visiting the link provided by LinkedIn or by contacting customer service. If you have any issues with the process, customer support can help you close your account.

II. Steps to Permanently Close Your Linkedin Account

If you want to permanently close your Linkedin account, it’s important to know the exact steps. Below, you will find an outline of the process:

Sign in to LinkedIn: The first step is to sign in to your LinkedIn account. Make sure to use a desktop or laptop computer, as this cannot be done on a mobile device.

  • Sign into your account by entering your email address and password.
  • Click on the icon in the top right corner of your LinkedIn home page, then click on ‘Settings & Privacy’ in the dropdown menu.

Account Closure: After signing in to your account, click on the ‘Closing Your Linkedin Account’ link. You will be asked to give a reason for closing your account. Select one of the provided options or type in your own reason.

  • Choose your preferred option and click ‘Confirm.’
  • You will be asked to confirm your decision. Click ‘Go Ahead and Close my Account’ to proceed.
  • Your account has now been closed.

Disable Connections: Once you have followed all the steps to close down your account, it’s important to also disable any connections you have made with other users. To do this, use the ‘Unfollow’ button on the profiles of the individual users you wish to disconnect from.

III. Limitations of Linkedin Account Closure

Account Closure with Little to No Notice

  • LinkedIn rarely issues any prior warning before deactivating an account.
  • Only a few notifications are typically sent to the user’s email address in case of a violation of their Terms of Service.
  • In some cases, account closure is done without any explanation.

Once an account is closed, there is no way to contact LinkedIn for a possible reversal. This further complicates the problem since users are unable to contact a customer representative if they have any queries regarding the issue.

Inability to Retain Data Access Rights

  • Users can have their accounts deactivated at any time if their content isn’t deemed suitable.
  • In such cases, users cannot access their data anymore and may not receive any backup of it.
  • There are no ways to recover the data, which may include important contacts, files, or any other saved resources.

This means that certain essential information may be permanently lost in case of a sudden closure. This can make it much more difficult for the user to try to contact their contacts in the future and reignite connections.

High Risk of Loss of Professional Connections

  • Many professionals use LinkedIn to connect with other professionals and build relationships.
  • In the event that a user’s account is suddenly deactivated, there may be a huge risk of permanently losing these connections.
  • This can ultimately lead to instability in one’s professional network.

Some connections may also require additional efforts to be reconnected, and the lack of them may hinder users in presenting their professional accomplishments.

IV. Troubleshooting Linkedin Account Closure Issues

If your LinkedIn account has been closed, first ensure that you have read the User Agreement between you and LinkedIn. You may have violated a part of the agreement that triggered account closure. If your account closure was due to another cause, you might be able to address the issues and get it reopened. The following steps may help:

  • Contact LinkedIn customer service. Request reasons for the closure and what can be done to have it reactivated.
  • Verify your identity by sending a copy of your photo ID in a message to LinkedIn.
  • Check for older accounts. LinkedIn notifies users prior to closing accounts that are older than seven years.

Deleting Content: Go through your profile and delete any content that violates the user agreement, such as any content that is malicious, defamatory or discriminates on any basis. Additionally, check for any copyrighted material that you may have posted which may have triggered the closure.

Updating Privacy Settings: Make sure you update any necessary privacy settings. For instance, set the privacy of all posts to “Public”. This will ensure that LinkedIn won’t take any action against you for posting content in a private forum.

V. Benefits of Closing Your Linkedin Account

Confidentiality and Security of Your Private Data Is Maximum

Being a social networking platform that encourages networking with other professionals and colleagues, Linkedin offers many features. However, these features and the personal data shared on the website are highly vulnerable online. Unauthorized access, hacking, and data breaches can easily happen. By closing your Linkedin account altogether, you will be able to protect your personal data and maintain its confidentiality.

Saves Time and Effort

Login and browsing activities on Linkedin can be very time-consuming especially if you are looking for job opportunities. If it’s not providing you with the type of job opportunities you need, then you may want to consider closing your account. This will free up the time you usually spend on Linkedin and eliminate the need to look for new job opportunities.

Reduces Pressure of Maintaining an Online Profile

Networking and staying connected on Linkedin can be very stressful, especially when trying to maintain up-to-date and accurate information. You may need to regularly think of something to share on Linkedin, which can be time-consuming and tiring. Closing your account can reduce the pressure you feel to maintain an online profile and create more time for yourself.

  • Confidentiality and security of your private data is maximum.
  • Saves time and effort.
  • Reduces pressure of maintaining an online profile.

We hope this article has informed you on the process of how to permanently close your LinkedIn account. If you want to create a new account on LinkedIn, please remember to update all your business contacts in order to sustain professional connections. If you have any doubts, don’t hesitate to contact the LinkedIn customer service.