How to Restrict or Stop WhatsApp from Using the Internet

Using WhatsApp is a great way to stay connected with your friends and family, but it can also use a significant amount of your phone’s data. To avoid excessive data usage, you may want to know how to restrict or stop WhatsApp from using the internet. Here are some effective tips to help you do just that:

Disable Automatic Media Download

To prevent WhatsApp from using data for downloading images and videos, here’s what you need to do:

  • Open WhatsApp and tap on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Tap on Settings > Data and Storage Usage.
  • Under the Media Auto-Download section, you can choose which type of media to download automatically – Photos, Videos, Documents, or Voice Messages.
  • Tap Never to make sure no media is automatically downloaded.

Disable Auto-Play Videos

If you don’t want videos to play automatically when you receive them, you can disable the auto-play feature in your settings.

  • Open WhatsApp and tap on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Tap on Settings > Data and Storage Usage.
  • Under the Media Auto-Download section, you can toggle off the Auto-Play Videos option.

Disable Wi-Fi or Mobile Data

The simplest way to stop WhatsApp from using your phone’s data is to simply disable all Wi-Fi or mobile data. To do this, look for the Wi-Fi or mobile data icon in your device’s settings, or simply toggle the Airplane mode on or off.

Schedule Data Restrictions

If you want to restrict WhatsApp from using data at certain times, you can set a schedule for when the app can and cannot use data.

  • Open WhatsApp and tap on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of your screen.
  • Tap on Settings > Data and Storage Usage.
  • Under the Network Usage section, you can set a schedule for data restrictions.
  • Note: This option is only available for the Android version of WhatsApp.

These are just a few effective tips that can help you restrict or stop WhatsApp from using internet data on your device. Make sure to experiment with the various settings and find the ones that suit your needs the best.

1. What are the steps for restricting or blocking Whatsapp from using the internet?

The steps for restricting or blocking Whatsapp from using the internet are as follows:

1. Open the phone’s settings and select the “Restrictions” section.

2. Enter the device’s passcode (if applicable) to gain access to further settings.

3. Look for a “Data Usage” setting and enable it. This will allow the user to gain control of their data usage from apps.

4. Find the listing for Whatsapp and disable all data usage options for the app, ensuring that it can no longer access the internet.

5. Make sure to save the settings for them to take effect.

5. Is there any particular mobile device or version of Whatsapp that this restriction works best with?

No, this restriction works well across all devices and versions of WhatsApp.

2. What settings need to be changed in order to stop Whatsapp from accessing the internet?

In order to stop Whatsapp from accessing the internet, there are two main settings that should be changed. First, the Whatsapp application can be disabled in the Settings app in iOS or the Applications Manager in Android. This will stop the app from running and therefore prevent it from being able to access the internet.

Second, the user can change their network connection settings (e.g. turn off Wi-Fi or change the mobile data settings) so that the app has no connection to the internet. This should prevent the app from accessing the internet even if it is enabled.