Pinterest is a powerful tool for promotion and content marketing, allowing businesses and individuals to curate their own collections and insights. However, without tracking how many people are engaging with your content and what sort of content gains traction, it’s difficult to know if the effort invested is worth it. Knowing how to access and use Pinterest account analytics can provide insight into how successful your content and promotions are, as well as giving you clues as to what content to focus on. In this article, we will explain how to access and understand the analytics your Pinterest account provides, from understanding demographic information to tracking how successful your content is at gaining followers and engagement.

I. Understanding the Basics of Pinterest Account Analytics

Pinterest account analytics form an essential part of any successful Pinterest presence. The insights received can inform many different decisions, such as which type of content works best and when to post. For these reasons, it’s important to understand what’s involved in the process.

First and foremost, you will need to have access to your account’s analytics. This is generally done via a third-party application, with Pinterest providing approved partners. These apps often offer different metrics than what’s provided through the normal Pinterest interface.

Once you’ve found the data you need, it’s important to understand what the metrics mean. Different metrics can indicate different things; for example, a pin’s engagement rate indicates the likes and repins divided by the total impressions it receives. Understanding the metrics gives you the information needed to make informed decisions related to your account’s Pinterest strategy.

Here are the key metrics you should be aware of:

  • Impressions: the number of times a pin is displayed
  • Clicks: the number of times a pin is clicked
  • Saves: the number of times a pin is saved to a board
  • Reach: the number of unique people who view a pin
  • Engagement rate: the total engagements a pin receives divided by total impressions

By understanding the basics of Pinterest account analytics, you can better assess your performance and create the most effective presence possible.

II. Creating a Pinterest Account

In order to create a Pinterest account, you will need an email address. Start by visiting and then click the “SignUp” button. You will then be asked to provide your email address and a few basic pieces of information such as your name, gender and location. Once you have completed this initial set-up form you will be taken to the next step of the process.

Once your initial registration form is completed, you will be taken to a page which will allow you to customize your new account. Here, you will be prompted to select a username and profile picture. It’s important to choose a username that is easy to remember. You may also want to select a profile picture that will help others to recognise your account when they see it. You may even want to include a short bio to help introduce yourself.

Once you have completed selecting your username and profile picture, a welcome page will appear which will allow you to explore the content on the platform. Here, you will be able to begin customizing your content by adding topics of interest and that you would like to see on your board. You can start by following other users and boards that interest you. You can also explore the interests and topics in the Explore tab to discover the popular content.

III. Configuring Pinterest Account Analytics Settings

To track the performance of your account and content on Pinterest, you can set up Pinterest account analytics. This allows you to see insights such as the number of views and impressions your account and posts have had, as well as the amount of link clicks.

Follow these steps to configure your Pinterest account analytics settings:

  • Log in to your Pinterest account.
  • Select the Analytics option in the list of options on the right hand side.
  • Analytics preferences are displayed, where you can choose what information you would like to be collected.

Once you configure your analytics settings, you can access your analytics data from the dashboard. You can view analytics for your boards, Pins, campaigns, and more. Additionally, you can create reports and filters to focus on what is most important to you.

IV. Exploring Pinterest Account Analytics

Account analytics enable users to measure their success and the reach of their content. Pinterest analytics provide important insights into how content is performing and can be used to refine and inform content strategies. To access account analytics, navigate to the Insights tab on your profile.

This section displays performance of the user’s pins, giving an overview of total repins, total shares, total likes and impressions. Also, it shows the top pins and top boards related to the user’s pins, as the reach and engagement on each of the pins.
In this section, users can also monitor the performance of pins over time. It’s a great source of information to help users better understand the performance of their pins.

This section shows an overview of the entire account, with the total number of followers gained over time. It also lists information about the average number of followers gained per day. More importantly, it displays the average reach, impressions and engagement of the boards that the user has created.

This section also provides information about the most popular boards, such as the total number of pins and followers on each board, as well as how many clicks, repins and likes each one received.

  • Account Analytics provide important insights into performance of content.
  • The Pins section shows performance of user’s pins with detailed information.
  • The Boards section shows an overview of user’s entire account.

V. Troubleshooting Account Analytics Issues

If your account analytics are displaying unreliable results, there are a few steps to troubleshoot the issue.

  • Check the parameters – You need to ensure the parameters being used to measure analytics are reliable. This includes checking the data type, thresholds, and measuring units used.
  • Inspect the events – Ensure the events being triggered are accurate. Errors at this step can often skew results.
  • Include appropriate modifiers – Certain modifiers such as time-frame and subgroup modifiers can help refine results.

In addition to these areas, it is important to double-check the backend architecture. Faulty infrastructure can lead to significant errors in output. One key component of doing this is regularly reviewing data transformation rules and any underlying SQL queries.

If all parameters, events, and modifiers seem to be in order and the backend architecture is sound, then it might be time to look at external factors. If the results are being skewed by external factors such as user deviation or a competitive influence, then you may need to adjust your layer of analysis.

Knowing how to analyze your Pinterest account analytics is key to tracking the performance of your account. With this comprehensive guide, you have the tools to understand and analyze your analytics, from the basics of social media metrics to using Pinterest analytics to discover new insights. This knowledge can help you optimize your account for maximum reach and engagement. Now you know how to measure your Pinterest data to make the best decisions for your account.