If you’ve been a user of Pinterest since its inception, you may find that you’re stuck with your outdated username. For those who are looking to make a change, there are a few simple steps you can take to update your username quickly and easily. This article will go over how to do just that, and any other useful information that you might not have known about changing a Pinterest username.

1. Introduction to Changing Your Pinterest Username

Changing your Pinterest username is a simple process that is helpful when you wish to update your display name for a fresh start. Here’s how to get started:

Create a New Account or Login to Your Existing Account

  • If you’re creating a new account, choose to “Sign up” with your email address.
  • Log in to an existing account by entering your username and password.

Once you have either created a new account or logged into an existing one, you will be taken to your profile page. Here, you can edit sections, including your username.

Edit Your Username

  • Go to settings by clicking the settings bar on the top right of your navigation area.
  • Click the Account settings link and then profile.
  • In the settings area, look for the username field. Here, click to edit your username.

Once you have clicked to edit your username, you will be directed to a new tab where you can enter your new username. Be sure to review the name and confirm it is what you want before you select “Save”.

2. Considerations Before Choosing a New Username

When creating a new username, users should be mindful of the message they are sending to potential followers or customers. It is important to take into account how search engines will be indexing the account, the visibility of the account, and the uniqueness of the username.

Relevance: Usernames are typically searchable through search enginges. It is important to choose something that is relevant, and easily understood. A username should give all visitors to an account a good impression of what to expect content-wise. If a username does not make sense in relation to the type of content a user is providing, visitors will feel confused and uncertain, detracting from the overall purpose of the account.

Visibility: A username should be as unique as possible. This will ensure that the account stands out when other users search for keywords related to the account. Generic usernames such as “happymom” or “lovehappy” may get lost in the crowd, significantly reducing the potential audience. It is also important to not be too creative with a username. For example, users should avoid creating overly long, or complicated usernames, as this can make it difficult for potential followers or customers to find the account.

Uniqueness: As mentioned above, the username should be unique, but it should also be distinguishable from other usernames. Users should take into account the type of accounts they are competing with, and find something that will differentiate them clearly from their competitors. This could come in the form of a clever pun, or a reference to a movie. Of course, using a username that is too outlandish could turn off potential customers or followers, so striking a balance is key.

  • Choosing a username should be done thoughtfully
  • It should be relevant, visible and unique
  • Creative but not too outlandish

3. Steps to Change Your Pinterest Username

Changing your Pinterest username is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Follow these instructions to update your username and profile URL accordingly.

  • Log into your Pinterest account via the website or mobile app.
  • Select your profile photo which should be located in the top-right corner.
  • On the menu that appears, select “Settings” and then scroll all the way down to the “Account Details” section at the bottom.
  • Under “Username”, you can enter whatever you’d like your username to be. Once you’ve typed in a name, you’ll see a green check mark next to it if it’s available. You can also use the “Generate Ideas” button for any assistance.
  • Once you’ve decided on a username, click the “Save” button at the bottom of the “Account Details” section.

Your username will be immediately updated. It’s important to note that changing your username won’t affect your account: your existing boards, pins, and followers will remain intact. Once your username has been changed, you can now update your profile URL in either the same “Settings” view or separately within “Edit Profile”.

Updating Your Pinterest Profile URL
To update the URL that is shared to others, select or highlight your new username, right-click, and select “Copy”. This will copy your new username to your clipboard. Now, you can go back to the “Edit Profile” section in the same “Settings” view to paste it in. Click “Save” within this view to update your profile URL.

And now your new username and profile URL are updated. However, you may want to note that the URL update won’t be instantly visible to visitors of your profile. It may take up to 24 hours for changes to take effect.

4. Resetting Your Password If Necessary

One of the most common issues that can arise when using any type of online system is not being able to log in because of having forgotten the associated password. Fortunately, resetting your password is relatively easy and can be done with a few simple steps.

  1. On the login page, click the “Forgot Password” link.
  2. Enter the associated email address (the one you used when first registering).
  3. Select a new password. Make sure to select a secure one, which is more than 8 characters in length and includes at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one numerical value.
  4. Confirm the new password and click “Submit.”

It should be noted that if you are having any difficulty completing the reset process, contact customer service for further help. If you intend to sign in with two-factor authentication, you may need to take a few additional steps. You should then receive an email which provides you with a verification code. This code must be typed into the corresponding field on the webpage, before you can complete the reset process.

5. Final Considerations After Changing Your Username

The last step you have taken is changing your username. This can be a daunting task to take on, but by doing this, you can make your online presence more secure and leave a positive impression with those who come in contact with you.

Verify the Change
After making the change, you should verify that your username is in use. If it is not showing up on your chosen platform, you will need to contact customer support. Additionally, make sure to double-check the spelling, as misspelling your username can cause confusion when people look to contact you online.

Adjust Your Settings
After verifying the change, adjust your settings accordingly. Depending on the platform, there are different settings that may be required to be updated. This can include personal information, payment information, and other such personal information that needs to be updated.

Review Your Profile
The last action you should take is to review your profile after making the change. This will help to ensure that no information has been left out and that your profile is up to date with the latest versions of your profile details. Additionally, check to make sure that your profile is optimized for search engine optimization (SEO).

  • Verify the change
  • Adjust your settings
  • Review your profile

By taking these steps, you can rest assured that your username change has been successful. Your online presence should be more secure and the people who come in contact with you will have the correct impression of who you are and what you have to offer.

In conclusion, changing your Pinterest username is a relatively simple procedure. After following the steps outlined in this article, you should now have a Pinterest username that reflects your desired brand or identity. Remember to take the proper precautions to ensure that your personal information is secure, as this can be just as important as establishing a unique identity. Take the time to enjoy your new username, and continue exploring the world of Pinterest.