Each social media platform aims to distinguish itself from the competition and leave its imprint on the web. While there have been, are, and will continue to be countless social media platforms vying for dominance, only a select number have had a significant impact in this ever-changing world. Such platforms exist, but they are few.

Facebook was the unquestioned social media king at the time Snapchat was created in 2011. The expansion of Instagram was accelerating dramatically. Snapchat encountered difficulty in establishing its personality. As we discuss it now, several years later, it is clear that the platform for snapping has developed a distinct personality.

These are some questions that will be addressed in this blog. If you wish to learn more about your Snapchat stories, please continue reading.

Can a Snapchat user who has deleted you view your story?

What is your definition of “deleted”? Because there is no “remove” option for friends on Snapchat, we are inquiring about this. You cannot remove a friend. You may remove a Snapchat user from your list of friends or block them.

Therefore, if you claim someone removed you on Snapchat, it might indicate one of two things: you were either unfriended or banned. Depending on your intent, the recipient may or may not be able to view your Snapchat stories.

To explain your question more thoroughly, let’s examine each situation independently.

If a Snapchat buddy has been deleted from your account

If someone deleted you as a Snapchat buddy, you are no longer friends with that person. This can directly affect whether they can view your content.

The Snapchat story settings let users define and adjust the audience for their stories. You have three choices for determining who may access your story:


Only Companions


Since the individual has removed you as a friend on Snapchat, they can only read your story if it is set to be viewed by everyone. If the privacy setting for your story is set to “Friends Only,” the individual will be unable to access it.

If a Snapchat user has blocked you

In this situation, the answer is unambiguous: NO.

Blocking a person is a drastic action. If someone has blocked you on Snapchat, they have made it clear that they do not wish to communicate with you. And Snapchat ensures their wishes are met. As a result, if someone blocks you on Snapchat, neither of you can view the other’s story.

Consequently, if someone bans you on Snapchat, they cannot view your story.

Can you view the Snapchat story of a person who removed you?

The response to this question is identical to the one mentioned previously. Whether or not you may access an individual’s story relies on the story uploader’s story views. If their story settings let non-friends view their tale, you will be able to view it.

However, you will not be able to access their Snapchat story if they block you.

How to modify the Snapchat audience for your story

The good news is that you can examine and change your story’s visibility settings. The Snapchat app’s privacy settings allow you to simply control who may access your stories. Follow these procedures to adjust your story’s visibility:

  1. Open Snapchat and login into your account.
  2. Tap your bitmoji in the upper-left area of the display from the Camera menu.
  3. From the Profile screen, press the gear icon in the upper-right corner to access your Settings page.
  4. Scroll to the Privacy Control section of the screen. Under this subheading, you’ll find the option to View my narrative. To view your story’s audience, select this option.
  5. Choose who may watch your tale by selecting Everyone, Friends Only, or Custom

By selecting Custom, you may prevent some friends from viewing your tale while permitting others to do so.


Snapchat’s privacy settings may appear complex, but they offer enough choices to keep your account, messages, and stories secure and private. Who may communicate with you and your account is under your complete control.

Therefore, if someone deletes you from Snapchat, whether or not they may view your tale mostly relies on the settings for your story. If you provide them access, they can view your narrative. Those that block you on Snapchat will not be able to watch your story.

We’re certain that this blog would have answered any queries you had about your story. Leave additional questions in the comments section if you have any.