In the present scenario, people are very much engaged in social media. Snapchat is one of the best examples and one of the most used social media apps. People tend to fall under cyber theft or other threats stealing their personal information through their apps or people simply forget their password because of which they have to reset their password and most of them don’t know how to reset it. Here we have explained different ways to reset it and the procedures involved in it.

When someone forgets their Snapchat password or they want to change it or reset it, it can be done at anytime they want. There are a few ways to do it. One must have a verified phone number or email associated with their account to reset their password from the Snapchat.

  1. Resetting Snapchat Password using the Application

    First, you need to open your app then the login option appears; just below it is another option which says “Forgot your password?” Just select it by tapping on it. Once you select it, you can see two options on the screen that asks if you want to reset your password via SMS or email. It’s up to the user which option they want to select. If they want to select an email then the following instruction should be followed. A password reset link via email is sent to their respective email address associated with their account once the option is selected. Then the user should open their email to check it and open the mail. You must click on the URL to open the link. In case the URL doesn’t open then one must copy and paste the URL into their browser. Once it opens, a window shows a table where they should enter a new desired password.

    Similarly, if the SMS option is selected then a verification code is sent to the user’s phone number associated with their account which the app asks for further procedure. Once they receive the verification code, it should be entered and then the “Continue” option should be selected and the app asks the user for a new password to be entered and the user can simply enter a new desired password. In this way, the password can be reset for an account through the app itself. Once the password is reset, the user can log in to their account after entering the new password.
  2. By Using Special Programmed Application

    Sometimes people tend to forget the information that they need to do certain tasks. For resetting the password you need to have access to your primary mobile number or email address. So that the email company will verify you by sending you a code in your email or phone number.

    Now, what if you have forgotten that primary email or do not have access to the number you have created the account with. If you have the same problem then you can use the tool that helps a lot in resetting the password.

    Just go to the application page here and follow the instructions as given there.


For better security, passwords should be at least 8 characters in length which include a mix of numbers, symbols, uppercase, and lowercase letters such that it can be remembered by the user only. Simple names, numbers dates should be prevented as it can be easily known or guessed. Also if the users are writing in the email address or the phone number which is not associated with their account or they do not know the associated number and email address or don’t have access to the email and number linked to the account, they cannot reset their password. so they must have access to it to reset the password and use the account responsibly.