It’s difficult to transmit big presentations, pictures, or videos since Gmail won’t send emails with attachments larger than 25MB

There is, however, a workaround. I’ll teach you how to get around Gmail’s current attachment restriction and send as many large files as you like in this post.

Gmail Attachment Limits: What You Need to Know

In 2017, Google stated that the Gmail file size limit will be increased to 50 megabytes. There was, however, a snag.

Only inbound email attachments were subject to the 50MB restriction. While you were able to receive emails with greater information, you were still limited to a 25MB upload limit.

Allow me to explain:

Gmail allows you to send and receive files up to 25 MB in size, with the limit defined by the file’s size on disk. If you attach a file bigger than 25 MB, it will be uploaded to Google Drive, and Gmail will provide a download link in the body of your email.

Instead of uploading large files larger than 25 megabytes, the Gmail app uploads them to Google Drive and creates a link to them.

However, since an attached file doubles in size when encoded into the format required for email file sharing, even if you send files smaller than 25 MB without using Google Drive, the actual email messages wind up being about 50 MB in size (MIME).

To cut a long tale short, owing to the way Gmail encrypts attachment files, the files you attach to your email usually double in size.

As a result, Gmail users are restricted to a file size limit of 12.5MB! Even if you utilize email applications that leverage the Gmail API, such as GMass, it won’t completely fix your issue. Why? For your email message, the Gmail API has a hard file sharing restriction of 35 MB. As a result, while utilizing GMass and most other Gmail API-based mail drop applications, your whole Gmail mail message cannot exceed 35 MB when decoded into MIME format. That’s around 17-18 MB of extra files, such as an inline picture or any other documents.

Even though my attachment is just 24 MB on my PC when MIME-encoded in my Gmail inbox, it grows to over 44 MB, and I get an error notice for my GMass request in the browser.

Also, keep in mind that the GMass size restriction only applies to a single email message, not all emails together. The MIME-encoded email you write cannot exceed 35 MB, regardless of whether you’re sending it to one or 1,000 email addresses.

There are two easy ways to get past the file size restriction in Gmail. Let’s take a look at each one:

Make use of Google Drive.

For most individuals attempting to transfer files bigger than 25MB, this is the default choice. When Gmail detects that your email is bigger than 25MB, it uploads your attachments to Drive and includes a link to download them in your message.

While this automated procedure is convenient, it may be cumbersome to use, particularly when working with many big files. Large attachments larger than 25MB should be manually uploaded via Google Drive for a more organized procedure.

Here’s how to utilize this cloud storage technique in a nutshell:

step 1:  In your browser, sign up for Google Drive. Google Drive is a file sharing and cloud storage service that offers more capacity than a normal Dropbox account.

When you join up for Google Drive using your Google account, you’ll get 15GB of free cloud storage space right now!

step 2: Create a Google Drive folder.

When you’re in Google Drive, click the My Drive symbol to bring up a drop-down box in your browser, where you can either upload the file directly or create a new folder.

step 3: After you’ve uploaded your files/folders to Drive, go to your Gmail inbox tab and begin writing your message. To locate the files you want to connect, look for the Drive icon at the bottom of the window.

step 4: You’ll now be able to view all of the files and folders in your Google Drive account. Select the ones you wish to upload and click the Drive icon in the corner of the screen that says “Insert as Drive Link.”

step 5: In your email, the Gmail app will now provide a download link for these files. Now all you have to do is press the “Send” button.

step 6: When recipients open the email, they may click on the link to be taken to the attachments.

2. Make Your Files Smaller

Sending compressed files is another simple method to get around the Gmail client’s file size restriction.

You can always compress several large files into a zip folder if they need to be uploaded. Zip folders take up less space and are simpler to move from one machine to another.

In Windows 10, you may compress files in the following way:

step 1: Navigate to the data and documents you’ll be transferring using File Explorer on your PC.

step 2: Select all of the files you want to compress by using the “Control” key.

step 3: Select “Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder” from the drop-down menu by right-clicking.

All of your big files have now been compressed into a zip folder. When uploading, this adjustment in size should take up less space, allowing you to fulfill Gmail’s criteria.

Note: Zip folders aren’t magic, and they typically only decrease the size of your big files by 30 to 40%. You’re out of luck if the zipped folder isn’t tiny enough for Gmail. To have your files attached when you write an email, you’ll have to use cloud storage.

Tracking Your Attachment Is Now Available

There are three advantages to delivering a file link rather than an attachment when using Google Drive:

1. In many companies, an attached file typically sets off the spam filter. It’s possible that your contacts may never see the email since it’ll end up in their spam folder.

2. To prevent being infected by malware, many individuals are cautious of accepting any email attachments, even if they come from well-known senders. In an email conversation, links are generally regarded much safer.

3. Finally, using links allows the sender to monitor whether or not recipients have clicked on the link directly from their Gmail inbox.

How GMass Can Assist

Users may monitor Drive connections using mail drop applications like GMass. This service includes click-tracking functionality to assist you to identify whether or not someone has accessed your Drive link. When exchanging proposal papers, this is very helpful since you’ll know when the receiver has clicked on the links.

You can view all the tracking information by going to the “GMass Reports > Clicks” tab in your Gmail app:

GMass does not monitor links when the anchor text is the URL itself to avoid them from appearing like phishing links. To circumvent this problem, we suggest that the sender renames their Google Drive download link.


The truth is that the world’s most popular email service provider can’t accept attachments bigger than 25 megabytes. The scenario is the same whether you use Gmail’s POP or IMAP server.

Users may always send Drive links from their desktop device or their Android or iOS Gmail mobile app until Google publishes a new version (that really assists a sender with uploading files).