Internet and social media have altered the definition of the tale. While the narratives we read and hear are quite different from those we watch on social media sites like Snapchat, the two homonyms yet share a common trait: they both engage us in unique ways. And Snapchat stories occupy a unique position in the social media landscape. Ultimately, Snapchat is where the contemporary notion of stories originated. But you don’t need to know this to recognize Snapchat’s stories’ originality, do you?  Snapchat Stories are a simple, entertaining, and amusing way to share your every day updates with your friends and the globe.

Stories serve a wider goal, which is to enhance interaction, in addition to allowing us to share several photos with everyone at once in a designated area of the app. Everyone enjoys watching tales nowadays, so your stories may be viewed and interacted with by a larger audience.

Continue reading to learn about the Snapchat story privacy settings and how to prevent others from reacting to your story.

Can you prevent anyone from responding to your Snapchat story?

Snapchat is, to say the least, an unusual social networking tool. The rules that govern other social media platforms do not appear to apply to Snapchat. Things that are commonplace on other social media sites are rarely present on Snapchat.

The platform for snapping and talking includes several features that are exclusive to it, but the same is also true in reverse. Snapchat users who are new to the program are frequently surprised to discover that it lacks several fundamental functionalities.

Snapchat does not offer a way to block story responses. Those who can view your tale can also respond to it. Therefore, if you are seeking for a means to submit tales without enabling others to respond, you should stop investigating, as there is no way to do so.

How to Prevent Users from Responding to Your Snapchat Story

There are several techniques to prevent certain individuals from replying to your Snapchat story. By adjusting your Snapchat account’s privacy settings, you can partially achieve your goal.

Here are three methods to prevent certain individuals from responding to your Snapchat story.

Stop non-friends from responding to your Facebook stories

We have already stated that anyone who can view your article can send a response. Although this is typically true, you may adjust the account and story privacy settings to restrict non-friend Snap chatters from reacting to your tale while enabling them to view and share it.

You may block non-friends from reacting to your story, but enable them to view it. This is how:

  1. Launch Snapchat and press the bitmoji icon on the Camera tab’s upper-left corner.
  2. Tap the Settings icon in the upper-right corner of your profile screen, then scroll down to the Privacy Control section of the Settings page.
  3. Tap Contact Me and choose Friends. Tap OK for confirmation.
  4. Select the option View My Story from the Privacy Control area
  5. Tap Everyone

This will allow everyone to view your tale, but only your friends will be able to respond.

Prevent particular individuals from accessing your tale

The person can restrict non-friends from responding to your tales, but you cannot prevent your friends from responding if they can read your story. In this instance, you can only prohibit certain friends from responding by stopping them from viewing your article in the first place.

To modify who may access your story, navigate to the Privacy Control area of the Settings page, as stated above. Select View My Story > Custom there. Select the friends you do not want to view your tale. Tap Block after choosing the required friends.

That is all. Your tale will be concealed from the chosen friends.

Create a private tale

You may create a secret narrative that only select friends can access. Here is how to make a new private Snapchat story:

  1. Launch the app and navigate to your profile.
  2. Navigate to My Stories and hit the +New Story button.
  3. You will be provide with New Private Stories and New Shared Story choices. Select the New Private Story option from the list.
  4. Choose the friends with whom you wish to share your tale.
  5. Tap the Create Story button. Enter a title for your private narrative, then hit Save.

You may then decide at any time to add your photo to this private tale.


If you want to prevent others from reacting to your Snapchat story, you’re out of luck, since Snapchat does not offer an option to disable story replies.

However, you may prevent non-friends from responding to your stories. To restrict a friend from responding to your articles, though, you must ban them from viewing them. Depending on your needs, you can choose the most appropriate approach. Which of the three strategies will you test first? Comment in the section below. If you want to learn more about similar themes, continue reading our blogs.