How to Turn Off Sent Message Sound on Whatsapp

Do you find yourself getting distracted by those pesky sent message sounds on Whatsapp? Is it difficult to concentrate when you’re hearing a sound every time you send a message? If so, you can turn off Whatsapp’s sent message sound and make your chats more discreet. Here are the steps you can take to achieve this.

Turning Off Audible Notifications for Messages

  1. Open Whatsapp and select the “Settings” option from the main menu.
  2. Scroll down and select the “Notifications” option from the available options in settings.
  3. Go to the “Sounds” section and turn off the audible notifications for messages.
  4. Save your settings and you will no longer hear the sound when sending a message.

The Impact of Silent Chats

After you turn off the sent message sound, your chats won’t be as attention-grabbing as they once were. This can be helpful if you’re in an office or public setting and need to stay focused on your chat conversations.

Additionally, silent chats can make it easier to communicate with people when you need to be discreet. You can use silent chats to discuss important matters or share your thoughts without disturbing those around you.


Whatsapp’s sent message sound can be annoying and distracting, so it often makes sense to turn off the sound. This gives you more discretion and control over your conversations. Fortunately, it takes just a few clicks to turn off the sent message sound in Whatsapp.

5. What settings need to be changed to turn off the sent message sound for Whatsapp?

To change the sent message sound for WhatsApp, open the WhatsApp app, go to Settings > Notifications > Message Notifications, and then select None or Silent under the Sound option.

2. Is there a way to turn off sent message sound on all conversations at once?

Unfortunately, there is not a way to turn off sent message sound on all conversations at once. You would need to go into each individual chat or conversation and turn off the sent message sound one at a time.

4. Does the sent message sound differ depending on the device and OS?

Yes, it can. The way a message sounds on one device or operating system may sound different on another device or system. For example, the same message may sound differently if played on an iOS device compared to an Android device.

1. What is the process for turning off sent message sound on Whatsapp?

Once you’ve opened the WhatsApp application, click on the three dots at the top right of your screen. From there, you can select “Settings” then “Notifications.” Under Sound, you can uncheck the box to turn off sent message sound.

3. Does the sent message sound appear on both the sender and the receiver’s device?

No, the sent message only appears on the receiver’s device. The sender’s device will only show a confirmation that the message has been sent.

What is the sound for sent messages on WhatsApp?

There is no sound for sent messages on WhatsApp. The sound for sent messages can be disabled in the app settings.

What sound does WhatsApp use when a message is sent?

WhatsApp uses a single, short, default sound when a message is sent. The sound is a two-note electronic chirp, similar to a sharp beep or classic text message tone. This sound is customizable in the app settings.

What sound does WhatsApp use when a message is read?

WhatsApp does not use any sound when a message is read. Instead, the conversation will show that the message was read, indicated by two grey check marks or two blue check marks, depending on whether the message was read on a different device.