How to Unban or Activate a Banned WhatsApp Number

Are you one of those users whose WhatsApp number got banned? Worry not! This article is here to help you activate your banned WhatsApp number. Here is the step-by-step guide to unban or activate your WhatsApp number again:

Step One: Wait at least 24 hours

Before you can do anything to reactivate your Whatsapp number, you will have to wait for at least 24 hours from the time it was banned. This period is necessary because it gives WhatsApp the time to identify any suspicious activities from your account.

Step Two: Reinstall WhatsApp

After the waiting period of 24 hours, you can go ahead to uninstall/delete the WhatsApp you already have on your mobile phone. Then, download the latest version of WhatsApp and install it in your mobile device.

Step Three: Enter Your Banned Number

In the next step, you need to enter the same banned phone number that was banned. After doing this, you will get an activation code that you need to enter to activate your account.

Step Four: Verify Your Account

After entering the activation code, the last step is to verify your account with the same account details and the same phone number. After this, you can finally activate your Whatsapp account with the banned number.

Additional Tips:

  • Do not try to access/login to your Whatsapp account with the banned number before the 24 hour waiting period is over. Trying to do so will only further prolong the ban.
  • It is recommended that you do not use third-party apps like WhatsApp Plus or GB WhatsApp during the waiting period. These apps can get your number banned again.

Following these simple steps, you should be able to activate your banned WhatsApp number. It should also be noted that WhatsApp banns numbers for a reason, so avoid doing any activities that are against the WhatsApp terms of service.

5. What measures can I take to prevent my Whatsapp number from becoming banned in the future?

You can take the following precautions to avoid getting banned from WhatsApp:

1. Avoid sending messages to users who are not in your contacts list.

2. Refrain from using automated bots for sending messages.

3. Follow the terms of service and community guidelines.

4. Do not use WhatsApp for any illegal activities.

5. Do not share any false information or spam.

6. Do not use third-party apps or modified versions of WhatsApp.

7. Exercise caution when clicking on links sent by other users.

8. Do not abuse the API.

4. Is there a way to contact Whatsapp directly to ask for help in unbanning my number?

WhatsApp does not offer a direct way to request help in unbanning a number. All WhatsApp account and ban related inquiries have to be sent through their contact page. To access the page, you need to visit WhatsApp’s Help Center at You can choose to receive assistance via email or submit a support request. Please note that WhatsApp may not respond to all inquiries.

2. How can I prove to Whatsapp that I am the rightful owner of the banned number?

In order to prove that you are the rightful owner of the banned number, you will need to contact the Whatsapp support via email or other form of contact offered by the company and provide them with proof such as a valid form of ID, a copy of the original purchase receipt for the number, or other information that can prove your ownership. Additionally, if you have access to the prior owner, you can also ask them to verify the ownership of the number.