For professionals looking to expand their skill set and network, Linkedin Learning may offer the ideal platform regardless of experience level. However, it can be difficult to determine how much a subscription to Linkedin Learning will cost, since the platform provides both individual and business plans. In this article, we will explore the costs associated with Linkedin Learning, discussing factors involved in pricing and available subscriptions to help you determine the best plan for your needs.

I. Introduction to LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform and professional social media network, created to help individuals grow in their professional career paths. This learning resource can be utilized by anyone — from students to professionals in the workforce. In this guide, we will explore the functions, features, and advantages of using LinkedIn Learning.

1. Learning Center

LinkedIn Learning offers a vast array of courses in technical and business topics. The “Learning Center” function allows the user to find and enroll in course classes that are tailored to their business goals and areas of expertise. The Learning Center will automatically suggest courses based on the user’s skills and profile specialization. These interactive courses are taught by qualified experts and offer interactive activities, assignments, and quizzes.

2. Professional Network
Another interesting way to use LinkedIn Learning is through its professional network functions. The network will allow the user to network with other professionals. The professional network is made up of colleagues, partners, and mentors. It is a great way to meet professionals with similar interests and career aspirations. Through the professional network, members can share their projects, job postings, and industry news.

3. Group Discussions
In the group discussions section, members can join conversations and connect with industry peers. Group discussions are categorized by topics and allow members to post questions and receive helpful feedback. It is a great way to get industry advice and gain insight into specific technical and business topics.

II. Cost Overview of LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning offers several payment options, making it one of the most flexible and cost-effective ways to get high-quality training. Here is an overview of pricing and payment options.

LinkedIn Learning subscription offers thousands of online courses from top instructors in business, technology, and creative. Subscription cost varies depending on the plan you choose:

  • Monthly membership: $29.99/month
  • Ongoing annual membership: $239.88/year ( You save 20%)
  • Premium annual membership: $299.88/year ( You save 30%)

All memberships include unlimited access to all course, quizzes and labs. Premium memberships include career help, practice tests, and exclusive help from top instructors.

Single Course
If you need only one course that suits your need, you can purchase that course with a one-time payment. Single courses cost $9.99/month. All courses you purchase in the single courses section will remain with you forever unless withdrawn by LinkedIn Learning.

III. Benefits of LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning provides users with a unique platform to find and consume educational content. It has a comprehensive library of courses and videos from industry-leading professionals and experts, which allows learners to gain practical insights and real-life skills. Here are some of the primary benefits to using LinkedIn Learning for professional development.

  • Access to relevant content – With thousands of courses, learners can find the right content to match their interests and career goals. Courses cover a variety of topics, including business acumen, data analysis, web development, and more.
  • Top-notch instructors – LinkedIn Learning features instructors who are top professionals in their field, so learners can be sure they are getting the best education and advice.
  • Easy to use – The user-friendly platform gives learners the ability to sign up and access courses as easily as possible. The courses are stimulating and interactive, and they are broken up into manageable segments.

Pursuing professional development is important for any career. LinkedIn Learning makes it easier for learners to find the right courses for their needs and gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Because the platform is highly accessible and offers industry-leading content, it is a popular choice for anyone looking to build up their skillset.

IV. Alternatives to LinkedIn Learning

Finding alternatives to LinkedIn Learning is possible. Here are just a few options:

  • Learning through personalized courses:

If the student wishes to take courses built around their own interests and hobbies, there are plenty of online course providers. Udemy and Coursera are some of the most popular, offering over 150,000 courses and topics. Other smaller providers also exist, such as SkillShare and Pluralsight.

  • Choosing individual lessons or courses:

In addition to taking courses through providers, the student can also purchase individual lessons from specialized websites. Codecademy and Treehouse are two of the most popular, providing courses on many different programming languages. Additionally, there are websites dedicated to teaching specific topics, such as PianoGroove for learning the piano.

  • Consulting with tutors:

For those who prefer personalized assistance and guidance, is an online tutoring service. Aspiring students can book private tutoring sessions geared towards their individual educational needs, at a much lower cost than traditional in-person tutors. Additionally, Preply and Superprof offer tutoring services in both online and in-person formats.

V. Analyzing the Cost-Benefit of LinkedIn Learning

If you are looking to expand the learning capabilities of your organisation, LinkedIn Learning is a great option to consider. It provides unlimited access to a library of high quality tutorial videos and interactive courses on a range of business and technology topics, making it the perfect platform for staff to develop and stay up to date with the newest industry communities and knowledge. By knowing what is offered by this platform, you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is suitable for your business needs.

The Benefits

  • Provides a comprehensive library of high quality course material
  • Available courses include topics from major technology and business trends
  • Enables employees to develop their skills in their own time
  • Costing is based on the number of users so that the costs stay manageable

The Costs

  • One-off fee per user per year
  • Cost of upgrading each user’s licence annually to ensure they have a current version of the content
  • Administrative costs associated with managing the platform

By assessing the benefit and cost of LinkedIn Learning for your organisation, you make an informed decision about the best platform for staff learning and development. Instead of relying solely on the cost comparables, you should aim to consider the overall value for money that LinkedIn Learning can offer your organisation. Linkedin Learning is an invaluable tool for networking and skill development, with a wide range of affordable course packages that can benefit both individuals and companies. With the information provided in this article, you are now equipped to make an informed decision about the most cost-effective plan for your Linkedin Learning needs.