The world’s largest software maker Microsoft recently made one of its biggest acquisitions of the century when it bought professional networking site LinkedIn for $26.2 billion. While the deal was indeed a big step for Microsoft, it raises the question; what is Microsoft’s connection with LinkedIn and why would Microsoft be interested in buying a networking site? In this article, we will discuss the connection between Microsoft and LinkedIn and the implications of their partnership.

1. Introduction to Microsoft and LinkedIn

Microsoft and LinkedIn are two of the world’s most popular and well known software companies. Both companies have a long history, significant customer base and significant financial resources. Microsoft is a technology company that provides computer software, hardware, cloud computing and many other products and services. LinkedIn is a professional network for professionals and businesses to connect with each other and share ideas, resources and knowledge.

Microsoft has long been known for the technological innovation and for its flagship product, the Windows operating system. Windows is the most used desktop operating system in the world and powers billions of computers and devices. Microsoft also has a suite of Office products, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook, that are used by millions of people worldwide. Microsoft also offers cloud services, such as Azure and Office 365.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social network. It is a great platform for connecting with professionals, exchanging ideas and building relationships. LinkedIn also provides users with the ability to create and manage professional profiles, showcase their skills and share relevant news and updates with other professionals. It also offers a range of solutions to help businesses find talented people and build professional networks.

  • Microsoft: Technology company, Windows OS, Office suite
  • LinkedIn: Professional social network, Profiles, Solutions for businesses

2. History of the Microsoft-LinkedIn Partnership

2009: Birth of the Partnership
Microsoft and LinkedIn formally announced their partnership in the middle of 2009, the same year that Microsoft launched its search engine, Bing, and the same event where LinkedIn announced its first reconciliation with Google.

The partnership was highly criticized by executives in the business world who saw it as complex and taking away from the true power of having an open platform, as previously defined by analysts. Microsoft and LinkedIn quickly worked to diffuse arguments, reassuring partners and other stakeholders that the partnership was designed with them in mind.

As part of the original agreement, Microsoft had the chance to invest in, and own a share in, LinkedIn. As part of the deal, Microsoft offered LinkedIn the opportunity to:

  • Participate in Microsoft’s professional network, enabling access to millions of knowledge workers.
  • Company-wide license to access its Microsoft Office 365 suite.
  • Develop new tools for developers to work with LinkedIn.

This partnership has grown since 2009 and continues to be an integral part of Microsoft’s strategy moving forward.

3. Benefits of the Microsoft-LinkedIn Alliance

One of the primary is that it enables higher levels of connectivity to professionals of various job fields. With Microsoft’s extensive contact network, users will be exposed to a larger number of professionals and businesses in a more efficient manner than ever before. This opportunity allows employers to find the right talent pool and also helps people explore opportunities.

The Microsoft-LinkedIn alliance also offers streamlined career services, with professional resources and job-seeking advice. The collaboration of the two outlets makes it easier for recruiters to find potential candidates and for job seekers to find suitable job postings for their career. Users benefit from the integrated system and personalised services, making the job search process more efficient and convenient.

Finally, users of Microsoft-LinkedIn alliance have access to the latest updates on trends and updates in the professional world. This allows jobseekers to adapt to changing job markets, as well as making them aware of any changes in their specific field. Additionally, the updates provide insight on how to craft an effective resume, useful interview tips, and avenues to stay up-to-date in industries of interest. All are important steps in starting or maintaining a successful professional career.

4. Benefits of the Microsoft-LinkedIn Tie Up for Professionals

Microsoft and LinkedIn have come together to offer countless new opportunities to professionals worldwide. Their professional network platform and tools enable individuals to connect with employers, access job postings, collaborate with colleagues, and more. Here are some of the top :

  • Enhanced Opportunities: Professionals can now benefit from increased visibility and increased networking opportunities. With the integration of Microsoft and LinkedIn, employers can have easier access to a larger pool of job seekers, while job seekers can find more job postings and opportunities.
  • Better Search Experience: The LinkedIn search interface is now integrated with Microsoft Cortana, a user-friendly AI-based natural language processing system. This allows professionals to search for jobs and people accessible on both LinkedIn and Microsoft with just a few clicks of the mouse.
  • Smarter Networking Tools: Microsoft and LinkedIn together have created smarter tools that allow professionals to join conversations and connect with the right people at the right time. LinkedIn groups make it easier for professionals to network with people from their industry and get the most out of their job search.

The combined power of Microsoft and LinkedIn offers unprecedented potential benefits to professionals. Their integration truly allows job seekers to be more creative and effective in their networking efforts, giving them the best possible chance of finding the job that’s right for them.

5. Outlook for the Microsoft-LinkedIn Collaboration

The potential for the Microsoft-LinkedIn collaboration is immense and nearly boundless. It is expected that the two organizations will be able to open new revenue streams and provide innovative solutions to reshape the modern digital workplace.

Both parties have the capacity and willingness to leverage each of their unique strengths and expertise to the fullest potential. As such, the possibility of the venture surpassing expectations is a real one.

It is projected that in the short term, Microsoft-LinkedIn will enjoy a significant growth in user base and various business partnerships. In the longer term, it is expected that the initiative may be one of the cornerstones of further innovation in the field of digital transformation. Overall, the outlook is fascinatingly positive.

Microsoft and LinkedIn have a symbiotic relationship: Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn has benefits for both companies and users. Microsoft can access thousands of professionals and millions of users through LinkedIn, giving them a valuable tool for networking, response, and analytics. At the same time, LinkedIn can leverage the resources of one of the biggest tech companies in the world, thus allowing them to expand the range of services that they provide and to further grow their user base. Ultimately, this partnership can be seen as an example of how two entities with contrastive interests can work together to mutual as well as consumer advantage.