Now more than ever, having a successful online presence is key for anyone in the professional world. An important part of this is having an up-to-date and accurate online profile, particularly on LinkedIn, the largest professional networking site. To help guide you through this process, this article will provide a step-by-step guide to updating your LinkedIn profile.

1. Why You Should Update Your Linkedin Profile

Keeping a regularly updated and optimised LinkedIn profile is essential for any individual trying to establish visibility in the business sector. LinkedIn is the world’s preeminent professional networking site, with over 303 million users worldwide. For those looking to build their brand, get noticed, and possibly advance their careers, maintaining an active presence on the platform is paramount.

Here are some reasons to regularly revise and update your LinkedIn profile:

  • It provides an overview of your professional accomplishments and highlights your areas of expertise.
  • It enables employers, colleagues, and contacts to access information about you at any time.
  • It helps you to make new connections with industry peers and potential business partners.
  • It can also serve as an online portfolio for employers and recruiters.

In order to remain as visible as possible, it is important to take a proactive approach to updating your profile. Be sure to add any new skills and experiences, rewrite your summary to more accurately reflect your current role, and upload new media content. You may also want to include special projects, awards, and certifications. Doing so will help to demonstrate your qualifications and abilities, increasing your chances of landing job opportunities or connecting with professionals in your current role.

2. Preparing to Update Your Profile

Analyzing Your Needs

Before you start revamping your profile, it is imperative to do an honest assessment of your end goals and the intended outcome you would like to achieve. Think through the desired skills, values, and objectives you would like to incorporate on your profile. Consider working on a document outside the profile itself, such as a Word document that lists any experiences, skillsets, and other details that you would like to highlight and showcase in your profile.

Researching Competitors and Relevant People

If you have competitors or other people in the field you are applying to, it would be a great exercise to research and review their profiles. Identify any common elements, unique value propositions, and other noteworthy details. It is beneficial to review what accomplishments or experiences from your competitors’ profiles could be applicable to the goals you want to achieve with your own profile update.

Editing Your Draft

Now that you have all the elements in mind for your profile, it is time to begin crafting your profile according to the desired design. Utilize any available resources at your disposal, such as:

  • A list of action verbs to improve the phrasing in your profile
  • Relevant images, if applicable
  • Online style guides to ensure you abide to the format and phrasing used by your industry

Make sure to keep the profile content to the point and direct to the point. Do not over-stuff your profile with unnecessary fluff or irrelevant details. Once your draft is complete, go through it multiple times with a fine-toothed comb to verify accuracy, completeness, and to look for any errors or typos.

3. Step by Step Guide to Updating Your Profile

Making changes to your personal profile is not as intimidating as it seems. Read through this and you will be a master of personal profile updates in no time!

1. Collect Information: Prior to making any edits to your profile, it is important to identify exactly what information you would like to update. Collect all necessary social media handles, credentials, and any other relevant information that you would like to include.

2. Update Your Profile: Once you have all the necessary information, it is time to update your profile. Begin by adding any new information that was gathered.

  • Update your biography and job title sections.
  • Include any new memberships.
  • Add any awards, certifications or achievements.

3. Proofread Your Profile: After you have updated your profile, take some time to proofread the information. Typos can be obstructive, so make sure to double check grammar and spelling. Additionally, having someone else review your profile is also helpful in catching any mistakes that may have been overlooked.

4. How to Choose the Right Content for Your Profile

Understand Your Audience

Creating engaging and relevant content for your profile relies heavily on understanding your target audience. Therefore, it is important to spend time researching what your target audience responds to. Some questions to ask may include:
– What type of content does my target audience like?
– What content resonates with them?
– What apps and interests do they have?

Do Your Research

Performing regular market research is key for understanding what kind of content is suitable for your profile. Regularly researching trending topics, keywords and hashtags can help you discover new content ideas that your audience may be interested in. Additionally, communicate with your followers, ask questions and read through comments and feedback. This can help you gain further insight into what kind of posts they would like to see in their feeds.

Stay Original

Posting content similar to what other profiles are posting can help build visibility, however, that should not be the only form of content you make. Keeping your content original and unique will help you stand out among other social media profiles and can help you engage with your followers better.

To ensure originality, you can look for content ideas that are focused on your brand identity and message. Tailoring content to your specific target audience can also help you create more meaningful and relevant posts that draw their attention.

5. Ensuring Your Profile is Up to Date and Accurate

If you want to make sure that your profile reflects an accurate and up-to-date depiction of your skills, experience, and education, there are certain steps you need to take.

Check Your Contact Information Make sure your contact information – email, phone number, and address – is accurate, up-to-date, and public. This is especially important if you’re actively job searching or are open to networking opportunities.

Update Your Education Ensure that your education section reflects your most current degrees or certifications. This can be particularly helpful if you’re a recent college graduate or recently earned a certificate. Also, if you’re actively seeking job opportunities, review and update your skills section.

Add Recent Experiences Don’t forget to add or update any experiences or accomplishments gained in the past couple of months. This will help demonstrate any growth or accomplishments you’ve had in your professional life. Here are some other elements to consider when ensuring your profile is accurate and up-to-date:

  • Leave out any irrelevant information
  • Double-check your spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Post publicly, if you want to share with professionally with recruiters
  • Share links to your relevant work experience or portfolio
  • Provide other forms of information, such as military experience, volunteer experience, and/or awards

Your LinkedIn profile is a reflection of yourself and a great way to boost your professional presence. By following these tips, you can take full advantage of all the opportunities that potential employers and colleagues have to offer. With a little effort, you can ensure that your profile stands out and increases your chances of finding success in the professional world.