We all know how important updating our resume can be: it is the go-to resource for employers looking to get to know more about our qualifications and abilities. Therefore, it is essential for us to keep our resumes up-to-date. Fortunately, the process of updating our resume has become even easier thanks to the development of platforms such as LinkedIn – the most popular professional network around the world. This article will provide a detailed step-by-step guide on how to properly update your resume on LinkedIn. So, read on to learn more!

1. Understanding Linkedin as a Professional Networking Platform

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking platform with over 675 million users, which makes it an invaluable source for professional networking. By signing up for an account, you can create a professional profile, make connections, and access resources that go beyond a traditional job board. Here is a quick look at what LinkedIn offers:

  • A professional profile: Your profile is your chance to tell potential employers and contacts about yourself, your experience, and your skills. It’s a way to showcase your capabilities and make you stand out from the crowd.
  • A direct connection to key figures: With LinkedIn, you can connect directly with key people in your industry. When you build your network on LinkedIn, you can tap into a variety of contacts including employers, peers, and thought leaders.
  • Exposure to job opportunities: LinkedIn makes it easy to find job postings and get notified when companies post jobs that match your qualifications.

Grow your network: LinkedIn offers a wide range of options to help you grow your network. Take advantage of the ‘Recommendations’, ‘Groups’, and ‘LinkedIn Events’ to find and engage with potential connections. You can also use LinkedIn’s ‘Introductions’ feature to build relationships with people who you don’t know directly, but who are connected to your contacts.

Whether you’re looking for a job, promoting your own business, exploring upcoming professional events, or simply learning more about your industry, LinkedIn is a great platform to start. With a few clicks, you can make connections, expand your network, and collaborate with professionals from all around the world. And by creating a profile, you can start putting yourself out there and making sure the right people know who you are.

2. Why You Should Update Your Resume On Linkedin

Having an up-to-date resume is essential for job seekers in today’s digital world. LinkedIn is one of the most powerful platforms for job seekers and it is important to ensure that your profile is up-to-date.

Below are a few reasons why updating your resume on LinkedIn can be beneficial for job seekers:

  • Leverage keywords: Keywords are essential for maximizing your visibility in a search engine. Highlighting certain skills and experiences on your resume with the help of keywords can maximize your chances of getting noticed by recruiters.
  • Create an impression: Your LinkedIn profile speaks for your professional abilities. By ensuring that your resume is up-to-date and carries the right keywords and phrases, you can create a positive impression when recruiters and employers view your profile.
  • Get found easily: If a recruiter is searching for qualified talent, they will be able to quickly find your profile if they come across the right keywords or phrases. This can help you stand out from your competition.

Keeping your resume up-to-date can ensure that you are visible and also, create a positive first impression with prospective employers. Furthermore, it is an easy way to maximize your chances of getting noticed in a search engine. Therefore, it is worthwhile for job seekers to take the time to update their resume on LinkedIn regularly.

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Updating Your Resume On Linkedin

1. Log in and open your profile

Once you are logged in to LinkedIn, open the ‘Profile’ section. This is the same section you open when you want to change your profile photo or update your current job title and skills.

2. Find the Edit icon

For the purpose of updating your resume, find the ‘Edit’ icon in the top-right corner and click on it. This will take you to ‘Edit Profile’ page.

3. Add new sections to your resume

Look for the ‘Add profile section’ button in the top-right corner and click on it to start adding relevant sections at the end of existing sections. Here are some of the sections you can add to your resume:

  • Publications
  • Courses
  • Projects
  • Certifications & Awards
  • Volunteering Experience
  • Copyright, Patents & Trademarks

Select the relevant sections and add them to your resume. Once the sections are in place, add the relevant details in each section.

4. Benefits of Updating Your Resume On Linkedin

No More Resume Writing Requirements

LinkedIn is a one-stop-shop for job seekers to store their resumes and profiles. With this, you no longer need to write and update full resumes. You can simple link your job experiences, projects and skills from LinkedIn to your resume. This helps save time and prevents you from forgetting important information in a traditional resume.

Automated Job Opportunities

Updating your resume on LinkedIn ensures that you are considered for jobs both actively and passively. LinkedIn automatically surfaces related job opportunities and displays them in the “Jobs” section, that is further tailored to your skills.

Brand Building and Networking Opportunities

With a comprehensive profile and updated resume on LinkedIn, your contacts and peers can get a clear idea about who you are and what you bring to the table. You can also use this platform to leverage your contacts and network with potential employers. Here you can reach out to influencers and hiring managers in the industry you wish to be a part of.

  • No need to write and update full resumes
  • Automatically surface relevant job opportunities
  • Brand building and networking opportunities

5. Tips & Considerations to Ensure Your Resume On Linkedin is Effective

When creating a resume on LinkedIn, there are a few tips and considerations to keep in mind. Doing this can help make sure that your resume is effective and gets you the job you desire.

Personality: As with any job application, it is important to show your personality. Use language that reflects who you are and transfers your background, expertise and accomplishments in a way that speaks to potential employers. Use the “About” section to share your interests, values and core competencies.

Clear Narrative: Begin each section of your resume with an opening statement that sets the stage for the story you tell within it. Getting across the reasons why a potential employer should take an interest in you quickly can be beneficial. Also, make sure to break large blocks of content by utilizing topics, subtitles, bolded font and lists when possible as they can help make your resume easier to read.

Including Media: Consider including a photo and additional media such as videos, links to presentations and samples of your work, to supplement the text content. Doing so can help you stand out from other applicants.

  • Check for spelling and grammar mistakes before submitting the resume.
  • Be sure to review all content for accuracy and relevance.
  • Always customize your resume when submitting it for different roles.

Updating your LinkedIn profile is an important task as it can help you stay competitive in the job market and keep your skills up to date. The process is quite straightforward and doesn’t require any fancy software or special skills. Following the steps above can help you assure that your professional profile is up to date and can help attract potential employers similar or better than paper-based resumes.