Social media platforms such as Snapchat and others allow us to communicate with a diverse range of individuals. We can meet neighbors who live next door, friends who live across the street, and even strangers who reside on the opposite side of the continent or the globe. All of this cross-border sociability is made possible by a matching algorithm employed by each of the social media sites we use today. Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat provide us with recommendations based on a variety of characteristics.

Snapchat, for example, is comparable to other significant platforms when it comes to displaying suggested users with whom we may choose to interact. The Quick Add part of the software contains tens to hundreds of profile suggestions with the names of persons with whom we may be familiar and wish to become friends.

If you are having difficulty answering these questions, we are here to help. As you read the subsequent portions of this blog, the secrets of Quick Add recommendations will be revealed. Find out where Snapchat’s Quick Add ideas originate by reading on.

Where Do Snapchat’s Quick Add Suggestions Come From?

The Snapchat Quick Add list may appear quite strange. However, this characteristic is vital to the operation of social media platforms. Quick Add is to Snapchat users what Facebook’s People You May Know tool is to its users.

How Snapchat’s recommendation feature operates is therefore not novel in the realm of social media; it functions similarly to Facebook and Instagram.

Now, before we explain where Snapchat’s Quick Add ideas originate, let’s clear something. The suggestions you see on the Snapchat Quick Add list, as well as comparable lists on other platforms, are the product of an algorithm that generates them based on a variety of characteristics.

Here are several elements that significantly affect your Snapchat Quick Add list:

Mutual friends:

Mutual friends are one of the most prevalent and influential criteria impacting the Quick Add list’s selections.

If you have viewed the Quick Add list on Snapchat, you may have noticed wording such as “5+ common friends” or “10+ mutual friends” beneath the names of certain suggested accounts. These statements indicate that you and the other person have mutual friends and possibly know one other.


Your phone’s contact list is also a factor in determining who appears in the Quick Add list. Although your contacts display separately in the All Contacts area, they may also appear on the Quick Add page if the algorithm determines that the contact may be a suitable match.

Mutual Contacts:

If you see familiar individuals on the Quick Add screen, even if they are not on your contact list or do not have mutual friends, they may have mutual friends with you. In other words, if you and another user share contacts, you will show them in one another’s Quick Add list.

Your location:

Snapchat requires its users to divulge their location. Regardless of whether the user chooses to share their location, granting Snapchat access to your location might affect the results displayed on your Quick Add. Snapchat may provide you with suggestions from nearby users.

Recent search terms:

This one is rather apparent. If you search for a username on Snapchat, some of the search results may appear in the Quick Add list. Snapchat connects you with those with whom you desire to communicate.

Other user searches:

This may not be as apparent, but it is certainly conceivable. If a Snapchat user searches for your username several times, it may be suggested to you in the future. Similarly, you can also appear to others as a suggestion in this manner.

These were some things that may be the source of Snapchat’s Quick Add suggestions.

Can Snapchat’s Quick Add suggestions be disabled?

The only method to connect with other Snapchatter without searching for them is through Quick Add suggestions. Consequently, Snapchat does not offer a way to deactivate these suggestions.

You can, however, block your account from being suggested to other people. Follow these procedures to do this.

  1. Launch Snapchat and sign in to your account.
  2. To access your profile, tap the bitmoji symbol in the upper-left corner of the Camera page.
  3. Tap the gear-shaped Settings icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  4. Select the appropriate option See me under the subheading Privacy Controls in Quick Add.
  5. Uncheck the option next to Show me in Quick Add.


The Snapchat Quick Add area allows you to connect with other individuals you may choose to befriend. In this article, we’ve attempted to identify some of the variables that affect the Quick Add suggestions. Suggestions are heavily influenced by factors such as your friends, your connections, mutual contacts, location, and previous searches. While it is not possible to stop the Quick Add suggestions, you may choose not to appear in another user’s Quick Add list.

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