As the use of social media continues to evolve, more people are choosing to invest in the popular networking platform LinkedIn. But what does the numbering system mean when it appears after your name? In this article, we’ll explain what the numbers “1st, 2nd and 3rd” refer to when posted on LinkedIn. Get ready to learn the meaning behind these often-overlooked titles.

I. Introduction to 1st, 2nd, 3rd Degree Connections on LinkedIn

What are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Connections? LinkedIn divides its users into three levels based on their relationships: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree connections. A 1st degree connection is someone you are directly connected to, while a 2nd degree connection is connected to a 1st degree connection, and a 3rd degree connection is connected to a 2nd degree connection.

1st Degree Connections

  • 1st degree connections are people you have connected with and accepted your request, or who are connected to you by both of accepting each other’s requests.
  • 1st degree connections can be people you know personally, such as colleagues, family, and friends.
  • You can send InMail messages directly to a 1st degree connection.

2nd and 3rd Degree Connections

  • 2nd and 3rd degree connections are people you don’t know personally, but are connected to someone you’re connected to.
  • You can send messages to these connections as long as they’re in your network.
  • These connections may also appear in job posts or other requests in the platform.

Knowing the distinctions between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree connections can help you build a larger network and increase the possibilities of connecting with people who can help you find the job you’re looking for or even give you career advice.

II. Benefits of Making Connections on LinkedIn

Making connections on LinkedIn can offer multiple benefits to individuals. It can help build a professional network, open up new career opportunities, and even provide access to valuable resources.

Create a Professional Network
Making connections on LinkedIn is a great way to build a professional network. This can help build relationships with other professionals, open up new opportunities, and help get one’s name out in their industry. LinkedIn provides plenty of options to help people curate their network, with all of their contact’s information in one place. By connecting with people in their profession, a small contact list can quickly become an expansive network that can help an individual network and build their career.

Open Up New Career Opportunities
Connections on LinkedIn can also be beneficial for individuals looking for new career opportunities. This can be beneficial for people in multiple different phases of their career, from those just entering the workforce to those looking for a career change. Employers are increasingly using LinkedIn as a platform to connect with potential employees, and by building out their professional network on the platform people can make their profile more visible. Additionally, they can also access job postings and recruitment events to increase the chances of landing a desirable job.

Access to Valuable Resources
Moreover, making connections on LinkedIn can also provide individuals access to valuable resources. Such resources can include valuable industry information, such as new trends and regulations. Additionally, it can also provide access to webinars and educational videos to help individuals in their career development. Moreover, they can also keep in touch with current contacts, join relevant professional groups and receive notifications to build their knowledge base.

III. Understanding the Three Levels of Connections on LinkedIn

One important way to stand out and make meaningful connections on LinkedIn is to understand the three levels of connections LinkedIn offers. Each tier has its own unique benefits and is an ideal way to create a growing and engaged professional circle.

  • First Connections: First connections are users you first connect with on LinkedIn. These users become immediate connections and view your profile as soon as you connect with them. You can search for potential connections through the search bar, or look through LinkedIn’s suggestions based on your current connections.
  • Second Connections: Second connections are the friends of your first connections. You can view the profile of any of your first connections’ friends, but you’ll need to ask that person to connect with you before you can connect with them. You can also search for second connections through LinkedIn’s search bar.
  • Third Connections: Third connections are the acquaintances of your second connections. You’ll have to go through two people to get connected with them and you can only view their profile. If you want to make contact, you’ll need to send a message asking them to connect.

Overall, understanding the benefits of each of these connection levels can help you stand out on LinkedIn. You can make contact with the right people to form a more diverse network and find potential job opportunities. Be sure to leverage these levels of connection to network professionally and expand your circle of influence.

IV. How to Utilize 1st, 2nd and 3rd Connections on LinkedIn

When building your professional network on LinkedIn, it is essential to properly and strategically utilize 1st, 2nd, and 3rd connections, as each serve a different purpose and can provide different benefits. Here are the primary differences and how to utilize each effectively:

1st Connections

  • Who they are: Individuals that you have accepted your connection request
  • What to do: They are your closest contacts on LinkedIn, so treat them as such. Message, share updates and post content that you think they would find interesting.

2nd Connections

  • Who they are: Individuals that are connected with one of your existing connections
  • What to do: Get familiar with their profile, what they have to offer, and what they can offer you. Reach out with a personal message that is specific to your relationship and the topics of your interest.

3rd Connections

  • Who they are: Individuals that are connected to one of your 2nd connections
  • What to do: Reach out as you would with 1st and 2nd connections. However, it may be best to provide an introduction from your shared connection, as it will help to make your message much more genuine.

By understanding the purpose of 1st, 2nd and 3rd connections and taking the necessary steps to properly utilize them, you can better develop and build a strong professional network on LinkedIn.

V. Summary of 1st, 2nd, 3rd Connections on LinkedIn

First Connections are the individuals who you are directly connected to on LinkedIn. You can see their profile summaries, job titles, and other information. You can also see their contact information such as email address and phone number.

Second Connections are individuals you are connected to who are not in your direct network on LinkedIn. They are referred to as shared connections and have to be invited to join your network. You can still view their profile summaries and contact information.

Third Connections are the individuals who are connected to your second connections. They are referred to as extended connections and can’t be invited to join your network. However, you can still view their profile summaries through a search of your extended connections.

  • Benefits of 1st Connections include being able to contact them directly.
  • Benefits of 2nd Connections require an invitation to be accepted so it curates your network.
  • Benefits of 3rd Connections provide information on extended connections who are outside your initial network.

These titles may seem daunting and confusing at first, but once you understand the basics and how potential employers interpret them, Linkedin can become a powerful tool for networking and job searching. With the knowledge you have now about these distinctions, you can use them to your advantage.