Do you have a LinkedIn account that you no longer need? Knowing how to close it is important, as it can ensure that your personal information is removed from the platform and that your account will not remain active. In this article, we will explain the steps to follow and considerations to make when closing a LinkedIn account.

I. What Is Linkedin And Why Consider Closing Your Account

Linkedin is a business-oriented social networking platform that allows professionals to build their brand and foster relationships with their peers and customers. It is a great tool for job seekers, freelancers, entrepreneurs, professionals and businesses. LinkedIn also serves as an excellent platform for people to showcase their skills, experience, and accomplishments.

Why consider closing your account? There are several potential reasons why you may want to consider closing your account, such as:

  • You do not need the services that LinkedIn provides anymore
  • You want to focus on other aspects of your life
  • You find the job search on LinkedIn to be ineffective for your needs.
  • You’ve been subject to harassment, racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination on the platform
  • You’ve become overwhelmed by the number of notifications, messages and other forms of content on the platform

Before closing your LinkedIn account, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. On the one hand, it could be beneficial to keep the account active in order to remain connected with contacts, to be more visible and to benefit from job opportunities. On the other hand, it may be best to delete the account if it is no longer providing any value or potential benefits.

II. Steps To Close Your Linkedin Account

It is possible to delete your Linkedin account whenever you wish. However, you should be aware that once an account is closed, you would not be able to gain access to the account or any of the content in it. Here are the steps to close your Linkedin account:

  • Go to the Account Closing page
  • Follow the instructions on the page to verify your identity
  • Once verified, select the option “Continue to Close My Account”

You will be prompted to give the reason for closing your account. Select the most suitable option from the list provided or submit your own answer. Once you have submitted the form, the process of closing the account begins.

Your account will immediately become inaccessible. You will receive a confirmation email that your account has been closed successfully. The process of deleting all the information related to the account will start over the next few days. Once this is completed, the account will be permanently deleted from the system.

III. Considerations To Make Before Closing Your Linkedin Account

Before permanently closing your Linkedin account, it is important to take some time to consider the implications of doing so. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Loss of Connections – Linkedin is an important professional platform that allows users to connect and interact with other professionals, business owners, recruiters, and more. Once an account is closed, all of your contacts and connections are gone.
  • Loss of Content – All posts, comments, and activities on Linkedin will remain associated with your account until it is closed. Once closed, this content is no longer visible to anyone.
  • Reactivation Fees – It is important to keep in mind that once an account is closed, it cannot be reactivated. You will need to set up a brand new account if you wish to use Linkedin again. Additionally, a fee may be required to reactivate an old account.

Closing a Linkedin account will result in irreversible changes and should only be done with full understanding of the consequences. It is also important to consider whether there is another way to achieve the desired outcome without closing the account. For some users, going through a “deep-clean” process, may be the best option.

IV. Benefits Of Closing Your Linkedin Account

Eliminating Time-Draining Features

Closing your LinkedIn account can free you up from the potential of wasting valuable time perusing other user profiles or browsing through seemingly never-ending job listings. For example, if your account is not open to recruiters, browsing through job opportunities can be a waste of time since recruiters may not be able to reach you without the account. Closing your LinkedIn account can help you focus on the career-related tasks requiring the most attention.

Improving Branding

If you have any outdated or inaccurate information in your profile, closing your LinkedIn account can help to improve your personal brand and ensure that recruiters and other users are not receiving incorrect information about you. Keeping your profile updated also helps to ensure that old connections are aware of the work you have been doing more recently.

Reducing Stress and Focusing on Other Jobs

By closing your LinkedIn account, it will be easier to resist the temptation to check the platform on a regular basis. This in itself can help to reduce stress levels, as you will no longer be tempted down the rabbit hole of lookin up what ex-colleagues are up to, or getting notifications every time a contact updates their profile. With less stress, you will be better able to focus on current and prospective employers, as well as activities that can help to build and develop your career.

V. Troubleshooting Tips For Closing Your Linkedin Account

If you’ve decided to close your LinkedIn account, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to ensure a smooth process. Here are some tips for successfully closing your LinkedIn account:

  • Check to ensure you’ve downloaded any necessary information. Before deleting your account, be sure to download all the necessary information by going to Settings & Privacy > Account & Data > Download Your Data. Here, you can select what type of data you want to export. If you do not need to save any information, simply skip this step.
  • Deactivate all third-party applications. To deactivate third-party applications, you can head to Settings & Privacy > Account & Data > Third-Party Applications. Here, you can review all of your third-party applications and remove them by clicking the gray link “Deauthorize this application.”
  • Adjust your profile to ensure it is no longer visible. When preparing to close your LinkedIn account, you want to ensure that your profile will no longer appear in LinkedIn searches. To adjust your account settings, go to Profile > Edit Profile > Edit Visibility. Here, you can adjust what information is visible to the public and other LinkedIn users.

Once you’ve gone through these steps and double-checked that no data is accessible, you can delete your account by going to Settings & Privacy > Account & Data > Close Account. After confirming the information provided, you can choose Close Account and your account will be hidden from all LinkedIn services.

Closing your LinkedIn account is a complex process with several factors to consider. Remember to either deactivate or delete your account, depending on what you need, as each option has its advantages and downsides. Also, keep in mind that leaving your account open after you stop using it can sometimes be beneficial, as it keeps your profile visible so companies can find it in the future. We hope this guide has been helpful in guiding you through the process of closing your LinkedIn account.