What Service Lets You Automatically Reply Tweets Based on Keywords

Nobody can disagree that Twitter is an excellent marketing tool.

You only need to understand how to utilize it properly and how to develop an appealing profile.

There are many other social bookmarking websites accessible for generating traffic, such as Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, and so on, but Twitter is hard to top.

Because Twitter is so popular, there are several programs available for following Twitter people with similar interests, unfollowing individuals in bulk, and sending automated direct messages to your followers.

Sending a direct message (DM) to followers to present your blog or new services is not considered spam as long as you do it correctly and just provide relevant links.

Furthermore, Twitter has abolished the 280-character restriction from direct messages. That is to say, a DM has no character limit.

I’d like to share with you a handful of handy Twitter programs for sending automated direct messages and mass direct messages.

Two tools for mass and automated DMs:

Social oomph is a productivity application that sends automatic direct messages to assist you enhance your productivity.

Furthermore, Social Oomph lets you schedule tweets, monitor keywords, follow people who follow you, get new followers, employ buzz, and much more.

If you want to learn more about Social Oomph, check out how to auto-follow your Twitter followers!

Here are the steps to establish automatic Twitter DM with Social Oomph.

  1. If you haven’t already, you should update your account here.
  2. When you’re on the Social Oomph dashboard, go to Following > Follow-Back & Auto-Welcome.
  3. To customize any of your associated profiles, click “Configure.”
  4. You may specify what message should be delivered.


  1. If you want to send automatic welcome messages, Crowd Fire is a good option.

What’s nice about this app is that you can add several welcome DMs, and all messages are sent out at random. This is useful since you don’t want to seem like a robot giving the same message to everyone.

On that point, one piece of advice I have is to make your DM welcome message seem as human as possible.

You can always provide a tripwire that meets your marketing goals, depending on your brand and how you get followers.

Crowd Fire is worth a look.

Important information regarding Twitter Direct Messages:

Anyone who follows you on Twitter may get a private message from you.

You have the option of responding to everyone who sends you a DM, regardless of whether or not they follow you back.

A Twitter direct message has no character restriction.

Rather of attempting to sell anything, use Twitter DMs to establish a connection/relationship.

Avoid sending your first DM with a link since it undermines trust.

To summarize:

Don’t attempt to sell anything via automated DMs. Always be nice and make an effort to engage with your fans on a human level. (I also recommend engaging with new Facebook fans in the similar way.)

Perhaps you are aware of a few other Twitter tools that you have found handy.