How Do You Search Your Twitter History

It’s critical to stay on top of all elements of your social media accounts while operating a business’s social media accounts. This may also incorporate your old blog posts and tweets from your business (or previous marketers) from years ago.

While it may seem foolish to spend time looking through your Twitter history and scrolling through previous material, I promise you that it is not.

Before we get into why you may want to check your Twitter history, let’s talk about how to accomplish it.

How to Perform a Twitter History Search

While you may have forgotten about the tweet you posted five and a half years ago when you were just beginning your company, Twitter has not. Twitter introduced the option to search through every tweet ever posted in 2014, making it just as essential to stay up with your previous content as it is to keep up with your current material.

Fortunately, Twitter offers a number of excellent search tools that enable you to go deep into your brand’s Twitter history.

To make customer service and engagement plans simpler to execute, you may utilize Twitter advanced search operators and methods.

Click here to use Twitter’s advanced search. A pop-up window will appear that looks like this:

There are three parts in total:

Words: Here you may type in important words, phrases, or hashtags to search for in tweet content.

Accounts: This is where you may enter Twitter handles to search for or mention in tweets.

Dates: Here you may enter a particular date range to get tweets from that time period.

To guarantee you only get results from your own tweets, scroll down to the Accounts area and put in your Twitter handle.

Then you may start looking through your Twitter history for keywords, hashtags, and other terms.

If you had a previous company name, you may go through your tweets and delete those that reference it to avoid misleading potential consumers.

Here are a few more suggestions for finding relevant or possibly problematic keywords for previous tweets you may wish to delete:

hashtags from previous brands or product names that have been phased out

Common misspellings or variations of your brand name

Sites that may or may not be related to your brand, such as shuttered company locations.


Nicknames or variations of your company’s or product’s name

If the offers are no longer applicable, consider looking for previous promotional or campaign hashtags and deleting such tweets.

You may also see all of your tweets from a certain time period. Examine a few months at a time to ensure you can remove anything that is no longer relevant to your brand.

There are many things to keep an eye on, and the searches for each brand will vary based on the methods you’ve employed in the past.

How to use Sprout Social to search Twitter’s history

To keep track of customer service discussions and complaints, Sprout Social makes it simple to search previous conversations you’ve had on Twitter.

To discover your search history with different Twitter users, go to your Sprout Social dashboard, select the search button in the right corner of the top navigation bar, and perform a People Search.

Every tweet you’ve posted referencing their account or in direct reaction to one of their tweets will be visible.

You may also use this section to make a note about the account or enter the user’s contact information so that you have something to refer to in the future.

Why should you go through your Twitter history?

Let’s talk about why you’d want to do this now that we’ve covered how to see all of your previous tweets and account mentions.

Going through your Twitter history may seem boring at first, but trust me when I say there’s a method to this madness. Here are a few reasons why you should periodically check your Twitter history.

  1. post old material

Hey, I understand. Consistent social media material may be difficult to come by. And I can almost promise that even your most devoted fans have forgotten what you said a few years ago.

Find previous material that you like that is still relevant and publish it as a fresh new post by going through your history. This is a fantastic method to simplify your Twitter management during a hectic period or when you’re stuck with ideas.

You might even start a series where you repost old material so that your followers can see what you used to tweet about. You may resurface these tweets as part of ‘on this day’ posts that highlight brand history by quoting them and adding a hashtag like #yourbrandhistory – simply replace “your brand” with your business name – or resurface them as part of ‘on this day’ posts that highlight brand history.

  1. Find out what your target audience enjoys

Examine your previous material to see which tweets received the most attention. Maybe you ran a successful campaign or tweet series in the past, but you forgot about it or it was handled by a different marketer.

This may assist you in updating your existing Twitter content strategy and locating more material that has been shown to interest your audience.

  1. Examine how your content approach has changed over time.

Perhaps your previous material wasn’t fantastic, but you’ve grown as a marketer and/or company owner. Looking back at where you began and how far you’ve gone may be a fantastic motivator to keep going and discover new Twitter marketing techniques that work.

You may even discover new methods to improve and engage your audience by revamping previous articles. You may come across outdated content types you forgot about or didn’t even know existed, which can help set the groundwork for a more comprehensive and useful social media audit. Inspiration may be found everywhere, even in your unsuccessful tweets.

  1. Research what other marketers have done in the past.

It’s a good idea to look at how previous marketers have handled this brand’s Twitter content if you’re taking over a fresh account.

You’ll be able to determine which efforts were effective and which were not. This may provide ideas for how to improve on the content that others have provided in the past in order to wow the brand and its audience.

Make it a habit to do this on a regular basis so you can keep track of previous marketing mistakes. You’ll have a better picture of your historical marketing efforts and be able to report on the improvements you’re doing today.

  1. Use fresh material to supplement previous tweets.

We spoke about retweeting old material to breathe new life into it, but you can also respond to previous tweets to create a Twitter thread and draw attention to both your old and new tweets.

You might keep your audience up to date on goods or services you previously discussed, provide fresh industry knowledge, and more.

You could even make it a regular part of your plan to go back through your previous tweets and reply with fresh and updated information, so that if someone ever discovers that tweet via a Twitter or Google search, they’ll see the updated information right below it.

To demonstrate that they are responding to consumer demands, Glossier often resurfaces previous customer tweets on various social networks. When you utilize a technology like Sprout’s social media listening to assist you obtain the real business insights, then integrate it into your marketing by promoting previous social postings whenever you’re able to respond to the request, your whole brand will profit.

  1. Maintain a record of customer service interactions.

As we previously stated, your Sprout Social account is the ideal tool for searching through previous mentions and revisiting discussions about customer support problems.

When you receive a new customer service tweet or DM, we suggest utilizing Sprout Social’s People Search to check whether you’ve had any previous interactions with them.

Coming into a customer care request with as much information about this person’s previous problems or tweets as feasible can help you be more sympathetic and detailed, allowing you to give genuinely valuable information. Furthermore, consumers will have a better impression of you if you recall them and your previous interactions.

  1. Appreciate and reward client loyalty.

If you notice an account that you know as a frequent user of your material, just perform a People Search for them in your Sprout account to see how frequently you’ve engaged.

This is a fantastic method to reward customers for their loyalty by interacting with their content even more and even providing brand swag or freebies such as stickers, t-shirts, and other items. This kind of search may also help you find or recall suitable influencers so you can begin planning your next influencer marketing campaign.

  1. Conduct a Twitter account audit.

We wrote a whole article on how to do a 20-minute Twitter audit, which includes removing outdated tweets. If you’ve ever renamed your company, altered your message, or eliminated previous goods and services, searching through past tweets is essential.

Final Words

These old tweets are no longer relevant, and you don’t want them to show up in a prospective customer’s search for your company, confusing them or scaring them away if they discover a competitor.