In recent years, Pinterest has become one of the most popular platforms for advertising. Unlike other social media sites, Pinterest focuses on visual content and has a strong user base of 250 million monthly active users. For businesses and individuals, advertising on the platform can offer a great way to market and promote their products and services. In this article, we will examine how to advertise on Pinterest and discuss the best practices for creating and optimizing ads on the platform.

I. Introducing Pinterest as a Potential Advertising Platform

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual search engine and a social media platform that allows users to create, share and discover the images from around the web. It can be used to plan and organise projects, discover new interests and ideas, or simply browse for entertainment. However, its potential as a powerful advertising platform has not gone unnoticed.

What Makes Pinterest Unique to Other Advertising Platforms?

Advertising products and services on Pinterest can be highly effective, as it is a curated platform and offers a more seamless and visual experience to the user. Unlike other social media marketing channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, ads on Pinterest do not disrupt the user experience but rather blend into the user’s content. Ads on Pinterest are shown to users based on the content they are already interested in, rather than appearing as generalised posts. This increases the likelihood of user engagement with the ad.

Ads on Pinterest

Pinterest offers various ad strategies that can be tailored to fit any budget. Customised campaigns can be created to increase brand awareness and engagement, as well as drive traffic through website clicks, installs and downloads. Ads can also be tailored for a specific target audience, allowing for further customisation of the campaign. Furthermore, analytics are available to help business owners track the success of their ads.

Some of the ad options available on Pinterest include:

  • Promoted Pins
  • Gets Recommendations
  • Promoted Video
  • Shop the Look
  • Promoted App Pins

II. Understanding Pinterest as a Tool for Business Promotion

Pinterest is a powerful digital marketing tool that can be used to promote businesses and increase brand awareness. It is a visual search engine and provides an engaging platform for businesses to connect with potential customers. By utilizing Pinterest as a tool for business promotion, businesses can create visually appealing boards with content that resonates with individuals interested in their topics.

Creating pins to highlight businesses’ products, services, or promotions is a great way to showcase what the business has to offer. It is important for businesses to ensure the content on their pins captures viewers’ interest so it drives engagement. Additionally, businesses can add keyword-rich descriptions and hashtags to their pins to help them get discovered by interested users.

In addition to creating pins, businesses should join communities that fit their brand’s aesthetic and theme. Doing so helps businesses stay connected with their target audience while promoting their business in the process. Finally, businesses should create comment threads and encourage customers to engage with their content to drive more views and increase their pin’s engagement.

III. Crafting Creative Pin Content for Advertisement

Pin Description: Just like any other form of advertisement, the text of your pin should be carefully crafted. Focus on clearly conveying the message of what you are trying to advertise, be it a product, service, or website. Keep your description concise and easy to read, while still being informative and engaging.

Visualizations: Visual content is one of the best ways to communicate what your ad is about. Utilize a range of imagery to create a captivating pin, such as photographs, charts, illustrations, and video. Furthermore, use relevant color schemes and catchwords to spark the viewer’s attention.

Call To Action: A key element of any advertisement is a call-to-action, which should entice the user to click and purchase your product or service. Add graphics, such as arrows and buttons, in order to draw attention towards the CTA. Additionally, use strong action-oriented verbs throughout your pin, inviting the reader to take a specific action such as “Subscribe”, “Buy Now”, or “Get Started”.

IV. Applying to the Pinterest Ads Manager

Once you have registered an account and verified your website, you can apply to use the Pinterest Ads Manager. The application process involves few steps, but it is important to make sure each step is completed correctly and thoroughly to avoid unnecessary complications.

1. Create an Ads Account

  • Visit the Pinterest Ads Manager page.
  • Click “Create Ads Account” and use the same e-mail you used to create your Pinterest account.
  • Select the currency you wish to use.
  • Save your changes.

2. Link Your Ads Account to Your Website

  • Click “Link Your Website” in the top right of the page.
  • Enter the URL of the website you want to connect.
  • Go to the website you added and verify the account.
  • Go back to the Ads Manager and select the website.
  • Save your changes.

3. Set Your Target Audience

  • Select the countries and languages you wish to target.
  • Enter the age range and gender of your preferred audience.
  • Enter a maximum cost-per-click.
  • Enter Interests or Keywords related to the content of your website.
  • Save your changes.

V. Optimizing and Analyzing Advertising Performance on Pinterest

Measure & Analyze Data
Analyzing performance of your advertising campaigns is necessary to understand what is working and what is not. Pinterest offers detailed insights into the different campaigns that you can look at to understand how different audiences interact with your pins. It also allows you to track the results for each of the campaigns to see which ones are performing better and which ones are not.

Besides tracking campaigns, it’s important to also measure the impact of advertising on conversions. Use Pinterest Analytics to monitor trend performance, compare different campaigns and get a better overview of how various Pins are performing. It also allows you to quickly see where your ads are performing the best so you can adjust and optimize your campaign accordingly.

Optimizing for Better Results
There are many ways to improve the performance of your ads on Pinterest. Start by refining each Pin’s targeting, focus on creating compelling visuals, adjust the budget of your campaigns to ensure you’re getting the most out of your budget, and consider using promoted app pins if you’d like to further improve your reach.

Another way to optimize your ads is to create targeted ads using the Promoted Pin feature. This tool allows you to refine your target audience based on interests, location, gender and devices and allows you to laser focus your campaigns to get the best results.

By taking the time to analyze and optimize your campaigns, you can get better results from your advertising efforts on Pinterest. Measure, analyze and adjust accordingly to ensure you’re always getting the most out of your campaigns. Develop a plan for testing different strategies and review your results to continually optimize for success. In conclusion, you now have an understanding of how advertising on Pinterest can help your business. With the platform’s expansive user base, you can create creative campaigns that will generate more traffic, leads, and customers for your business. Moreover, you can now easily set up and manage a Pinterest Ads account to get started on your promotional journey. We hope this article has help you to understand how to get the most out of advertising on Pinterest, so you can take advantage of this incredible platform.