How To Browse Twitter Users Without An Account

Many elements of Twitter may be used without an account, but many functionalities will not operate until you sign in.

Here are several Twitter features that are inaccessible without an account:

Creating a timeline by following accounts

Creating and sending your own tweets

Tweet replying, like, and retweeting

Filtering tweets on someone’s profile using the Media and Likes tabs

It’s worth noting that Twitter used to have a function that allowed you to subscribe to tweets through SMS. Because this is no longer accessible, there is no way to use Twitter without checking in.

You also can’t use the Twitter app for Android or iPhone if you don’t have an account—the program prompts you to sign up right away. You may, however, use a mobile browser to access many of the same ideas listed below on your phone. Simply open Twitter on Chrome, Safari, or another browser—if you’re already logged in, use an incognito window.


When you visit the Twitter homepage with a desktop browser without first logging in, it prompts you to do so before proceeding. However, we’ll show you additional links that will allow you to bypass this.

Explore Twitter’s Explore Page Without Creating an Account

Because Twitter’s site is inaccessible without an account, you should begin by visiting the Twitter Explore page. Trending topics in a number of categories may be found under the For you tab.

To learn more about a certain item, just click on it. This will contain associated tweets, videos, images, and an event description (depending on the topic).

Use the top-level tabs to narrow your search to a certain subject, such as News, Sports, or Entertainment. Each one will bring up the most important stories in that field, which you can learn more about by clicking on them.

If you merely want to keep up with popular topics on Twitter without creating an account, here is a simple method to do it.

Use Third-Party Websites to Find Trending Twitter News

If you enjoy the notion of viewing trending topics at a glance but want more than what Twitter’s site offers, several third-party services do an excellent job of gathering the most popular hashtags at the time. These, too, do not need the creation of an account.

If this seems like something you’d be interested in, check out these websites:

Trends24: Trends24 shows you what’s been trending on Twitter over the last 24 hours by providing a straightforward, hourly updated list of the top popular topics. Highlight one to show how its popularity has evolved throughout the hours, or click it for additional details and to watch it on Twitter. Filter by nation using the dropdown at the top; the default view is global.


Get Day Trends: This site displays the top trending topics and hashtags from the previous day; click to see how they’ve evolved over time or in different areas. You can also check historical data by using the date picker at the top of the list. In addition to the top hashtags, you’ll notice the hashtags that have been trending the longest on the right side.

Without logging in, you can search for anything on Twitter.

If you’re searching for anything particular on Twitter, the search box at the top of the Explore tab is quite useful and works even if you don’t have an account. To view ideas, enter a username, subject, or other term.

Twitter will display news and accounts that match any keyword you type. Click a story to learn more about it, or type in any phrase to search Twitter for.

Don’t forget about Twitter hashtags, which make it simple to search tweets on a certain subject. You may also look for people by using their @username.

Search phrases will display the Top tab by default. If you prefer to sort by time rather than popularity, use the top tabs to switch to Latest. People will display accounts that match the phrase, while Photos and Videos will display just tweets that include media.

Try Twitter’s Advanced Search.

Twitter’s Advanced Search is a very useful feature that, unexpectedly, does not need an account to utilize. If the basic search doesn’t turn up the proper tweet or person, you’ll be able to find it using its various possibilities.

You may arrange your results by keywords or phrases, hashtags, language, whose accounts submitted it or were referenced in it, time, and even the minimum number of likes or retweets.

It’s easy to use once you’ve gotten used to it, and it’s one of the most potent weapons any any Twitter user has in their arsenal.

Read Tweets from a Specific User Without Creating an Account

You can view anyone’s tweets on Twitter without creating an account; just go to their profile page. Keep in mind that if someone has made their account private, you won’t be able to read their profile.

As previously said, you may search for a person on Twitter, or you can search for the profile on Google. Simply search for “[person] Twitter” and you should be able to locate their account.

Because hardly everyone uses their actual name for their Twitter account, searching on Google is frequently simpler than searching on Twitter. As a result, a Google search will most likely provide more useful results.

You may bookmark that page after you’ve found the user’s Twitter handle so you can simply check it in the future. If you prefer RSS, you may establish a feed from a Twitter page using RSS .app.

Otherwise, you may access an account’s profile page by clicking on it anywhere on Twitter. As a result, it’s simple to view more from accounts that capture your attention.

Follow Twitter Lists for a Large Number of Accounts in One

On Twitter, you are not confined to following specific accounts. Twitter Lists are groupings of several accounts that enable you to skim through tweets from a large number of people in one spot. These also function even if you are not logged in.

They’ll assist you in keeping track of Twitter communities that are relevant to your interests. Twitter’s @Verified account, for example, offers a list of Olympians.

Of course, you can only follow public lists if you don’t have an account. Private lists are not permitted. Twitter enables you to search for lists if you’re logged in, but it’s more difficult to locate them if you don’t have an account. Scout Zen’s Twitter list search might help you find ones you’ll enjoy.


Even if you don’t have a Twitter account, you may benefit from these techniques and resources. They let you to stay up to date on the topics you care about without being pulled into endless tweets on your timeline.

Whether you have an account or not, there is a lot to learn about Twitter. To get the most out of it, be sure you understand how it works.