How To Analyze Another User’s Twitter Account

A Twitter user is the name that someone assigns to their Twitter account. It begins with a “@” and may include letters, numbers, and the symbols or -. There can never be two accounts with the same name on Twitter. A name and a user name are required for a Twitter account.

The user name allows other people to tweet or search for you. It enables you to tweet. It serves as your Twitter identity. Some of the information that anybody can monitor include the number of tweets you have and the number of followers you have. That is, if the Twitter account is not private (in that case nothing can be done). Let’s use @jk Rowling as an example to concentrate our topic. (We’re huge Harry Potter fans around here.)

Where Can I Get a Twitter Account Report?

Tweet Binder has given these reports the term “Twitter Account Report,” commonly known as TAR. This report is just a tweet archive from a Twitter account. The report provides information such as the account’s establishment date, its most mentioned people, and even its economic worth after evaluating all of the tweets posted by that account. Naturally, it also captures all tweets sent by that account.

The easiest approach to learn about it is to look at an example. We at Tweet Binder are great Harry Potter fans, therefore we’ll use JK’s account as an example to show the information contained in a Twitter account analysis.

According to the graphic above, JK Rowling started her Twitter account on August 3, 2009, and did not make her first tweet until February 24, 2011. It is very likely that she posted some tweets between 2009 and2011, but they were removed. The number of Twitter lists in which this individual is featured is an intriguing metric provided by this research. JK Rowling is on 33,352 Twitter lists, which is quite a large amount.

What’s so remarkable about her is that she writes more than half of her tweets (59%) herself. This indicates she does not retweet all of the time. She spends time writing and sending her own tweets. In fact, JK Rowling is renowned for freely voicing her thoughts on Twitter. She is aware that some people may be offended by what she says, yet she is not scared to speak out.

How to Save Someone’s Tweets

As previously stated, the Twitter Account Report analyzes a Twitter account. As a result, builds an archive of all tweets from that account. Tweet Binder reports may be exported to an Excel sheet, allowing users to work more effectively with the data. This spreadsheet takes all of the statistics shown in the online report and organizes them into several tabs.

The spreadsheet gathers information on tweets and hashtags.

The spreadsheet has a tab labeled “Hashtags.” This is both practical and intriguing. We may sort the tweets based on the number of tweets sent with each hashtag to determine which is the most frequently used hashtag by that account. JK Rowling’s most popular hashtags are listed below.

Tweets with the hashtags #theickabog 969 #asone 58 #cursedchild 53 #fantasticbeasts 44 #indyref 32

How to View a Person’s First Tweets

We can observe the initial tweets posted by an account thanks to these reports. In reality, this is one of several new metrics added to Twitter Account Reports. Going to the aforementioned spreadsheet is one method to view the early tweets. They may, however, be accessed through the internet as well. The online report includes a tab labeled “Tweets.” When we go there, we can view all of their tweets and even make binders to categorize the information. JK Rowling’s first tweet has been released.

This is the real me, although I’m afraid you won’t hear from me very frequently since pen and paper are STILL my priority at the present.

Alternative methods for obtaining Twitter account statistics

There are various elements to consider while examining a Twitter account. Do you, for example, need to view all of the tweets posted by a single account? Do you just want to view the original tweets? Would you want to exclude retweets from that analysis? Tweet Binder, on the other hand, allows you to perform all of the above.

The only thing you need to be an expert in is Twitter’s advanced search. You may use its instructions to narrow down your search by tweet type, date, or language. So, if we just require the original tweets posted by JK Rowling, we can simply put the following into the search box:

The search box above will provide us with a free report of up to 500 tweets over the last seven days. If you want a more detailed analysis, please see our Twitter analytics reports. You may produce a report that analyzes the last 30 days or even the last year.

Checking a Twitter user’s Twitter profile is the simplest and quickest approach to examine them. It may seem straightforward, yet it contains a wealth of information. Using @jk Rowling as an example, the following information may be obtained simply by visiting her Twitter profile: quantity of tweets, followers, and followers, etc. Her birthday, too! That is an extremely detailed Twitter user profile.

J.K. Rowling is a Twitter user who does analysis.

Making use of a Twitter monitoring tool. We may use a Twitter monitoring tool to keep track of the tweets that a Twitter account sends out and evaluate the tweets that account gets. That is, the number of Twitter mentions received. For example, we may utilize the Tweet Binder and its search box to look for mentions of @jk Rowling.

Examining its tweets, responses, and interactions. It’s more than simply the amount of tweets. A Twitter user who simply tweets and never interacts with others may seem suspicious. Or not retweeting anything at all. It is not required to participate in discussion with other users, but a person who is on Twitter but does not communicate with others is suspicious.

Tweets from JK Rowling

Using the previous example, we will run a report on the most recent JK Rowling tweets. We made a basic 7-day Twitter report. We could, however, develop a Twitter history report to show all of the tweets made by the Harry Potter author.


According to the graphic above, JK Rowling has issued 71 original tweets in the last 7 days. And it is critical to remember this. By using the command -RT, we are omitting all of her RTs from the study. Furthermore, by using the command from: we are eliminating any tweets posted by anyone other than JK Rowling. As a result, we are eliminating any RTs sent to her tweets by users.

When examining a Twitter account, it is critical to concentrate only on the tweets posted by that account. That way, we won’t lose sight of what we’re looking at. We may utilize the Excel exporting to find out how many RTs the user has got. Tweet Binder may export Twitter data to Excel files. In that document, we provide the amount of retweets and likes received by each tweet.

Analytics for the main Twitter account

Anyone who want to join Twitter must adhere to certain requirements. We need an email address to which we may attach our Twitter account. We must give our account a name and a distinctive Twitter username. Then it’s advised that you follow certain accounts (after all, that’s why we’re on Twitter, right?).

Aside from the information necessary to join the social network, there are statistics and data that may be used to simply examine a Twitter profile:

The blue mark is sometimes referred to as the Twitter verification sign. If we use the Twitter search tool to look for J.K Rowling, we may get a lot of results. However, since @jk Rowling has a verification mark, we know it is the good one.

It offers an indication of the content or the user’s interest. We may also claim that it reveals something about the person behind the account. In the instance of J.K. Rowling, she states that she is a writer who also goes by the name Robert Galbraith (which is her pseudonym).

The date the Twitter user was created: this tells us if the individual has been tweeting for a long time or whether they are new to the social network.

The number of followers: it’s only a number, but it indicates how fascinating the tweets are or how popular the Twitter profile is. This corresponds to when the Twitter account was established.

How many accounts the profile follows: it’s fine to have followers, but it’s also important to follow other accounts. Twitter is a social media tool for sharing information and chatting. As a result, there should be a balance between followers and followers.

Additional information, such as a birthdate or a URL, may be included in a Twitter profile. The profile image, on the other hand, is crucial. When we establish a Twitter account, we receive an image of an egg. We may conclude that people who continue to use an egg as their Twitter profile image are not worth following. It also occurs to people who don’t put up a show.


A Twitter profile with a solid profile image, a great description, and a relative balance of followers and followings provides us with a good analysis of a Twitter user in the age of Twitter bots. That, however, does not apply to well-known accounts such as J.K. Rowling’s. Always depend on the Twitter verification mark for prominent accounts.




And if you want to go further into the Twitter analytics cosmos, start by analyzing tweets and Twitter profiles using our Twitter tool.