In recent years Instagram has been the most popular social media especially for youngsters. It has put huge impact for this generation users, but over use of it has definitely made impact on PC.

If you are regular user of pc then then u must be thinking or finding ways to delete it, but how can it be deleted ? probably u might be be thinking that, but what about the ways to delete it?

Basically people prefer to use pc, as it is very reliable as compare to other electronic devices as smart phones. I have got some very important steps that will help to delete Instagram on your pc. These steps deleted Instagram posts on my pc too. It really worked accurately, for your information Instagram post on desktop PC or macOS can  be deleted even if you don’t touch the Instagram app on smartphones.

Let me assure you that, this tip works on all the Web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge which supports developer console with toolbar as a device.

How to delete Instagram posts on a computer?

Basically, you won’t be able to delete Instagram post on pc as delete option is not seen on menu list, but these given steps will definitely erase the Instagram posts on your pc.

Step1: First of all chrome browser must be launched on your pc.

Step 2: Instagram profile such as
should be opened.

Step 3: Clicking on Right-click button will give you options on your pc.

Step 4:You will see Inspect to choose it, which helps in opening the developer console on your chrome browser.

Step 5:  You will see toggle device toolbar in the developer consele to click it.

Step 6: Choose any device like IPhone X and place scale to 100%.

Step 7: Profile page of Instagram must be reloaded in order to click on the feeds icon to switch.

Step 8: Press your mouse for options.

Step 9: You will get delete option on your computer screen.

Step 10: Then, press on delete to make sure that you really want to eliminate Instagram post from your pc


This is all you need to delete an Instagram post on PC. If you follow the steps given above you can accomplish it within a matter of minutes. So, the work is completed as your Instagram posts are deleted. Let me assure you that external software is not necessary to remove post on any browser.