How To Find The Exact Date That You Started Following Someone On Twitter

Twitter does not disclose information about when you began following someone. There are also no third-party apps that would tell you when you began following someone at the time of publishing. Twitter, on the other hand, lists your followers in chronological order. You can typically determine when you began following someone with reasonable precision by reading this list and comparing it to information in your direct messages and Twitter stream. The more time you spend on Twitter and the more individuals you follow, the more difficult this process may be.

Twitter does not disclose information about when you began following someone.

You can typically determine when you began following someone with reasonable precision by reading this list and comparing it to information in your direct messages and Twitter stream.

Connect to your Twitter account.

Select the “Following” option. This will provide you with a list of everyone you are presently following on Twitter. Take note that your most recent followers are shown first, working backwards to the first person you followed on Twitter.

Continue to scroll down the page. More Twitter accounts will be displayed as you scroll down. Scroll down until you locate the person you’re searching for. You may also look for the person’s user name by hitting “Ctrl-F” on the keyboard and entering it into the search box. You can estimate how long you have been following this person based on how far down the name is on the list and how long you have been on Twitter.

More Twitter accounts will be displayed as you scroll down.

You can estimate how long you have been following this person based on how far down the name is on the list and how long you have been on Twitter.

Examine the names you followed before and after this individual to see if you can remember following any of them. For example, you may have followed a celebrity after watching a movie or television program, or you might have followed an author after buying a book.

Examine your direct messages to see when you last followed someone and whether you did so lately. Select “Messages.” Scroll through the messages to see whether there are any automatic “thank you for following” messages. The message’s date will be the day you began following them.

Examine your direct messages to see when you last followed someone and whether you did so lately.

Examine the other messages on your Messages page. Look for anybody who followed you before or after you found the person you’re looking for. Estimate the date you’re searching for using the date on the direct message.

In the following list, click on the person’s profile. Examine the person’s tweets and note the dates of each one. If that individual does not tweet often, or if you have not been following them for a long time, you should be able to identify the first tweets you have seen from them. Examine the date of the tweet to determine when you began following him.

Final Words

If you get e-mail notifications when someone follow you on Twitter, and if the person you’re following has followed you back, the date of that e-mail will help you figure out when you began following them.