How To Follow Hashtags On Twitter

Tracking hashtags across many social media sites is required for social media monitoring. If you follow a hashtag on Twitter, particularly if you are doing a social media campaign, you will get useful information that will aid in the development of your social media strategy.

Following hashtags on Twitter provides additional advantages. You can simply identify popular subjects and Twitter accounts that are relevant to your company specialty.

Fortunately, there is a method to follow hashtags on Twitter that are not on this platform. And they are all more sophisticated than a simple hashtag search.

I created a tutorial on how to use three tools to follow a hashtag on Twitter:

In Brand24, how do you follow a hashtag on Twitter?

Brand24 is a media monitoring and analytics application that allows you to track a hashtag on Twitter and other networks.

You receive close to real-time monitoring, email alerts, and hashtag analytics.

You may follow many Twitter hashtags at once.

Aside from hashtag following, Brand24 provides the following:

Volume metrics: the number of tweets including your hashtags during a certain time period.

Engagement metrics include the number of likes, retweets, and comments.

Sentiment metrics: Sentiment analysis of tweets referencing your hashtags.

Influence metrics: Most influential Twitter accounts utilizing your hashtags

Reach on social media: The reach on social media of all tweets using your hashtags.

Trending hashtags: The top 100 most popular hashtags associated with the hashtags you follow

Now, let’s return to tracking your Twitter hashtag.

You may get alerts about new tweets using your hashtags in a few different ways.

The tool’s dashboard displays all tweets using your hashtag.

Email alerts: You may configure email notifications to inform you of new tweets either instantly or on a regular basis.

Slack communicator: You may get remarks to a pre-defined channel if you utilize Slack communicator.

If you agree, let’s have a look at how to follow your hashtag on Twitter in Brand24:

  1. Register for a free Brand24 account. There is no credit card necessary.
  2. Enter a hashtag you wish to follow on Twitter, including the hashtag symbol, in the project creator.=
  3. Select a language.
  4. Select the Create project option.

The program will now begin collecting all mentions of your Twitter hashtag. They may be found under the Mentions tab.


To configure notifications, go to Project settings, then the Notifications tab, and then Add new notifications.

A pop-up window will display. Select E-mail address, Frequency, and Save.

You’ll now get e-mail alerts when new tweets with your hashtag are published.

Analyze tab

This is where you may learn about the analytics I mentioned before – engagement, volume, social media reach, impact, trending hashtags, and more.

You can get a lot of information about your Twitter hashtag right here.

Determine the success of your Twitter hashtag campaign!

Notifications in Slack

If your firm utilizes Slack to interact at work, you may use it to track Twitter hashtags in a separate Slack channel.

  1. Navigate to Account settings inside your hashtag project.
  2. Navigate to Integrations.
  3. To get email alerts, choose your project with the hashtag and the criteria you set.
  4. When you click Add Slack connection, Brand24 will take you to the Slack website, where you can choose one of your Slack channels to get all tweets using your hashtag.

How can I use Tweet deck to follow a hashtag on Twitter?

There are a few Twitter management solutions available, but none of them are specifically built to track Twitter hashtags. Using a column-based program like Tweet deck is a somewhat less time-consuming approach to keep track of your hashtag.

Tweet deck is an excellent Twitter management application that enables you to follow hashtags. Following Twitter hashtags, on the other hand, is still ineffective. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. In the panel on the left-hand side, click the Plus symbol.
  2. Select Search.
  3. With the # symbol, enter your hashtag.

The application provides several intriguing hashtag filtering options:

Keywords that were excluded

time frame



Participation and more

How can I manually follow a hashtag on Twitter?

To be honest, manually following a hashtag is a bad idea, but you’ll get there. What you must do is as follows:

  1. Navigate to Twitter Search.
  2. In the search box in the upper right corner, near to your profile settings, type in your hashtag, including the hashtag symbol.
  3. When you press the Search button, Twitter will provide the most recent tweets and popular accounts that have used your hashtag.

Final Thoughts

The drawback is that if you want to remain up to date with your hashtag mentions, you must reload and explore this page on a regular basis to keep up with the most current material.

Doesn’t it seem like a bad idea? Twitter gives you no other choice. Furthermore, if you need analytics, you will not find it there.