How Do You Hide Your Likes on Twitter from Non-Followers?

Unfortunately, there is no easy method to keep your tweets hidden from others, whether they are following or not.

The only alternatives are workarounds that impose further restrictions on your account, and you should only use them if you’re desperate to delete or conceal your likes.

Make your Twitter account private to keep non-followers from seeing your likes.

You can conceal your favorites from other people if you don’t want them to know what tweets you enjoy.

You may make your account private by going through these settings, and anybody who wants to view your activity will have to follow you.

Making your account private, on the other hand, means you’ll lose out on numerous possibilities to connect with people and take advantage of the benefits of utilizing an open platform.

To become private, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your profile by clicking on the “profile” button in the upper right corner after login into your Twitter account.
  2. Locate “Settings” in the dropdown menu.
  3. “Security and Privacy” should be selected.
  4. Check the box next to “Protect my Tweets” under “Privacy.”
  5. To make your likes, tweets, and responses to other people’s tweets visible only to your followers, choose “Protect.”

There are certain things that happen when you make your account private that you should be aware of.

  1. If someone wants to follow you on Twitter, they must first send you a request, which you may accept or refuse.
  2. Although your followers can see your tweets, retweets, and likes, they cannot retweet or comment on them.
  3. That is the trade-off you must make between more privacy and less contact.
  4. Your tweets become invisible to all search engines, including Google, when you make them protected.
  5. Search engines will not display your material if someone searches your tweets, profile, or terms in your tweets.
  6. Only your followers have access to your profile and tweets.

Reclaim your likes

There is another technique you may use to conceal your likes on Twitter without making your account private.

  1. Go to your “Profile” on Twitter and choose “Favorites” from the dropdown menu.
  2. You can now view all of the tweets you’ve ever liked in one place.
  3. Find and touch the particular tweet that you want to unfavorite, then press “Unfavorite.”
  4. You can conceal as many tweets from other individuals as you wish.
  5. This choice, however, may not be the best for you since you’ll delete the like and no one will be able to see it, including the account whose tweet you liked.

You may wish to keep these likes hidden from individuals who aren’t the account’s owner.

Furthermore, you must select the tweets one by one and delete their likes.

How to Unfavorite All of Your Favorite Tweets

If you want to fully erase your like history on Twitter, you’ll have to unfavorite all of the tweets you’ve liked thus far.

There may be thousands of them if you’ve been a frequent Twitter user, which can’t be simple to unfavorite fast.

Here are a few ways to dislike all of your favorite tweets.

  1. Stick to the basics

The first thing that comes to mind is the old-fashioned technique of deleting your likes one by one.

This technique, as we described previously, may be used on the Twitter mobile app or a desktop browser.

  1. Manual deletion is simple and straightforward.

It allows you to retain some of your favorites, but the process may take a long time and become tiresome.

  1. Furthermore, manual deletion has one significant drawback.

You won’t be able to see every tweet you’ve ever liked.

If there are more than 3,200 tweets, you won’t be able to view them since Twitter only displays you the most recent 3,200 tweets you’ve favorited.

In this situation, you should attempt other approaches.

  1. Make use of the Chrome Console

For deleting likes from a large number of tweets, the Google Chrome console is perfect.

Although it is considerably faster than the previous technique, the number of tweets you may unfavorite is still limited.

You can only see 3,200 of the tweets you’ve liked, and the rest are hidden.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Use Google Chrome to access your Twitter account.
  2. To access the “Likes” section, look for it and click on it.
  3. To access Chrome’s console, hit F12 once you’re on the page.
  4. To access the console, click the “Console” tab.
  5. click ();” After removing the quote marks, copy and paste it into the console box.
  6. To execute the script, type “Enter” and then look at the output to see how many tweets have been unfavorited.
  7. If any tweets remain, repeat the procedure until all likes have been deleted.

Here’s some more JavaScript code to help you quickly remove all of your Twitter likes.

Make use of third-party applications

Because Twitter doesn’t offer a built-in way to remove your likes in bulk, you’ll have to rely on third-party programs.

The issue with these tools is that not all of them are safe, which is especially difficult given that they need complete access to your Twitter account.

To prevent any risks to your safety or privacy, you must ensure that the app is completely secure.

Another issue is that not all of these applications do what they say they would.

You may wind yourself paying for a service you won’t get.

That is why it is critical to read all of the internet reviews before making a buying decision.

It’s the ideal method to mass-delete your liked tweets and get the job done fast and simply if you locate a trustworthy third-party application.

Twitter Archive Eraser is one of these programs, and it doesn’t have the 3,200-tweet restriction.

Although it is a premium software, the free version allows you to erase 1,000 tweets each week.

Remember that, like other applications of this kind, this software only has a desktop version since mobile apps don’t allow other apps to interfere with their work.

The program, however, has significant restrictions since Twitter’s API does not allow it to access all of the tweets.

Furthermore, the pricing scheme includes four distinct price ranges and various access levels.

As an example, the free edition only allows you to remove a limit of 1,000 favorites, which are no more than two years old.

The basic plan allows you to erase 3,000 tweets that are less than four years old.

The advanced option allows you to delete 10,000 favs that are less than four years old, while the premium option allows you to delete an infinite number of liked tweets that are not restricted by age.

The following is how the tool works:

  1. After selecting your operating system, download and install the program from its download page.
  2. Type your Twitter credentials in the sign-in window after opening the app.
  3. Select “Authorize app,” which will ask you to enter a PIN number.
  4. When you enter the code into the program, you’ll be sent to the selection screen.
  5. Select “Delete Favorites” from the drop-down menu.
  6. You’ll see how many likes you have and how many you may remove.
  7. You may view all of your Twitter likes by selecting “start.”
  8. To view all of the tweets that the app collected, click “Next.” By default, it picks all of your favorite tweets, but you may filter them.

When you’ve finished choosing tweets, click OK and choose “Erase chosen tweets.”

You’ll get a “Success” message after the app has completed the procedure.

Circle boom

Another popular software that allows you to mass remove your Twitter likes is Circle boom.

It offers both free and premium options, with the free plan enabling you to erase up to 20 likes at a time, and the paid plan allowing you to delete an infinite number of likes.

To make advantage of the service, follow these steps:

  1. Enter your Twitter credentials in Circle boom’s login box to view all of your Twitter account’s statistics, including all of your social media activity.
  2. Choose “Unlike Tweets” from the “My Tweets” option on the left side of the screen.
  3. You’ll be able to view all of the tweets you’ve favorited so far.
  4. If you’re searching for a particular tweet, use the search box to find it.
  5. You may choose individual tweets or all of them at once.
  6. Choose “Unlike all” if you wish to get rid of all of your likes.

Get rid of your account

The final option you have is to delete your Twitter account.

You may deactivate your whole Twitter account if you need to remove your likes for safety concerns.

All of your activity, including tweets, likes, follows, and following, will be permanently erased if you deactivate your account.

If you delete your Twitter account, you still have 30 days to revive it since Twitter does not completely erase deactivated accounts until that time has elapsed.


People may observe each other’s Twitter activity since Twitter is an open social platform.

As a result, some of the tweets liked by your followers or followers will appear on your timeline.

It will clog up your timeline with tweets and retweets that you don’t want to read since they aren’t considered quality material.

Fortunately, by adjusting your settings, you may have more control over what appears on your timeline.