You know you got a critical email from your employer, but it has vanished from your Gmail inbox. Maybe you inadvertently deleted or lost an email you really need in your haste to clean your inbox? It’s entirely possible.

So, what are your options now? You must locate that misplaced Gmail message. First and foremost, do not be alarmed. You’re probably afraid of having to call your employer and confess that you erased their email. What a humiliating situation!

However, you may not need to disturb your employer at all if you use Gmail. You may restore lost emails in Gmail or other missing communications using a variety of ways.

In this lesson, we’ll look at how to recover lost emails in several methods. You’ll discover how to recover emails from Gmail that have been erased.

here are the steps below for further information on how to recover lost emails from Gmail:

1. How to Locate and Recover a Gmail Email from the Trash

If you delete an email, it will most likely end up in the Trash folder. If the email has been in the Trash folder for less than 30 days, you may retrieve it unless you destroyed it permanently. Gmail mails that have been in the folder for more than that amount of time are removed automatically.

In this part, you’ll discover how to locate and restore a Gmail account that was deleted by mistake.

Step 1: Locate and Open the Trash Can

It’s possible that when you first open your Gmail inbox, it looks like this:

To begin, go to your Gmail inbox.

The Trash folder isn’t visible, as you can see. Click the More option on the left side of the screen to locate it. Your menu choices grow to include:

Next, go to your Gmail Trash folder and open it.

On the menu, you’ll see your Trash folder. To access the Trash folder, choose the Trash option:

The Trash folder appears. In the search bar, you’ll see the terms in: trash.

Step 2: Recover Deleted Emails from Gmail Using Gmail Search

If you access the Trash folder, you may be able to find your lost Gmail message. If that’s the case, kudos to you.

However, if you have a large number of emails in your Trash folder, retrieving your deleted email message may take longer. To navigate through the emails on your screen, use the right-hand scroll bar. To navigate through the screens if there are more than one, use the left and right arrows at the upper right of your screen:

If you have several screens, use the left and right arrows to browse through your trash folder.

However, reading through email messages in this manner may take a long time. There’s a better way to do it. To locate your lost message in the Trash folder, utilize the Gmail search box. To begin, click the right-hand down arrow in the search box. The Advanced Search dialog box shows the following information:

To locate a particular message in your Trash folder, use the Advanced Search dialog box.

The easiest method to locate your lost communication is to enter what you know about it into the Advanced Search dialog box’s search boxes.

In this case, I’m searching for an email regarding a conference that was sent in May of the previous year. I enter the following information into the search fields:

Fill in the information about your Gmail message in the Advanced Search dialog box.

Tip: The more details you put into the dialog box, the more specific your search becomes. However, you must be cautious not to input erroneous information, since this may prevent you from recovering your deleted email.

When you’ve done inputting data, go to the bottom left of the dialog box and select the Search button (it looks like a magnifying glass). The following are the search results:

All messages that match your search criteria are shown.

The search criteria in this instance were precise enough to retrieve the missing email message. You’ll see several messages on this page if more than one email matches the search parameters.

Step 3: Recover a Gmail Deleted Email

It’s time to retrieve our misplaced email from the Trash folder now that we’ve located it. To do so, choose the email by checking the box to the right of it. This is what your screen should look like:

Select the email and click the Move to Inbox folder to recover a deleted email from Gmail Trash.

Above the message, click the Move to Inbox button. Your email has been transferred to your Gmail Inbox from the Trash bin. You’ve just learned how to recover Gmail deleted emails.

2. How to Recover Emails That Have Been Permanently Deleted

It’s probable that your deleted Gmail email message was permanently destroyed if it isn’t in the trash. This may happen in a number of ways:

You got rid of everything in your Trash folder.

You hit the Delete forever option after selecting the message in your Trash bin.

After 30 days, the email was automatically removed from your Trash bin.

Learn more about Gmail email deletion by following this tutorial:

How to Delete All Emails in Gmail Permanently

If you mistakenly delete an email message (or messages), the Gmail email may still be stored on one of Google’s servers. With the assistance of Google Support, you may be able to retrieve a permanently deleted email.

Here’s what you should do:

Gather data in step one.

Gather as much information as you can about the Gmail email that has gone missing (s). The following are some of the information you’ll require:

Your Gmail account information

When the Gmail(s) account(s) was/were deleted (approximately)

Describe the actions you took to attempt to recover the deleted email (s)

Step 2: Get in touch with Google Support

In the address bar of your browser, type

On the Gmail Help screen that appears, fill in the blanks. After you’ve finished filling out all of the required fields, click Submit to submit your request to Google Support.

Please note that there is no assurance that Google Support will be able to recover your deleted Gmail email. That is why it is preferable to archive rather than delete an old Gmail communication. In the following part, I’ll teach you how to access archived emails in Gmail.

3. How to Get to Gmail’s Archived Emails

Using Gmail’s Archive function, you may avoid the pain of permanently losing a Gmail email. Archived emails are preferable to deleted ones. Gmail messages that have been archived for more than 30 days are not immediately erased. You may simply recover an old Gmail email if you know what you’re doing.

You may be concerned that your Gmail archive will consume all of your Google storage space. However, keep in mind that even a free Google account has 15 GB of storage (shared between Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos). As a result, it’s unlikely that you’ll rapidly fill up your Google storage with archived messages. Plus, if you really need it, you can purchase more storage.

It’s simple to archive a Gmail message if you don’t know-how. Simply pick the email in your inbox you wish to archive and click the Archive option on the toolbar above the messages:

It’s preferable to save a Gmail message rather than delete it.

Here’s how to get an archived email message back into your inbox:

Step 1: Recover Gmail that has been archived.

Your Gmail archive is not accessible in the same way that your Trash folder is. However, this does not preclude you from accessing Gmail’s archived emails.

With the All Mail option, you may search your archive for Gmail emails. Open your Gmail account first. To broaden your choices, click More to the left of your Gmail emails. Here’s a screen with all of the other options:

how To retrieve archived messages in Gmail, use the All Mail option.

Select All Mail from the drop-down menu. All of your Gmail messages, even those that have been archived, are displayed:

Except for mail in the Trash or Spam folders, all of your Gmail messages are shown.

Important: Messages in your Spam or Trash folders are not visible in All Mail.

To locate the archived email you’re searching for, use the right-hand scroll bar to browse through the Gmail email messages.

Step 2: Get Access to Emails That Have Been Archived

If you don’t have a lot of emails in your archive, using the All Mail option may be a good method to find an archived Gmail email message.

If your Gmail archive is large, the Gmail Advanced Search feature will save you time. The procedure is quite similar to how we found Gmail emails in your Trash folder using the Search function.

Click the down arrow to the right of the search bar while your Gmail inbox is open. The Advanced Search dialog box shows the following information:

Using the Advanced Search feature, you can find archived Gmail messages.

Make sure the top of the dialog box’s Search parameter is set to All Mail.

In this case, I’ve misplaced a crucial meeting notification. In the Has the words area of the Advanced Search dialog box, I input “meeting.” Because I’m not sure when the email was sent, I put the Date within 1-year criteria.

When you’ve done inputting data, go to the bottom left of the dialog box and select the Search button (it looks like a magnifying glass). The following are the search results:

The search results will assist you in recovering Gmail archived emails.

In this instance, the search criteria were broad, yielding numerous Gmail emails including the word “meeting.” However, the email from the Gmail archive that I was expecting to see shows at the top of the screen.


It’s time to put the recovered emails back into the Gmail inbox now that we’ve learnt how to retrieve archived emails in Gmail. To do so, choose the email by checking the box to the right of it. This is what your screen should look like.