How To See Everyone Who Blocks You on Twitter

Being banned is one of the most annoying things in the world, and it’s made worse when it occurs on a social media site like Twitter. Blocking on Twitter, like all other major social networking sites, is a stealthy affair, making it all the more difficult to detect when it occurs. So, in an effort to assist you, we’ll teach you how to check whether someone has blocked you on the platform today.

What is the purpose of Twitter blocking?

On Twitter, blocking works a bit differently than on other sites. Blocking someone on Facebook prevents you from referencing them anywhere on the site. Twitter, on the other hand, will allow you to tweet to them but would not inform them that they have tweets awaiting them. You wouldn’t be able to read their Tweets, but you would be allowed to engage in discussions in which the two of you are referenced. Again, neither of you will be able to view the responses of the other.

Even if they use a hashtag often, their tweets will not be displayed under that hashtag. Retweets of your tweets will be hidden from them. Finally, you won’t be able to send direct messages to each other on Twitter. To conclude, Twitter would just erase your presence from their lives, ensuring that they never encounter any of your Twitter activity.

When someone bans you on Twitter, will you be notified?

Blocking on Twitter, as previously said, is a very subtle operation that requires the greatest care. So, if a user wants to take a vacation from your Twitter antics by blocking you, Twitter will not make a peep – instead, it will inform you. There is no way to tell whether a person bans you on the platform unless you check carefully.

How can you tell if a user has blocked you?

Whether you notice an account isn’t replying to your tweets or you believe they’ve blocked you, you may check their profile to verify if they’ve really blocked you. If that’s the case, you’ll receive a notice on Twitter saying that this person has blocked you.

See how many people on Twitter have blocked you.

As previously said, Twitter is a very modest program. It won’t inform you when someone has blocked you, nor will it tell you how many people have decided to remove you from their feed. Taking advantage of the issue, a service called Bocook has emerged, which will tell you precisely how many people on the site have blocked you.

Simply go to the website and log in using your Twitter account to get the data.

On the following page once you’ve authorized, the website will inform you how many people have blocked you.

Is it possible to obtain a list of who has blocked you?

As private as the site is, Twitter has yet to provide us with a feature that allows us to keep track of who has blocked us. Of course, many websites promise to perform the job, but the most of them are frauds that charge you a fee. There is, however, a workaround that will inform you whether a mutual friend has banned you on Twitter if you are prepared to look for it.

How do you know if someone has blocked you?

People who block you on Twitter aren’t going to do it at random — they’ll almost certainly have mutual accounts with you. So, first and foremost, you must identify a person who may be following the suspected blocker. To see who they are following on Twitter, go to their profile and select “Following.”

  1. It may take some time to reach the bottom of the screen, depending on the number of people they are following.
  2. After that, right-click on the page and choose “save as full website.”
  3. Now, in Notepad, open the HTML file and look for the term “blocks-you.” If you get a hit, check a few of lines above the discovered content for the Twitter account “blocks-you.”
  4. On Twitter, the username you obtain there is blocking you. This procedure must be repeated for each suspicious account.

Final Words

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