Anyone on your Front team can divide a text/chat discussion or transfer an email message into a new conversation so you can manage them independently. Each discussion will have its own tags and assignee, and replies will thread in the most recent conversation.

Add a new discussion to an email message.

step 1: To create a new discussion, open the conversation you want to divide and click on the message you want to use.

You can’t transfer several messages as a group if this is a single message. Any messages received after the one you choose will be kept in the original discussion.

step 2: Select Move to new discussion from the dropdown menu in the message options menu.

step 3: When it asks you to confirm the move, click Move. This operation cannot be reversed, however you may merge the threads later using our merge function.

step 4: You’ll be taken to a new discussion where you’ll see the single message you chose in . In the new discussion, there will be an activity line that links to the old topic.

step 5: In the old discussion, there will be an activity line that links to the new conversation.

step 6: If you want responses to be threaded, reply from the new discussion. You may modify the new discussion’s assignee, tags, or subject line without affecting the old conversation.

How does it work?

When you transfer an email message, it is separated from its original discussion and utilized to start a new one. Unless it’s relocated to an inbox they don’t have access to or their access has been denied, anybody having access to the old discussion may view the new one through a link in the conversation.

The previous discussion’s followers and assignee will be carried over to the new conversation. The new discussion will be unassigned if the old conversation was not. Tags and comments will not be moved from their original location in the discussion.

Only your Front team may see messages that have been moved, not the external receivers on the thread. We suggest altering the subject line of your reply to the new discussion to something different from the original to make it simpler for them to keep subjects separate.

The threading mode of your Gmail or Office365 channel is critical if you’re transferring messages. There is typically a 1:1 connection between Front discussions and Gmail/Office365 conversations when using Gmail/Office365 threading. For a single Gmail/Office365 discussion, moving a message creates several Front threads. When you tag, archive, or delete one of the threads, Gmail syncs that action to all of them, so you may accidentally tag, archive, or delete the others.

If you regularly utilize the Move message function, we recommend switching to another threading mode, which will prevent the archiving, deleting, and tagging sync with Gmail/Office365. All emails will appear on both Front and Gmail, allowing you to access them from any system.

Custom channels should be avoided.

A message cannot be moved to a new discussion in a custom channel.

Split an SMS or a chat discussion into two halves.

Messages in SMS, WhatsApp, Front Chat, Facebook, Intercom, and Smooch channels will remain in one continuous thread if they are not separated. This makes tagging difficult since it’s difficult to determine which portion of the discussion a tag refers to.

You may divide the discussion into a separate thread with its own tag when a client begins talking or texting about a totally other subject. Tag filtering and analytics will be straightforward and simple to comprehend as a result.

What to do with it

step 1: Open a discussion in an SMS, WhatsApp, Front Chat, Facebook, Intercom, or Smooch channel that you wish to divide. To begin a new discussion, choose the message you wish to use.

step 2: In the settings menu for that message, choose Split conversation.

step 3: To confirm that you wish to divide the discussion, click Split in the popup menu.

step 4: You’ll be sent to a new chat with your selected message right away. Any following messages will be shifted over if the message was not the final one in the discussion.

All future messages sent or received by the contact will be threaded into the new discussion. You may fully separate the old and new conversations when it comes to assigning or tagging them.

step 5: Only the new discussion will allow you to respond. To respond to the most recent discussion, use the link at the bottom of an older conversation.

How does it work?

To begin a new thread, choose the message you wish to use. All future responses beginning with that message will be transferred from their old discussion to the new one once it has been divided. The split will be unseen to the person with whom you’re talking or messaging, so they’ll think the discussion is still going on. Splitting a discussion in Front is just a useful technique to keep organized.

Each discussion will have activity lines that connect to each other, and anybody with access to the original conversation, independent of inbox restrictions, will have access to the new split conversation. You won’t be able to respond to the previous thread, and all new messages from the contact will be threaded on the new discussion.

The new discussion will have the same followers and assignee as the old one, and any comments on new conversation messages will be transferred as well. Tags and activities will not be carried across, however after the separation, you may change tags in both conversations as required. In addition, even if the previous discussion was archived, the new divided conversation will remain open.

Several times splitting a discussion

You may divide a chat as many times as you like! If you have ten messages in a discussion, for example, you can divide messages 4-10 into a separate thread, then messages 9-10 into a new thread. Your messages 1-3, 4-8, and 9-10 will wind up in three different threads.


A split must be started with less than 50 consecutive messages. For example, if you wish to divide a thread with 500 messages at message 250, you’ll need to break it into three sections: 400-500, 300-399, and 250-299. If you wish to end up with two discussions for messages 1-249 and 250-500, you may combine these threads afterwards.

If you attempt to divide a discussion with more than 50 messages into a new thread, the app will display an error.