Although Twitter is one of the most popular social networking sites, it does not offer an intuitive interface for viewing comments.

When you go to your Twitter home page, you’ll see four choices below every tweet from individuals you follow. Reply/comment, retweet, like, and share are the four choices available beneath a tweet.

So, unlike Facebook, there is no simple method to see the comments left by other users on a particular tweet.

As a result, people are perplexed while trying to locate responses to tweets.

Why am I unable to see Twitter comments?

You can’t say that you can’t see them. You just need to know how to do it correctly, since Twitter does not display comments immediately underneath tweets as Facebook does below its posts.

Instead of displaying all the replies by other users when you click the “Comment” button to look at the comments, Twitter displays a dialog window for you to respond to that tweet.

How to View Twitter Comments on a Computer

These given below steps will give you an idea to view Twitter Comments:

Step 1: Select the timestamp of the tweets that were published. When you view hundreds of tweets on your Twitter timeline, you’ll see a timestamp next to the profile’s username.

Step 2: It will now open the entire tweet with its URL in the same browser, where you can view the comments if you scroll down.

Instead of opening the tweet in an overlay, you may open it in a new tab. Make that you don’t click on anything else, such as the profile name or hashtag.

You may utilize the aforementioned methods to see other people’s comments on any desktop browser or Twitter mobile app (ios, Android).

These recommendations also apply if you use third-party social media management tools like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck.

If you can’t view responses on Twitter, it’s because the users have protected the tweets, you aren’t following the person, or the tweet author has hidden them.

How to View  Twitter Comments on a Mobile Device

Instead of clicking on the comment option on a mobile device, you may click anywhere else on the tweet to view comments. When you click on the region of the tweet itself, the comments section will immediately appear. It makes no difference whether you use Twitter’s app or Google to access the service; this method works in both instances.

If the comments still aren’t visible, it’s because the user has a private account, or the tweet comments have been protected, or they’ve been restricted by the person who tweeted it.

What is the best way to View Retweets with Comments?

On Twitter, seeing Retweets with comments is easy.

Below the post, choose the Retweet option.

A pop-up window will appear with two options: Tweet retweets and quotes

When you publish anything, choose Quote Tweet to view Retweets with comments, and it will enable you to make responses while retweeting it or show you the individuals who have Retweeted your post with comments.

Is it possible to view Twitter comments without having a Twitter account?

Yes, you can view Twitter comments without having a Twitter account. To do so, just open Twitter in a browser and type in the name of the person whose tweets and comments you wish to see. The sole restriction is that the user’s account must be open to the public. If the person has a private account, you will not be able to view comments on their post without having an account.

How do you see all responses to a tweet that you’ve quoted?

To view the responses to a quotes tweet, follow the steps below:

1. On your phone or computer, launch the Twitter app.

2. Go to the tweet where you wish to view the responses that were cited.

3. By clicking on the tweet, you may see the whole message, including the comment area.

4. The option to ‘Quote Tweet’ will appear underneath the tweet.

5. When you click it, you’ll see all of the responses to the quoted tweet.

You don’t need to do anything extra to view the most popular Twitter comments. Twitter organizes comments beneath a post such that the most popular response with the most likes and retweets is shown first. As a result, accessing all of the top comments becomes simple.

How can I view other Twitter responses that have been hidden?

1. You must take a few simple procedures if you want to view the hidden responses on a tweet.

2. Go to the Twitter post where you want to view the hidden responses and click on it.

3. Please click on the tweet to see the whole message.

4. The horizontal three-dot sign will appear in the upper right corner of your screen.

5. Click on that icon, then on the final option in the drop-down menu, ‘View hidden responses.’

Finally, some ideas

While all other social networking applications strive to be all-in-one, none of them can compete with Twitter. If you’re searching for news, life hacks, sports information, or anything else that’s going on in the world, Twitter is the place to go. While it is one of the finest applications, it is also one of the most difficult to master.

When you see a post on Twitter that you find interesting, you want to read the comments to see what other people have to say about it. It’s the most natural thing to do, after all.