How To View Someone’s Protected Twitter Account

Twitter can be a fantastic tool for staying in touch with fascinating people and learning new things. Also, keeping up with current trends and gossip. However, there are situations when it is preferable to “unfollow” a person’s profile. Even if you want to read the latest updates from individuals you know. Why? It might be for a variety of reasons, such as privacy, or because you do not want to progress the person’s profile to seem more influential by having more followers or fans.

So, I’m here to tell you that it’s really easy to glance at a personal tweet without following them on Twitter. Users may choose to make their tweets public if they so choose. So that they may be seen by anybody. Users may also make their tweets private so that only authorized followers can see them. As a result, the majority of users desire to know how to read protected tweets. Some users password-protect their tweets so that only close business contacts may see tweets containing strategic or economically critical information.

In general, there is no easy method to get access to a Twitter user’s protected tweets without their consent. To see protected tweets, you must first follow the account and wait for them to accept your follow request. Users may also choose to make their tweets public, so that anybody can see them, or protected, so that only authorized followers can see them.

What happens after that

Following approval, the user’s protected tweets will appear as regular tweets on the Twitter site. It’s worth noting that once you establish an account, your profile is automatically made public. Your tweets are often visible to the 500 million+ active users. If you’re a personal user, this might be a little daunting.

So, using various approaches, you’ll be able to access private tweets. If you want to use Twitter to communicate with family and friends, having a large number of eyeballs on your post is not ideal. So, what do individuals do in such a situation? So, like me, you’ll safeguard your Tweets.

Let’s look at how to access Protected Tweets now.

How to View a Private Twitter Account

Twitter is a platform that provides you with privacy and hence the power to control your information. Similar to how a personal Facebook page may prevent anybody other than your friends from viewing your posts. It is possible that you simply wish to create an account to communicate privately with certain of your close relatives. In these cases, employing protected Tweets and a personal account is beneficial for the users.

A basic privacy option that comes in useful most of the time on Twitter is the ability to limit how others may look at your Twitter account.

Navigate to the Twitter Settings page and look for the Discoverability section.

There, you may choose whether other users can locate you on Twitter by using your email address or phone number.

You may access and manage any contacts you’ve posted to Twitter, or you can delete any data you’ve uploaded from your account.

There, you will discover the Account Privacy area, which allows you to alter it to a personal account.


When enabled, only followers who follow you will be able to view your postings.


Any new follower(s) will need your personal approval.

In most cases, you may have simply connected your Facebook profile to your Twitter account–either by choice or by using a Facebook account to login to Twitter. What occurs in this circumstance is that when someone checks your Facebook page, it displays that you are also accessible on Twitter. To prevent this:

  1. Navigate to the Settings tab.
  2. Then choose Account.
  3. The section on Linked Accounts comes next.
  4. Navigate to Facebook and choose the “Un-link Account” option.

Using third-party software

Normally Other people/users will not be able to read a user’s recent or other postings if they have set their tweets to private / protected in the Privacy settings. In most cases, people can just view their profile photos and other basic information. Data such as the number of tweets made by the person, the number of followers and followers in their account, the number of likes, and so on. But I’ll show you how to access the protected tweets of other users who protect their tweets.

There are various general requirements that must be met in order to successfully duplicate this vulnerability, such as:

The Protected User must link their Twitter account to

To get access to the Protected Tweets, use the API.

Various methods for seeing a password-protected Twitter account in 2021:

The user’s side is safeguarded:

The protected user’s Twitter handle is

Assume the Protected User has previously protected his/her tweets by going to

When another user tries to access the victim’s profile, it will now appear like this.

Then, go to and choose Twitter.

Allow or authorize Niche to use your account and complete the next steps (including confirming your email address).

On your side (the side of the viewer):

The viewer must have a Twitter account, but it is not required to have a Niche account.

Simply go to [users twitter]

(In this scenario, the victim is, and the viewer will display certain critical information disclosures about the Protected User’s Account.

Then, scroll down until you find something like this: /users/52667/posts? Accounts=162059

Open it so that the whole URL is

You (the viewer) now have access to the victim account’s protected tweets.


This article attempted to describe how to access private tweets that are protected by Twitter’s privacy settings. We’ve also observed a variety of approaches for seeing Protected Personal tweets. Methods include adding links to third-party websites as well as installing different third-party programs.