The professional networking site Linkedin has become the go-to platform for job seekers, recruiters, and professional networkers to make connections and stay connected. Knowing how to manage your connections is an important part of networking and keeping up with your professional contacts. In this article, we discuss the step-by-step process of removing a connection on Linkedin.

1. Introduction to Removing Connections on LinkedIn

LinkedIn, one of the most popular business-orientated social networking sites, provides its users the ability to connect with other professionals and build networks. Business professionals and students often use it to find new jobs and opportunities with further networking. However, sometimes connections on LinkedIn become outdated or irrelevant. In such circumstances, it is important to learn how to remove connections on LinkedIn in an efficient manner.

To begin with, navigating to the desired connection’s profile page is the first step. There, find and click the button labeled ‘More…’ in the drop-down menu. From there, select ‘Remove Connection’ from the list. Another option is to head to the ‘My Networks’ section, then select ‘Manage All’ under ‘Connections’. Now that ‘Connections’ is selected, check the box next to the desired connection, then choose ‘Remove Connections’ at the top. After doing so, a pop-up window will appear prompting the user to confirm the action.

It is important to remember that when removing connections on LinkedIn, users should always keep in mind that their removed connections will be notified when their connection sets are updated. Additionally, consider that removing connections from LinkedIn can remove your existing profile from their connection summary. Now that the process of how to remove connections on LinkedIn is clearly understood, users can now go and remove any unwanted connections securely.

  • Navigate to the desired connection’s profile page and click the ‘More…‘ button.
  • Choose ‘Remove Connection‘ from the list.
  • Head to the ‘My Networks’ section, then select ‘ Manage All’ under ‘Connections’.
  • Check the box next to the desired connection and then choose ‘Remove Connections’.
  • When asked, confirm the action.

2. An Overview of the Process

In order to achieve a successful outcome, the process requires various stages of activity. This section outlines the actions that are necessary for completion.


  • Discussing the requirements with the relevant stakeholders
  • Agreeing on an appropriate timeline
  • Documenting the objectives and goals of the project


  • Developing a roadmap or plan to realize the objectives
  • Dividing tasks and assigning roles
  • Creating the official documents (forms, rules)

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Regular audits of the project
  • Measuring performance outcomes against achievements
  • Updating the documents to reflect any changes or updates

3. Step-by-Step Guide to Removing a Connection

When attempting to terminate an association, it is important to be methodical and to document the process you are undertaking. This guide provides a foolproof approach for removing a connection.

Unlinking Your Accounts: The first step is to disconnect your accounts from the respective service. There may be a simple button, such as “unlink accounts,” to easily accomplish this, or you may need to access a link manually in order to deactivate the relationship. The steps you need to take here will be specific to each service, which should be outlined in the service’s documentation.

Finalizing the Process: Once your accounts are unlinked, you will need to check that the link has been broken by attempting to log in with a now-invalid token. It is recommended that this process be logged to ensure that the connection is thoroughly decommissioned. Below is a list of the steps you should take:

  • Ensure the service is disconnected via any corresponding user interface.
  • Disconnect any associated components from their respective environment.
  • Check the service’s response to verify the connection is severed.
  • Document the entire process.

4. Considering Other Options for Disconnecting

In some cases, unplugging all together is not a viable solution as disconnecting from technology and the digital world might not be possible or desirable. In this instance, there may be other options available.

One such approach is determining which technologies are necessary and prioritizing those activities over other, more circumstantial ones. This requires conscious intention and even habit changes, but it can be highly effective. Other methods include creating limitations that help manage access. For example, limiting distracting apps or websites, setting up a schedule, or establishing a count of total minutes spent per activity per day or week. Here are some other potential strategies:

  • Limiting screens to certain times and places
  • Scheduling time for face-to-face communication
  • Identifying essential online services and platforms
  • Keeping a digital journal
  • Limiting the media exposed to
  • Creating a schedule for interactions on social media

These strategies can help to create a space between technology and the user, preserving the desired boundaries while still feeling part of the action. Keeping a digital journal allows users to record their feelings on the topic, add context to their disconnection, and reflect on the benefits of this temporary distance.

5. Applying Best Practices for Networking on LinkedIn

Building Your Professional Network

LinkedIn is a powerful networking platform that can help you find job opportunities, make and strengthen connections, and build relationships with industry experts. To maximize the effectiveness of your networking on the platform, it’s important to practice certain best practices.

  • Using an up-to-date profile picture is important for making a professional first impression.
  • Craft a strong profile summary section with keywords related to your expertise. This will help you be found in searches.
  • Connect with people you know, as well as those you don’t, to widen your network and access to varied opportunities.

When connecting with people, always send a personal message to explain why you’re interested in connecting. Share your own profile and any content that may be of interest. Show your genuine interest in building a relationship, and don’t make it seem like you’re merely trying to benefit from them.

It is important to be mindful of all your social media connections and to keep your network up to date. Learning how to remove a connection on LinkedIn is a quick and easy process that will help you maintain your professional network. With just a few clicks, you can easily manage your contacts in no time.