The majority of individuals on social media platforms like checking Facebook and making new acquaintances on a daily basis. claims that Facebook is intended for socializing and staying in contact with friends, but that strangers should not befriended on a public platform like Facebook, and that accepting invitations on Facebook should always be done with caution, citing the following 11 reasons:

  1. Identity Theft is a tenth risk.

Identity theft refers to the act of gathering enough personal information from a victim to allow a fraudster to assume the victim’s identity.

Because of the Internet’s anonymity, the majority of identity theft and fraud now takes place online.

A fraudster may start a scheme that will enable them to steal your identity right away.

Despite the fact that it should be apparent, individuals continue to make poor choices on social media…

  • Personal Information That Has Been Leaked

Accepting strangers into your Facebook life provides them access to sensitive data.

Information such as friends’ names, holiday plans, likes and dislikes, and, of course, more sensitive information such as your pictures, phone number, and address may be collected and stolen.

  • The Possibility of Malicious Links

It’s no secret that outsiders take advantage of social media platforms like Facebook by flooding them with links that lead to a variety of dangerous frauds.

  • On Facebook, befriending strangers may put you in danger.

If the stranger is a fraudster, they may send you messages or post links on your timeline.

  • Vulnerable Individuals at Risk of Serious Crime

Facebook is used by a variety of criminals, and the media has often reported on how young users have been duped into attending hazardous gatherings.

Robbery and blackmail are only a few of the crimes that may be perpetrated here.

Occasionally, a victim is duped into transferring money to a fraudster under the false pretense of being in a relationship.

Accepting strangers also exposes nearly anybody to crimes like stalking and harassment.

6. Invasion of Privacy

Would you inform a stranger when your home would be vacant?

Perhaps you’re on vacation or on a business trip. All of this information is often shared on Facebook, which is great if only your trusted friends see it.

However, it is not a smart idea if you are also advertising such information to outsiders.

  •  Friends in Danger

If someone invites you to be their buddy, common friends indicate that the individual may be trusted.

If you accept an invitation from a stranger and that stranger adds your other friends, those friends may accept the invitation on the assumption that the stranger knows you.

This exposes your friends to the same kinds of con artists.

  • Isolation.

Isolation will result from conversing with strangers.

Instead of getting out of the home and meeting new people, one will be hooked to the computer.

Normal socializing, or engaging with others, is also necessary, but it may be neglected when dealing with strangers.

  • Emotional Suffering

Because one does not meet the other person while conversing with pals on social media, there is a lack of emotional connection.

When feelings are expressed in person rather than on Facebook, they have a greater effect.

When you communicate face to face, you get a sense of caring and warmth.

Face-to-face contact is on the decline.

  1.  Interruption

Facebook browsing may take one’s attention away from a variety of other pursuits.

It is possible to engage in productive activities that will maintain one’s mind healthy.

  1. Spending hours on Facebook and interacting with others via it is not good.

A lack of communication via body language

A lot is communicated via body language. Because one does not engage with another individual when reading Facebook, there is no body language communication.

It has the ability to deceive anybody at any moment.

Final Words

Anyone may write anything they want, but the emotions of the person reading the message may be harmed.