What Is The Logic Behind How Facebook Messengers Lists Our Active Friends

Since its inception, Facebook’s friend-sorting algorithm has undergone significant changes. Your Facebook profile now displays pictures of nine individuals who are constantly at the front of the list. These nine buddies are shown before you enter your friend list.

These listings are perplexing. Some of these nine individuals may be users with whom you haven’t engaged in a long time. Why, therefore, does Facebook’s algorithm favor them?

The precise algorithm used by Facebook to select nine particular accounts is unknown. Certain factors, however, are known to affect this order.

A Chain of Factors

The Facebook algorithm may be influenced by a variety of variables. Some buddy list options may seem perplexing as a result of this approach. It is tough to obtain a clear image when you have to consider location, time, engagement, profile clicks, frequency, and many other factors.

We’ll look at some of the parameters that affect the algorithm in this section.


Facebook keeps track of how often you talk or send messages to certain individuals. Individual and group chats are examples of interactions. If you’ve recently engaged with the individual, there’s a better chance they’ll show on your friends list.

On the site, you may communicate by sending Facebook Messages, commenting, like, and tagging. The people with whom you engage the most may appear in the order in which they appear on your friends list.

Views on a Profile

The algorithm gathers information on how often you visit certain profiles. If the profile views are mutual, meaning that the person whose profile you frequently visit also checks up on your profile on a regular basis, they are likely to appear on the list.

Although it is a little invasive, this approach makes it simpler to find the profiles you are most interested in. If you visit a profile more often than others, it is more likely to appear on your friends list.

Interactions with Profiles

Interactions on a profile are not the same as conversation. There are three types of postings: wall posts, post likes, and post comments. You may enhance the algorithm value by tagging someone in your postings.

Visiting someone’s profile and writing on their wall, or posting funny memes to their profile, is a great way to keep them at the top of your friends’ list.

Interactions with Photos

These interactions include all comments, likes, and tags on Facebook photos. For instance, if you often like someone’s pictures or if they frequently tag you in their photos. It also includes picture views — how often you look at other people’s photographs and vice versa.

Others may even tag themselves in your pictures according to Facebook’s algorithms. This may also help with the organizing of your buddy list.

Facebook Lookup

Although it is linked to profile views, Facebook Search is a distinct component. It considers how often your friends enter your name into the search box. If someone looks for you often and vice versa, you are feeding the algorithm.

Interactions Between Mutual Friends

If you and someone else have common friends and engage with them privately, you will move up each other’s friend lists. Because Facebook based many of its algorithms on common friends, this metric is critical.

Recent acquaintances

Your most recent pals may also rise to the top of the list. This occurs if you engage or communicate with them in any way.

It is fairly unusual for two or three of your top friends to be all of your most recent friends. The Facebook algorithm prioritizes the most recent activity.

Users Who Are Currently Active

If your friends are often logged in on Facebook and engage with various sites and accounts, they may rise to the top of your list. The reasoning is that the individuals who spend the most time on Facebook are the ones with whom you will spend the most time online.

If a user hasn’t been active in months, Facebook no longer considers them relevant.

What About Chat Friends?

Your chat sidebar operates in a same manner. Interactions, activities, correspondence, pictures, and so on are chosen by the algorithm. This decides which friends will appear first and get precedence. The friends with whom you communicate the most often will typically be at the top of this list.

Do Your Friends List and Suggested Friends Use the Same Algorithm?

Whether you see similar individuals on your Facebook ‘People You May Know’ list, you’re undoubtedly wondering if the algorithms are the same. The short answer is that they are not.

Previously, Facebook simply took into account the number of common friends. We now give a large amount of personal data to Facebook, which it may use to improve friend suggestions. This information includes:

Location: If you go internationally and have common connections with individuals who reside nearby, Facebook will suggest them to you.

Views on your profile: If someone recently visited your profile, they may show as a recommendation.

Mutual friends: Just as in the past, having a large number of mutual friends with someone would urge Facebook to suggest them to you.

Third-party applications that are linked: Although Facebook officially disputes this, there is reason to think it. After all, many users connect their Facebook accounts to a variety of applications. If you linked your Facebook account with other sites, such as Instagram or Tinder, it may recommend individuals you engaged with on other platforms.

Can You Modify Your Friend List?

The list of friends on your profile will be updated on a regular basis. Unfortunately, you cannot choose which of your nine pals will display. Facebook distributes and compiles this list automatically.

Create new lists and manage existing ones to take control of your Facebook Friend’s list. Acquaintances, Close Friends, and ‘Restricted’ are the three types of Facebook lists.

The Restricted list only displays the people who have access to the material you’ve made public. If it’s a teacher, nosy aunt, or another Facebook user, you may add them as a friend, but they won’t see any of your private status changes.

Follow these procedures to manage your Facebook Friends List:

  1. Use a web browser to access Facebook.
  2. Locate the ‘Explore’ button on the left side of the screen.
  3. Click on the ‘See More’ button to learn more.
  4. Select ‘Friend Lists’ from the drop-down menu.
  5. Select ‘Create List.’
  6. Name your list and enter the names of the users you want to include.
  7. If you want to add more users to the current lists, you may do so.
  8. Select the list to which you want to add friends.
  9. Select “Add Friends to List” from the drop-down menu.
  10. Enter their name in the Search box or choose one of the available profile icons.

Although Facebook has not disclosed the mechanism that determines which of your nine friends show first, you may manage the information that other users view and how your Facebook activities interact with friends.

Is Facebook restricting the number of posts I can view to 25 friends?

An old Facebook joke claims that the new algorithm would only display you posts from certain friends. This is false, and there are many reasons why we know it is false. For starters, Facebook is all about interaction (getting users to connect, remark, share, and like one other’s postings), thus limiting who can see what goes totally against the site’s essence.

Second, when you browse through your News Feed, you will most likely encounter postings from individuals with whom you do not often engage.


Aside from the options mentioned above, your Facebook friends list is automatically arranged for you. From your profile page, you’ll see nine friends (based on our most recent testing, these are the ones we’ve recently added). If you choose the option to see all of your Facebook friends, you will get a random list that appears to follow the algorithm we discussed before.