How Do You See Who Mentions Your Page On Facebook

When you make a post or remark on Facebook, you may add the name of a person or a page in the text. The name becomes a blue link to that website or profile, and the person who was mentioned gets an email notice.

When you make a post and indicate you were with someone, or when you upload an image and tell Facebook that one of the individuals in the photo is another Facebook member, you’re using Facebook Tags. The phrase “[Your Name] was with [Their Name]” is then added to the post. They, too, are alerted to the fact that they’ve been tagged.

So, a mention is used when you want to speak about someone, while a tag is used when you want to indicate you were with someone.

You may mention individuals (profiles), companies and organizations (pages), and Facebook Groups (however Groups do not get a notice, just a link, and mentions of hidden Groups will not be connected). Only personal profiles may be tagged (though you can check in to a business if you were there).

When you mention or tag someone, you’re not only grabbing their attention, but you’re also possibly placing their content in front of their connections and followers, making it a strong ally for the smart marketer.

What’s the Best Way to Mention Facebook Users?

In most cases, naming a friend is as easy as starting to write their name and letting Facebook auto-suggest the person you want to mention — as long as you capitalize and start spelling their name properly.

But what if you want to make a reference to someone who isn’t a friend? The @ sign may be used at this point.

You’ll receive a list of individuals with whom you may or may not be linked if you enter @ and immediately begin typing a name, such as “@mike.”

In any case, just click or touch on the name you wish to add when Facebook populates the list, and Facebook will autocomplete and connect the name appropriately. Once you finish and submit your article or remark, you will get a notice of the mention.

What Is The Best Way To Mention A Facebook Page?

To mention a Page, start entering the company’s name followed by a @. For example, if you type in “@the social media,” Facebook would suggest something like this:

The Page (and Page administrators) will be notified that the Page has been referenced after your post or remark is published.

When you choose one or more friends, their names will show as “— with [Their Name],” and their profile will, of course, be connected to their name.

If you’re sharing a picture, the second way is to hover over it and click the Tag button. Other people prefer that you save this choice for when someone is really shown in a photograph, even if it isn’t strictly necessary. Face recognition on Facebook allows you to click a face and give it a name, and it may even recommend one of your friends!

PRO TIP: If you can’t find the Page or company you’re looking for, try opening Facebook in a new browser and searching for it. It’s possible that their Page name isn’t exactly what you were looking for, and that a more precise search would give better results.

Is it Possible to Mention People on Facebook Using Scheduling Tools?

While I haven’t tried every third-party scheduling application, it seems that the answer is no. You can’t use scheduling tools to mention Facebook accounts.

You may, however, use certain scheduling tools to mention Pages.

Agorapulse – To start a new post, click Publish, choose your Facebook Page, and start entering your message. Start entering the Page name after using the @ character to indicate where you want to put a Page mention. Agorapulse will provide you with a list of relevant Pages to select from. (If you want to give Agorapulse a try, you may click that link to get a couple of free months.)

Similarly, to mention a Page in Hootsuite, use the @ character in the Compose box.

Regardless of whether you share those articles right now or later, the relevant Page will be referenced.

PRO TIP: Use their Page user ID instead of their Page name if the Page auto-suggest doesn’t bring up the Page you want. That’s the “slug” at the end of their Facebook URL, so instead of “@The Social Media Hat,” use “@thesocialmediahat,” and it’ll always bring up the same Page.

If you’re using a different program, try inserting the @ character and see what occurs.

When Is It Appropriate to Mention People or Pages on Facebook?

Unlike the technical guidelines for Facebook mentions up to this point, the decision of whether or not to mention someone is completely subjective. There are no restrictions – you may mention anybody on Facebook whose permissions have been configured to enable it – but I can, of course, offer some context and recommendations.

Here are a few good reasons to bring up another Facebook user:

You’re sharing their article or material, and you’d want to give them credit for it.

You’re posting material (yours or someone else’s) that mentions or cites the Facebook person you’d like to mention.

You’re talking about something you think the other person would like (like when my friends share pictures of Star Wars Death Star waffle makers and mention me).

A little less generally accepted:

You’re sharing something with the other individual that you believe they may be interested in.

You’re posting your own material and want to get others who share/write comparable content to notice it.

These are the kind of mentions that should be utilized sparingly and with extreme caution. It’s easy to mistreat and irritate, even if you’re coming from a place of true conviction in the other person’s best interests, as we’ll see in the following case.

Under no circumstances is it acceptable:

Mentioning influencers with whom you have no prior connection in order to get their attention.

Just to get their attention, you mention all of your pals.

You may mention Facebook Pages in the same way that you can mention Facebook users when citing and referring a brand or sharing their content. Avoid bringing up brand sites just to attract their attention, since this is likely to backfire.

When Is It Appropriate to Tag People?

Tagging’s purpose is to identify when someone appears in a photograph or was there at the time the photograph was shot. That’s why Facebook employs facial recognition and displays a box around recognized faces that you may touch and tag.

Posting a photo and tagging 50 friends simply to gain their attention is spam, exactly like mention-spam. It’s not a good idea! It’s an excellent method to get your account reported and disabled – more on that later.

Up next… Limits and blocking, as well as references in comments.

Are Facebook comments and mentions the same thing?

The effect is the same, but the Facebook Notification says “so-and-so mentioned you in a comment” instead of “mentioned you in a post.” The Facebook person you mention will get a notice, and their name will be connected to their profile in your remark.

What Happens If You Mention or Tag Someone on a Facebook Post That Already Exists?

It’s OK if you forget to mention a Facebook person or Page in a post; you can always edit it and add the mention. It’s preferable to do this as soon as possible so that the mentions are included in any future shares of the post, but the user or Page will be informed regardless of when the change is made.

Is there a limit to how many times you may mention or tag someone?

In a single post or remark, you may mention up to 50 persons or Pages. While you can’t add additional individuals to the initial post, you may mention them in future comments.

On a picture, you may tag up to 50 people or Pages.


So in these ways you can see who mentions your page on facebook. Share with your friends so that it will help them too.