How Can I Ask A Girl Her Number On Facebook And Other Application

Do you have a crush on a very beautiful lady on social media and want to obtain her number so you may take her out on a date?

How do you approach a lady you’ve never met for a phone number on Facebook, Snapchat, or Tinder?

Getting phone numbers from single ladies online isn’t as difficult as you may believe.

We’ll go through the best methods to acquire a phone number from a woman you met online without being rejected.

How to Ask a Girl on Facebook for Her Phone Number

First and first, if you want to ask a lady out on Facebook, it will be very beneficial if you have a few common friends with her.

When an unknown man asks for a phone number out of the blue, girls feel a bit apprehensive.

Here are some ideas of how to message a lady you’ve never met on Facebook.

Once you’ve established that she’s comfortable talking with you, send her a casual message asking for her phone number.

On Facebook, here are some pointers on how to approach a lady for her phone number.

  1. Make your communications as natural as possible. Girls dislike impersonators. Being truthful with them is the greatest approach to pique their attention.
  2. Don’t ask her out straight away. Only ask her to go out after you’ve called or texted her.
  3. Try sneaking anything you discussed in previous discussions, or the reason you’d want to obtain her phone number, into your message.

On Facebook, here are some examples of how to ask for her phone number.

  1. Hello, I’m not a huge fan of Facebook Messenger. Do you mind if I message you instead on WhatsApp?
  2. Let’s keep texting tomorrow. What is your phone number?
  3. I like speaking with you! Please allow me to add you to my contact list. What is your phone number?

On Tinder, how do you ask a girl for her phone number?

Tinder is an excellent tool for obtaining phone numbers and dates. The majority of Tinder ladies want to have fun and meet intriguing men.

Because Facebook is a social network and Tinder is a dating app, you may discover that obtaining numbers on Tinder is lot simpler than on Facebook.

This implies that females on Tinder are actively seeking to meet men, while on Facebook, you must be more proactive.

Tinder tips for asking a female for her phone number

To obtain a phone number from a lady on Tinder, you don’t have to be direct. Instead, give her your phone number and add something like, “I’m available for calls.” It may not seem as if you are explicitly asking her, but the girl understands that you want to speak to her. She will not be embarrassed to call you.

Another option is to ask a lady to give you her phone number so you may text her. A text seems to be innocuous and unimportant. After a time of texting her, you may go to asking her out on a date.

It’s wonderful to ask a lady out on Tinder, but what if she says no? The good part is that you may quickly respond with something like, “Sorry about that. Perhaps I was a bit too forthright.” You may continue the discussion, maintain your good standing, then ask her for a phone number later when you’re feeling more secure.

Tinder examples of how to ask for her phone number

  1. I’d want to SMS you; what is your phone number?
  2. Send me your phone number and we’ll meet for coffee tomorrow.
  3. It was a pleasure speaking with you. I’m going to bed now. Send me your phone number and we’ll talk again tomorrow.

More examples: Tinder’s Amusing Ways to Request a Number

On Snapchat, how do you ask a girl for her phone number?

On Snapchat, there are a lot of beautiful females. In fact, almost every 18-year-old female has a Snapchat account.

It’s a fantastic app for having fun while meeting younger females. If you’re in your thirties, Snapchat is probably not the greatest platform for meeting women.

On Snapchat, here are some pointers for asking a lady for her phone number.

  1. Don’t seem too eager since this is a certain way to turn a lady off. When you ask her, be casual.
  2. You may always take the straightforward method and just ask the girl for her phone number. This will occasionally get you a lot of points since certain ladies appreciate men who are straightforward and have guts, but it will not work with every lady.
  3. If you get a Snapchat from her that is intriguing or has anything in common with you, start chatting about it. You may ask her for her phone number or perhaps a date after you’ve gotten to know her better.

exampes on tinder to get number.

  1. I’m not accustomed to talking on Snapchat, so please give me your phone number and I’ll SMS you.
  2. I’m about to jump into the shower. I’ll text you later if you give me your phone number.
  3. I’m going to bed now. Send me your phone number, and I’ll text you first thing in the morning.

Final Words

Social networking applications are ideal for obtaining females’ phone numbers. It is simple, fast, and prevents you from confronting rejection in public.