How Can I Create Polls On Facebook

Facebook Polls may assist you in determining your audience’s issues, what you should produce next, and their real feelings about your business. While it may assist you in making more smart business choices, Facebook Polls can also accomplish the following for your online presence:

Increase the interaction on your Facebook page (asking questions is one of the best ways to generate high engagement)

Assist you in overcoming the newsfeed algorithm without the use of advertisements

Create a strong feeling of community around your business.

This article will teach you how to build polls on Facebook, how to utilize them successfully, and how polling your audience can help your company develop.

How to Make a Facebook Poll

You can no longer create a Facebook poll from your Newsfeed or timeline. For the time being, the only method to share a poll is via a Facebook Group, a story, an event page, or Messenger.

Facebook Group Polls

Facebook Groups are one of the most effective brand-building tools available on the social media site. It enables you to build a community and increase consumer engagement.

While Business Pages struggle to achieve an organic reach of more than 5%, Facebook Groups are a different story. Because the system promotes group posts to newsfeeds, you have a significantly greater organic reach without having to pay for advertising.

With a real profile and company page example, we lay down the procedures to establish a poll inside your group below.

Step 1: Visit Your Groups

Go to your Facebook Newsfeed on your laptop or mobile device, click the “Groups” button on the left-hand side menu, and pick the group for your poll.

Step2: Compose a Post

To make a post, go to the “What’s on your mind” area. When the pop-up window appears, go to the “Add to your post” area and click the three dots to view additional choices.

Step3: Make a Facebook Poll

A new “Add to your post” box with different choices will appear. Choose “Poll” from the list. It will return you to the “Create post” pop-up, where you may begin adding poll choices in the “Write something” area.

Step 4: Share Your Facebook Poll

When you’ve finished adding all of your choices, click “Poll Options.” You may specify whether or not individuals can add choices and whether or not they can vote for more than one option.

When you’re finished, click “Post.”

Polls on Facebook Stories

With 250 million people using Stories every day and great real estate on users’ News Feeds, establishing a poll is a useful (and entertaining!) method to engage with your audience.

Let’s see how it goes.

Step 1: Launch the Facebook application on your smartphone.

Tap on the “Hamburger” symbol on the left-hand side of the screen to get to your Facebook Page. Your page will be visible in your shortcuts area or by scrolling down and clicking on the “Pages” button.

Step 2: Construct a New Story

Tap the blue circle with the plus symbol around your profile photo and choose “Create a Story” from the selection list.

Step 3: Make a poll on Facebook.

Swipe to the left until you see the card labeled “Poll.” Create your question and personalize the “Yes” and “No” choices.

Select a color gradient backdrop or upload a picture from your camera roll as your background.

When you’re finished, click the “Share Now” button.

Your followers will see the percentage of people who voted for whatever choice, but only you will know how many people voted for each option and how each individual voted.

Polls on Facebook Messenger

While polls can no longer be posted on your News Feed, Facebook has reintroduced the feature to group chats in Messenger for your personal account.

Hopefully, Facebook will expand the functionality to company page conversations. It would be a great method for doing fast customer satisfaction surveys.

Here’s how to go about it.

Step1: Join an existing group chat or start a new one.

Step 2: At the bottom of the Messenger window, next to the Text Box, tap the “+.”

This will open a new window.

Step3: Click on the Facebook Poll Icon and enter your question.

Step 4: Fill in the blanks with your options and then click the “Create a Poll” button.

This enables you to share it with your group.

Facebook Polls for Event Pages

Polls are an effective tool for businesses that conduct in-person or virtual events.

You may make one to solicit useful feedback on details such as:

Whichever place, day, or time works best for everyone.

Attendees’ perspectives on how the event went.

How many individuals are looking for particular catering options?

Voting on different itineraries.

Step 1: Attend the Event

Log in to your Facebook account and go to the “Events” section on the left side of the page. If you don’t see the event icon, click the expand button and then scroll down until you do.

Go directly to your page’s events tab for events produced by a Facebook Business Page.

Step 2: Compose a Post

Choose the event you want, then click the “Discussion” button and then “Add a Post.”

A new window will open, and the poll icon will appear on the right-hand side of the “Add a Post” area.

Tap on the three dots to expand the post choices if you don’t see it.

Step3: Make a poll.

When you click the poll button, you will be sent back to the “create a post” page, where you may enter your question and choices.

By selecting the “+Add Option” button, you may add additional potential responses. Allow individuals to add choices and enable/disable people from selecting multiple responses by using “Poll Options.”

When you’re ready to publish, click the “Post” button to add it to the page for your event.

Video Polls on Facebook

With 500 million people viewing videos on Facebook every day, you can’t go wrong with include video content in your marketing mix.

But how can you encourage people to ENGAGE with it once it’s published?

Polls on video.

It’s a fast and easy method to customize a viewer’s viewing experience and entice them to take a break from passively absorbing information.

We’ll show you how to accomplish it down below.

Step 1: Make a video and post it to your Facebook page.

You may also use Creator Studio to modify a video that you’ve previously uploaded to your page.

Step 2: Select the “Edit Post” option.

A new window will open, allowing you to change the title, caption, and tags for your video.

Step3: Choose the “Polls” option.

Scroll down on the right side of the pop-up until you find a greyed-out “Poll” area.

Choose it and then click the blue “Create Poll” button.

Step4: Submit Your Question

Your video will display with a slider on the left side of the pop-up. You may drag it to wherever you want the poll to appear in your video.

Fill in your question and answer choices on the right-hand side. There are just two choices by default, but you may add up to six more by selecting the “+Add another option” button.

Step 5: Select Your Poll Options

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to complete your poll settings. You may decide when the poll should appear, how long it should last, and when the results should be published.

step 6. Save Your Facebook Video Poll

When you’re satisfied with your poll, click the “Save” button to begin collecting results.

Final Words

So these are the complete way to create polls on facebook. Sharing with friends will surely help them too.