How Do I Get Facebook Permalink For A Wall Post

You may wish to refer someone to a particular Facebook Post at times. Perhaps you’ve published some information that you’d want to promote on another network, or perhaps there’s a discussion going on inside a post and comments that you’d like to contact one or more other people about and refer them to that article. While you could just share your Facebook Page URL and lead someone to the post you want them to view, it is much more efficient to direct them straight to the post you want them to see. While it is really quite simple, it is not immediately apparent where to go simply by glancing at a post.

What we’re going to look at works whether the Facebook Post is text, a link, an image, or even video. With the popularity of Facebook Live video, distributing links to such broadcasts is becoming more important!

We’ll also go through how to connect to Facebook posts on desktop vs. mobile, since it’s a separate procedure that was just changed! Facebook Notes are also supported.

How to Link to Facebook Posts on a Desktop Computer

When you upload a new post to your Facebook wall, it will appear like this:

This was a post that we posted on our Facebook Page. As you can see, we shared it “approximately an hour ago” under our name and brand. That is known as the Post Timestamp. When you hover your mouse over the timestamp, a hover-tip will appear displaying the complete date and time of the post. As an example:

When you click on the timestamp, you will be sent to a page dedicated to that article, with a permanent URL that you may copy and paste. It should look like this and be accessible in the address bar of your browser:

To connect to that Facebook Post, be sure to highlight and copy (Ctrl-C) the full URL. You may now copy and paste the URL into your email or status update (Ctrl-V).

This applies to any post on anyone’s timeline.

To save time, right-click on the Post Timestamp of the Facebook post and choose Copy Link Address. This will copy the Facebook post URL to your clipboard, which you may then paste anywhere you need it. As an example:

This is a fantastic technique to use if you have a significant Facebook post that you want to drive people to from other networks. You may send a tweet, share it on Google+, or include it in an email or blog post if you have the URL to the Facebook Post.

How to Embed Facebook Posts on a Desktop Computer

It’s not always enough to just link to a Facebook post; occasionally you’ll want to embed it in material, such as this one:

I conducted a Facebook Live conversation with Stephanie Liu about blogging and converting live video into blog material. It would be acceptable to use it in a variety of blog articles regarding video and writing. And it’s simple to accomplish!

Click the… menu in the top right hand corner of the post, then Embed. A popup window will appear, displaying a piece of code. Simply copy the code and put it into the text of your website. It may be necessary to integrate it in Source mode.

How to Link to Facebook Posts From a Mobile Device

It will be somewhat different if you are using a mobile device, such as an iPhone, iPad, or Android phone. That’s because most of us are probably reading Facebook postings via a Facebook-specific app. Furthermore, there is no direct access to the URL for a post while you are inside the Facebook app.

UPDATE! There is now a method to obtain the URL to a post directly from the Facebook app. I’m not sure when this upgrade was implemented since Facebook no longer elaborates on what changes with each app version. However, if you are seeing a post in your Facebook stream and want to copy the link to that post, just press the Share button and then the Copy Link option at the bottom. This will copy the post’s URL to your clipboard, which you can then hold-tap and paste into any other app or email.

You may also utilize the traditional technique of opening the desktop version of Facebook in a mobile browser, but why would you?

Instead, you’ll need to use a mobile browser like Safari or Chrome to access Facebook. Log in as usual (and, if prompted, click through the Save Browser inquiry – a Facebook security measure).

Now, before you look for the article you want to link to, open the left menu by clicking on the three bar symbol and scroll all the way down. Tap the “desktop site” option to return to Facebook in its full desktop interface, rather than the trimmed-down mobile version. When you can still access individual URLs for particular posts while browsing Facebook’s mobile version, the URLs will show that it’s mobile and will direct recipients to the mobile version, even if they’re on desktop. It is preferable to send them to the full desktop URL and let their browser identify their device automatically.

The display will most likely be very tiny at this stage, so zoom in if necessary, but you may now connect to Facebook Posts using the technique described above.

How to Make a Connection to Facebook Notes

With the resurgence of Facebook Notes (see, Facebook Brings Notes Into The Future, And It Is Gorgeous), many of us will be creating Notes and wishing to connect to them.

First, you’ll see the standard Facebook share button underneath the Note. This may be used to share to your own profile, a page you administer, a Facebook Group, or even one or more people.

Share Now (Public) will instantly share the post to your personal profile, according to your normal settings (mine happens to be Public).

Share… will open a sharing dialogue in which you may write an introduction to your personal share and choose a Page or Group to which you have access.

Send as Message will open a sharing dialogue in which you may write an introduction and then choose one or more of your Facebook friends.

So, if all you want to do is post a Note on Facebook, the standard Share button should suffice.

If you wish to share the link, whether in an email or on social media, here’s how.

Simply click through to the Note on Desktop and copy the URL from your address bar. Each Note is assigned a unique URL that may be linked to from anywhere. Notes are available and viewed whether or not someone has a Facebook account, but there are no meta tags, so link previews on other social networks will be unappealing. You may also copy the URL by right-clicking on the date stamp inside the Note.


It’s a bit more difficult on mobile, but there is a method. Unfortunately, you must have previously shared the Note to your profile before collecting the link. There is presently no way to obtain the URL to a note straight from the mobile Facebook app. After you’ve shared the Note, go to that post in your timeline and press the Share button, followed by Copy Link, as we stated before.