How Can I Identify Facebook Friends Who Never Like Or Engage With My Posts

The Facebook organic reach algorithm, without a doubt, benefits those who get more interaction from their friends and followers.

Is it possible that I’ve already lost you?

Let’s boil this down in the simplest words possible…

Let’s suppose you have 5000 Facebook friends and you’ve reached your limit.

Only 1000 to 2000 of your friends really view your posts on average.

What is the reason behind this?

When you make a new post on Facebook, it is displayed to your most active friends and followers.

Your post will be displayed to the following set of engaged users if those individuals choose to interact with likes, comments, or shares.

This will continue until the post no longer receives interaction.

Your article will either cycle up for more engagement or down for lower engagement.

Have you ever noticed that if you publish something interesting on social media…

If you’re announcing an engagement, a new baby, or a new job, your post will get a lot of attention.

Here’s what’s going on:

You make an interesting post on your Facebook page.

Within one minute, your post gets seen by 20 of your Facebook friends.

The quicker those individuals respond with likes, comments, or shares, the better…

The more people that see the post, the more it will be seen.

Let’s suppose your post drew 15 out of 20 individuals in one minute.

Following that, 40 of your Facebook friends will see your message.

Let’s suppose 30 out of 40 individuals respond within one minute.

Following that, your post will be seen by the following 70 Facebook friends.

This procedure continues indefinitely, with up to 100 individuals being displayed plus or minus.

Now that you have a better grasp of how Facebook determines who to display posts to, it’s time to learn how Facebook categorizes your Facebook friends.

Assume you have a total of 5000 pals (although this is true for any number)

It’s possible that 3000 of the 5000 people will never read your posts.

This is because they did not use the “See First Option” option.

Also, owing to the fact that not everyone is now interacting with your postings.

The next 1000 people are close by, and you might reach them with an interesting post about a newborn, an engagement, or a new job.

In your last 1000, you’ll find the majority of who engages currently.

These are individuals who have interacted with you in the past several months, people who contact you, and people who read your postings carefully.

As a result, it’s likely that you’ll only reach the same 1000 people each time you publish.

How are we going to shake up the algorithm now?

Simple… get rid of the 3000 people that aren’t participating.

Let’s travel back a year to today…

My Facebook involvement was poor, even though I had 5000 friends.

I’m a company owner who uses Facebook for marketing purposes.

I had approximately 3000 buddy requests waiting, and I was already at capacity.

My posts were ignored by the 5000 individuals I had added as friends.

I had to make a modification…

So I looked up “how to delete inactive Facebook friends” on Google.

Woohoo! There are a few applications that may help you with this!

After installing them all, you’ll discover that none of them function.

So much for that notion.

I go on Facebook Groups and ask people:

“How can I delete inactive Facebook friends?”

I got the following recommendations:

“Hire a virtual assistant.”

“Make a political statement.”

“On people’s birthdays, just unfriend them.”

The list continues on…

All of the suggestions were ineffective; they were either time-consuming or ludicrous.

Surely there had to be a better way!!

Fortunately… I work as a software engineer.

In addition, I employ a full-time team of developers.

So I ask them a question…

“Here’s the issue… Is it possible to make a Chrome extension that provides this information? “Do you have any data that we can’t obtain anywhere else?”

My team worked on prototyping for 5 days and returned with…

“YES! “WE CAN DO IT!” exclaims the group.

Everything I do…

I consult with my legal staff on a regular basis.

“Does it violate with Facebook’s terms of service if I develop an application that allows customers to scan their own profile in their own browser and just search their own page?”

After a few days, the legal team returns with…

“No, this would not be a violation since Facebook expressly states that ‘you own all your material,’ therefore as long as the program does not scan any other sites, the user would only be using this software as a productivity tool to manage their own content.”

The team gave us the go light to build the app!

We finished the creation of in less than two months.

Our aim with FriendFilter is to provide consumers with a Chrome plugin that they can install on their PCs to track who is interacting.

The FriendFilter chrome extension, unlike other monitoring apps, focuses on WHO and WHAT… not just WHAT.

In other words, we’d want to know who’s doing what on our website.

And we’re just giving the user information about WHAT’s going on with their own postings and WHO’s doing it when.

I start using FriendFilter, and I can see the 3000 out of 5000 people that aren’t responding to my postings right away. I go back a few months and see that barely 2000 of my 5000 pals are active.

I use the program to whitelist close friends and family with whom I want to maintain contact, and I begin to isolate individuals on my friends list whom I do not know.

Then I start unfriending the hundreds of individuals I’ve never met as well as those who have added me over time.

This procedure was simple and quick!

Here’s where it gets wild..

In the first week after removing 2000 friends, my remaining friends’ engagement rose by almost 1000 percent.

What is the reason behind this? Because these 3000 individuals were sapping my algorithm’s performance.

When I post to my page now, I receive hundreds of responses and interactions, while before I didn’t get even half of that… even if it’s an excellent post

My reach has significantly increased, and I now have more space to welcome new acquaintances


 Now that I’ve figured out my approach, I’m reaching out to ask:

“What prompted you to friend request me?”

I’ll approve or reject their buddy request based on their answer.