How Can I see Who Has Viwed My Photos And Videos On Facebook

When it comes to social media, the first name that springs to mind is Facebook. The most widely utilized platform by everyone on the planet. Facebook was first used by teenagers, but today it is used by individuals of all ages over the age of 13. Our lives have been made easier by the Internet. Facebook did as well. Previously, Facebook was used to socialize and keep in touch with friends and family. Businesses are being conducted on a big scale on Facebook.

Facebook stalking is when people look up other people’s accounts on the social media platform. Users are interested about the individuals who are attempting to see their profile. There are a number of approaches to overcoming your curiosity about who has seen my Facebook page. Is it possible to see who visits your Facebook page? Is it feasible, either formally or informally? Let’s take a look at how to find out who has seen your Facebook page.

  1. Is There a Way to See Who Has Viewed My Facebook Profile Officially?

Who visited my Facebook page, I’m still curious. Here’s the last and most important tip for calming your anxieties. Yes, you did read it correctly! It’s now time for iOS users to celebrate over Android users. Facebook has partnered with Apple, the world’s most well-known and frequently utilized brand. Apple’s management attempted to do something different for its customers by using the iPhone. Facebook is finally testing this specific service for iOS and Android users, after many Apple management meetings.

Who Has Been Seeing My Facebook on iPhone/iOS?

The methods mentioned above are a little on the flimsy side. There’s no need to be concerned right now. For its consumers, iOS has simplified everything.

Are you curious? Let’s get started seeing who has looked at my profile:

All iOS users should do the following:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone.
  2. Open the Facebook Menu.
  3. Scroll down to the Privacy & Settings section.
  4. Privacy Shortcuts is a new feature that you’ll discover.

Look for the choice. You’re done if you know who visited my Facebook page.

To be clear, this is just in testing mode right now, and we’re waiting for it to go live.

Who Has Been Seeing My Facebook for Android?

Hurry, Android may include a Who saw my Facebook option. Make sure you have the most current version of the Facebook app.

When contacted about the launch, Facebook said flatly that it is not working on such a product. Facebook’s stringent rules and privacy policy declare unequivocally that this function will never be available to any user.

Yes, you read it correctly. However, we are hopeful that this functionality will be released shortly, with the first of April being the ideal date (year unknown).

After you’ve figured out who’s monitoring your profile on Facebook, it’s time to learn how to ban them.

Check Who Has Viewed Your Facebook Profile Manually

The web browser Google Chrome is recommended for this technique. Other browsers may have problems. The ‘InitialChatFriendsList’ may be used to see who has visited my Facebook profile. Take the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Facebook account first.
  2. Go to your profile page now.
  3. View Page Source (CTRL+U on Windows, Command+Option+U on Mac) may be accessed by right-clicking on the page and selecting View Page Source.
  4. To open the search bar, use Ctrl+F.
  5. Now enter InitialChatFriendsList into the search box and press Enter.

A list of people who have seen your profile the most will appear.

Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile using a Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension for Flatbook

Flatbook, a Google Chrome extension available on the Chrome Web Store, may be installed. Google Chrome seems to be the only browser that allows users to do so. But it’s amusing!

Follow these easy steps to get started:

  1. Install the Flatbook extension on the Google Chrome browser. This extension may be found on the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Wait a few seconds for the installation to finish in the Chrome browser after clicking the Add to Chrome option.
  3. After the installation is complete, go to your Facebook account and log in.
  4. To use the Flatbook extension, go to the top right corner of the page and click the icon.
  5. Select Profile Visitors from the drop-down menu.
  6. You’ll be given a list of the top 20 individuals who have looked at your profile the most.

On Facebook, you can also see who has unfriended you.

Are you dissatisfied with the techniques described above? Here’s another way to achieve your objective.

Facebook’s Super Viewer

Another plugin that may assist you in determining who visits your Facebook page is this one. This is another another Google Chrome add-on. Google Chrome seems to be winning the browser race. Thank you, Google Chrome, for your assistance. Again, it’s amusing!

This extension is just as simple to install in Chrome as the previous one. Simply take these basic steps:

.1. Launch the Chrome web browser.

  1. Look for this extension and click the Add to Chrome button to install it. Wait for the installation to finish.
  2. Log into your Facebook account now.
  3. The ‘Visitor’ option in the timeline bar must be visible.
  4. Check who has seen your profile by selecting that option

Is it possible to see who visits your Facebook page?

Any user may wonder, “Who saw my Facebook profile?” The methods to see who has visited your Facebook profile are mentioned above. Facebook has its own policy, despite the fact that it respects everyone’s privacy. There are no such techniques, tactics, or hacks to see who sees your Facebook page, according to Facebook. Few third-party applications promise to do so, but since they are unlicensed, your data may be stolen and misused elsewhere. So be wary of applications that promise to do so.

Despite the fact that Facebook keeps all information on its users’ activities but refuses to share it with them, Facebook monitors every activity of the user, including who’s profile the user is stalking. However, Facebook’s policy is that it would not share its data via any means. These data are kept private by Facebook, and as the term implies, no one else has access to them. This is not a Facebook-created tool.

Third-party applications that promise to do so are encouraged to be reported to Facebook, which will take necessary action against those who break the law. Your data may be gathered and sold to advertising companies for money if you use third-party applications to verify who sees your Facebook page. Don’t give up your password to third-party applications. It’s possible that all of your information will be taken. Facebook could have included this functionality in their built-in tool if they wanted to, but they didn’t.

You can only become friends on Facebook if you accept someone’s friend request or they accept yours. Only then will you be able to see their whole profile. Friendship is built on the sharing of ideas, pictures, stories, and videos. Anyone who isn’t on your friend list has no legal right to look at your profile. That’s fine!

On Facebook, fake ids are very prevalent. A Facebook stalker creates a false id and sends friend requests to their target’s Facebook page without disclosing their true identity. Not a nice deed, but millions of false ids have been created on Facebook to monitor the actions of individuals they wish to stalk. Once you accept their friend requests, these Facebook stalkers have access to all of your information.

A person who is not on your friend list may only see your personal information, such as your age, city, birth date, relationship status, religious beliefs, and other details that the user has given. Outsiders will only be able to view these information if users want to publish them and make them public. It is up to them to decide who they wish to share their information with. If they just share their information with their pals, it’s a nightmare for you since you won’t be able to view their whole profile.

Is it possible to see who looks at your Facebook profile?

The answer to the question is simply NO.

Don’t be discouraged; keep using Facebook and ignore your need to see who has seen your profile.

Is it possible to see how many people have seen your Facebook story?

A new feature called Share Your Story. Users may share their own tales, which might contain text, pictures, and videos. For the following 24 hours, these stories would be available. Then, once you’ve posted, check your Facebook stories. You may be able to see a list of individuals who have seen your Facebook story so far. Users may choose who they wish to share their experiences with. Users like to submit tales often in order to keep track of who is viewing them.

Is it possible to see who watches your Facebook videos?

No, you won’t be able to see who watched your Facebook videos. If you’re conducting a Facebook Live, you can see who’s watching and interacting with your video.


You may obtain some helpful information after analyzing your Facebook profile and postings. Check who likes your Facebook page and respond to their comments. Most of the time, you can find out who likes, comments on, and shares your content. You have no way of knowing who has seen your Facebook profile and postings.