What Should You Do As Soon As Your Facebook Live Broadcast Ends

In 2016, Facebook introduced its live video broadcasting function. More than 3.5 billion Facebook Live videos have been shared since then.

Live videos are a great opportunity to engage with your audience in real time and form true connections.

But don’t assume your job or rewards will cease after you’ve finished your live broadcast. You can get a lot more out of your Facebook Live broadcasts if you follow the proper procedures.

Here’s what you’ll discover:

Why Should You Use Facebook Live?

Facebook Live can help you generate leads, develop connections, and raise brand recognition for your company.

But, at this point, you may be asking, “What makes live content so unique in comparison to video posts?”

Users spend three times as much time viewing a live video as they do a normal upload, according to research.

You may utilize Facebook Live to establish real connections with your fans since it is more engaging. You may also get real-time comments from your audience by using the chat feature.

It’s no surprise that people use social media sites to interact with others, thus live videos do well.

Your live videos are automatically recorded and saved by Facebook. This means you may continue to profit from your live video long after it has ended.

What to Do After Your Facebook Live Broadcast Is Over

You’re losing out on some major advantages if you don’t do anything with your Facebook Live footage or analytics once your show finishes.

Here are some tips for making the most of your Facebook Live videos.

  1. After you finish your broadcast, you’ll have access to a Facebook video recording. Facebook saves your live videos to your timeline and videos area automatically.
  2. You may cut the beginning and finish of your video on Facebook. You may also cut lengthier broadcast recordings into small pieces.
  3. Go to the Posts area of your Facebook Creator Studio to locate and modify your live recordings. Then go to your Content Library and locate the video you want to work on.
  4. Trimming is a button under Edit Post that you may use to modify the beginning and finish of your video.
  5. Go to Edit Post > Subtitles & Captions > Video Clipping if you wish to make clips. Here you may set the start and stop locations for your clip, as well as give it a title and save it.
  6. Your clips are stored in your Content Library, where they may be shared to your Facebook profile’s newsfeed or added to playlists.
  7. You may also download your recording and edit it in different software if you wish to reuse your video material on another platform.


Promote Your Recording in a Variety of Ways

Although live videos are excellent for creating consumer engagement, reaching your whole audience at once is almost difficult. Even if you have a live event, there will never be a time that is convenient for every one of your fans.

We suggest sharing your Facebook live stream recordings to other social networks to increase the reach of your content.

You may save the recording and post it to YouTube in its entirety, or you can share snippets and highlights on Tok-tok or Instagram Reels.

Your results will be higher if you can reuse your material in as many locations as possible.

To make sharing your films simpler, we suggest utilizing a social media scheduling tool.

Finally, remember to keep your website in mind. Including videos in blog articles or website pages may improve user experience while also improving search engine performance (SEO).

An embed code is available for each Facebook Live video. To increase interaction and generate traffic to your Facebook page, embed your video in blog articles.

Examine the Chat Interactions

How many consumer surveys have you sent out just to be disappointed by the results?

Let’s be honest.

It’s a pain in the neck for any marketer to get their consumers to tell you what they think. The live chat function on Facebook, on the other hand, invites people to engage with you throughout your broadcast.

You should look through you’re recording and conversation threads once you go live. Make a note of any useful input your commenters give and make sure it reaches the appropriate individuals in your company.

Also, keep an eye out for the portions of your video that get the greatest engagement. What did you do particularly well? How will you be able to do it in future videos?

It’s true that viewing your own recordings may be uncomfortable— even embarrassing. However, if you enhance your films each time, you’ll gain more out of them in the long term.

Analyze your data.

Facebook’s Creator Studio provides useful information for both your page and each individual video. To see the statistics for your Facebook Live recording, go to the Creator Studio and click on it.

Facebook will provide you with information such as:

Viewers who are unique

Viewed minutes

The average amount of hours spent watching

Customer retention is important.

It’s also possible to observe how many people watched for three seconds, ten seconds, and one minute.

Pay attention to your peak live viewers in particular. You’ll get a graph of how many viewers you have during your video if you click on this statistic.

Keep track of when your engagement peaks. People usually take at least a few minutes to interact with most videos. You may use this information to tweak your content strategy and ideas.

Track your watch time and retention over time as well. By providing value to your viewers, try to improve these figures with each video.

Last Thoughts

Livestreaming videos help you raise brand recognition and build real relationships with your consumers.

In terms of platforms, Facebook Live has a solid and simple video broadcasting function.

You must follow the proper measures after your live video broadcast to get the most out of it.

You’ll lose out on video views and important learning opportunities if you just stop making videos and forget about them.