Can I Find Out Who Is Stalking Me On Facebook

Facebook is a social media platform that brings individuals from all over the globe together. It now has over 2 billion users, accounting for more than 60% of all internet users. Without a question, it has become the world’s most popular social networking site.

Being able to communicate with people from all around the world is a wonderful thing. We can see our friends’ profiles, send messages, participate in video chats and phone conversations, and so much more on Facebook. Some Facebook users, on the other hand, have grown so comfortable with how they disclose information on their accounts that they have become an easy target for stalkers.

Stalking has become a major issue on social media; most Facebook users update their accounts on a frequent basis (if not daily), adding current pictures, status updates, and even live videos. As a result, stalkers find Facebook to be an ideal hunting ground. Unfortunately, distinguishing between regular attention from a friend and blatant stalking may be difficult. In this post, we’ll go through how to figure out whether someone is stalking you on Facebook.

What is the definition of stalking?

First and first, let’s be clear: stalking is a crime in certain jurisdictions, and no one at TechJunkie is a lawyer, so we can’t offer you legal advice.

However, there is no clear distinction between stalking and checking someone out. Let’s suppose Jack begins a new job and runs across Jane on his first day. Jane is intrigued by Jack and searches for him on Facebook. She looks at his public profile, sees a couple of his recent camping photos, and learns where he went to school. Is Jane following John around? No. If Jane, on the other hand, looks through John’s whole profile, copies every photo he has, keeps track of all the individuals tagged in his status updates or who flirtatiously remark on his page, and checks his page every day for changes… That’s a stalker, for sure.

Of course, there is a lot of gray space between those two scenarios. Everyone has Googled an ex-partner, looked up a prospective date’s Facebook page to see what music or politics they like, or looked up the Facebook page of someone they just met and are interested in. This isn’t stalking; it’s something that regular people do, employers do, and anybody who works with people does. This kind of snooping around to see what you’re like as a person or who you hang out with in real life is completely harmless.

The problem of stalking is increasingly severe. In most countries, the legal definition of stalking is quite similar to the dictionary meaning. “The act or crime of deliberately and persistently following or harassing another person in conditions that would make a reasonable person to fear harm or death, particularly because of explicit or implicit threats,” according to Merriam-Webster. Engaging in a course of behavior aimed against a person that serves no legitimate purpose and severely alarms, irritates, or intimidates that person” is a felony in broad terms.

In legal terms, stalking occurs only when the person being watched is aware of the situation, feels intimidated by it, and the observer has no valid reason for the surveillance. Whether your employer looks at your public profile to see if you were truly ill when you called in last Saturday, you may feel followed, but it isn’t stalking.

So, what does Facebook stalking entail?

What exactly do we mean when we term “Facebook stalking”? Actually, there are two components: first, the stalker is keeping a closer eye on the stalked person than the stalked person would want or feel comfortable with; second, the stalker is doing so with the purpose to harass the stalked person.

Your ex-spouse is watching your every move, hoping to catch you and your new partner off guard? The stalking is undeniable. Your grandma is watching your every step because she loves you? Even though you wish she wouldn’t, she isn’t following you.

Is it feasible to know for sure if you’re being followed or not? Unfortunately, this is not the case. The statement “Facebook doesn’t allow you monitor who sees your profile or your posts” is buried inside the mountain of words in the Facebook terms of service. This promise seems to be accurate; although the business may record everything you say, think, or do, it does not disclose information about who visits your page (with one exception…see below).

Here are the methods we’ve discovered for determining whether or not someone is monitoring your Facebook account.

Examine Your Accounts

Facebook launched Stories in 2017, following in the footsteps of Snapchat and Instagram. You may use a Story to share a collage of pictures with your friends. The stories may only be seen for a period of 24 hours. You’ll be able to see how many people have looked at it and who has seen it. Yes, you can find out who is stalking you by posting a Story and watching who reads it. The disadvantage is that if your stalker understands how Facebook Stories operate, they will avoid them. You may catch them off guard if they aren’t as smart as you are. (Discover our article on how to see who watched your Facebook Story for a full explanation to this approach.)

On older posts, look for new likes and comments.

When someone likes or comments on one of your posts, Facebook informs you. If a stalker is attempting to ingratiate themselves with you, they may be looking over previous stuff and like and commenting on it. This indicates that they are looking over your feed in a systematic manner, which is a clear stalker red flag.

Someone Who Participates in Your Groups

If another person continues appearing in groups where you are a member, this is a sure indication of a lurker. What are the chances that someone like the same ethnic food group, filthy joke group, local parenting group, and dog breed fan group? This is one method to identify the more subtle stalker, the one who isn’t going to like your material without thinking.

It’s a good idea to go over the membership lists of the organizations you’re a part of. When you look at someone’s name in the list on Facebook, it tells you who is in other groups with you. Simply go to the group’s page and choose “Members” from the left-hand menu. This will open the group’s members list, with Facebook placing the individuals with whom you have links (either friends or shared group memberships) right at the front, making it simple to verify.

Requests for Friendship that aren’t solicited

Some individuals get hundreds of friend requests every day, while others only receive a fresh request when they meet someone new in person. If you get friend requests from people you don’t know, it may be a stalker attempting to gain access to your inner circle. Friend requests from people you DO know but haven’t seen or interacted with in a long time should be treated with caution. Taking on the character of someone from a target’s past is a typical stalker tactic since it gets past our barriers – “hey, that’s Miss Johnson, my old English teacher!” Of COURSE I’ll accept her request to be her friend!”

If you get a questionable request like this, ignore it. Instead, send a message back to the individual, respectfully questioning their credentials. “Greetings, Miss Johnson!” Isn’t it wonderful to hear from you? Hey, do you recall what my nickname in class was?” If they recall what it was, go ahead and approve it. They’re probably not who they claim they are if they hem and haw or blow you off.

Defending Yourself From Stalking

The greatest defense is a strong attack, and knowing who everyone on your Friends list is is the most simple method to protect yourself from stalkers. Many Facebook users have hundreds or thousands of friends, and almost every friend request from a remotely recognizable name is an automatic accept. This is great if you want to handle your online life that way, but if you’re worried about stalking, an open-door policy will make it more difficult for someone to monitor your account.

You must do two things in order to create a stalker-proof profile. To begin, narrow down your list of pals to those with whom you have genuine connections and who you are certain are not following you. This doesn’t have to be limited to your in-person acquaintances; if you know someone well online, you probably trust them enough to include them in your online group. Second, get rid of your fans. By default, Facebook allows almost anybody to follow you, but you may alter this option. Setting your follower settings to just allow Friends to follow you is a good idea. This is simple to accomplish:

  1. Go to the Settings menu.
  2. From the left sidebar, choose Public Posts.
  3. Select “Friends” under “Who Can Follow Me.”


If you are worried about someone stalking you on Facebook or if you are uncomfortable with someone seeing your Facebook page, you should be cautious about what you write. Do not put something on the internet that you will most certainly regret afterwards. Above all, don’t post any pictures, videos, or anything that you don’t want to be seen. Consider what you’re posting; the internet is more hazardous than we realize.