How To Earn money By Sharing Posting Links On Facebook

That is the million-dollar question, since you consider Facebook to be one of the greatest social media networks. A place for them to vent or have fun via daily postings and pictures.

You can simply earn money on Facebook by posting links!

Through the exchange of links, we keep the internet alive. That is why you may begin by reading the news and end up giggling at cat videos many hours later. Links are what keep you logged in for hours on end.

Some may believe that Facebook is causing more damage than good, but why not capitalize on its potential and pull by earning a few dollars?

All you have to do is share links and sit back while they earn for you. It will be your own source of passive income.

To make more money, you must understand how to distribute links effectively. I’ll provide you some pointers at the conclusion of this blog article on how to do so.

So, let’s get started on some methods to earn money by posting links on Facebook.

Here are six ideas to get you started.

How to Earn Money Through Link Sharing

  1. Affiliate Promotion

Companies want to sell their goods to the market, therefore they spend a lot of money on advertising and marketing. Most marketers now depend on affiliates, giving them a commission on goods bought as a result of their promotion.

That’s correct, that’s the foundation of affiliate marketing. You earn money by posting links for businesses and earning a commission on each sale you make.

So, how does this relate to making money by posting links on Facebook? Let me get right into it with some expert advice:

Extensive research should be conducted on what people are currently interested in. You may generate some ideas by using Google Trends.

Find a site, such as Offer Vault, that provides links that you may share.

Investigate the products/services you may like to share.

Pro Tip: Instead of using your message board, post the links on Facebook groups relevant to the search.

After you’ve completed the above steps, you’ll be able to earn money as others purchase products/services via your shared link.

  1. Market your own goods.

Why sell someone else’s goods when you can sell your own?

One of the advantages of internet selling is the cheap initial investment.

All you need is money after you’ve identified the goods you wish to offer. There will be no need for a physical shop since your internet business would be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You could easily set up a store on Amazon or AliExpress and sell your goods there. Once you’ve done that, you can copy and paste those URLs into your online Facebook shop as well!

With a larger reach and more individuals purchasing from your Facebook shop, you may begin to get compensated for Facebook sharing.

  1. Participate in competitions

Some businesses and websites offer chances to earn money by sharing links on Facebook.

Participation is nearly entirely free, so all you have to do is follow the instructions by sharing your link on Facebook.

Prizes may range from cash to gift cards.

  1. Create a blog and earn money by sharing links to blog articles.

If blogging is something you like doing, why not start your own and earn some money from it?

As your blog develops in popularity and traffic, you can share the links on Facebook and earn money from advertisements and referral links.

  1. Include advertisements in your videos

If you have a large Facebook following because of your video content, or if you just like uploading videos on the site, adding advertising to your videos is the greatest method to earn money sharing commercials on Facebook.

Have you ever been browsing through YouTube and an ad comes up that you may skip before starting to view the video?

With websites like:

Ad Fly

slender. slender. slender. slender

You may use the same idea by including brief ads in your videos. If someone manages to stumble across your films and view the advertisement, you get paid. And they don’t even have to do anything; simply viewing the ad is enough.

Moving away from the idea that you need a specific number of views to be paid on Facebook, every interaction with your ad may earn you money. Although you cannot survive on what you earn, it is a step in the right direction.

  1. Earn referral incentives

Referring a friend to a service that you are familiar with and like may be the simplest method to make money by sharing links. You may have seen this with applications like Uber. Where you can receive a discount if you refer a friend, and if you don’t, let me explain you how it works.

  1. Locate a website that provides a referral incentive service.
  2. Take note of the one-of-a-kind URL shown.
  3. Copy and paste it into your Facebook message board/groups.
  4. Encourage folks to click on your link.
  5. You will get a bonus if someone purchases a service via your link.

Let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions.

Yes, you may earn money by posting links on Facebook. All you have to do is share links on your sites or other people’s pages (without spamming) and you may earn money for weeks, months, or even years.

AdSense enables you to put advertisements on your blog or social media accounts and earn money each time someone clicks on the advertisement. In many instances, you only get a few cents each click, but you may boost your earnings by marketing your Facebook page to attract a large number of visitors.

It has the potential to provide a sizable passive income in a matter of months.

How many views do you need on Facebook to be paid?

Facebook compensates video producers for sharing their work on the site. Videos that keep viewers viewing for longer periods of time generate more money from advertisements, with Facebook retaining 45 percent.

To be eligible, you must have at least 700 engaged followers.

Final Thoughts

Let’s get to the pointers I mentioned:

Reduce the length of the connection.

If you decide to begin with affiliate marketing, the link you will post will be unique and lengthy.

According to Facebook’s algorithms, affiliate links are less likely to be seen, however services like Tiny URL solve the issue.

You must identify your specialty. You may accomplish this by browsing Facebook groups for what people are interested in. If you want to advertise exercise clothing, the ideal individuals to share it with are those that discuss weight reduction.

The idea behind this is to distribute material to those who need it the most, rather than to the whole audience.




Hopefully, you can see that earning money on Facebook isn’t difficult. With the advice given, you may distinguish yourself and begin earning money by posting links on Facebook.