How To Recover Messages Marked As Spam On Facebook Messenger

If you are one of the more than 1.8 billion people who use Facebook every day, you have most likely already worked out how to cope with filtering out the many possible alerts, some of which may be considered Facebook spam messages, that you may be getting. Going to the Facebook Account Settings page under your personal profile will take you to a complicated screen like the one shown below:

If you continue down the list on the left side, you will find an alerts option, and if you choose it, you will see that you have complete control over the notifications that Facebook sends to your email inbox, as seen below:

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page, you will be able to choose whether you want these alerts in your browser, email, or delivered to your mobile phone as an SMS text message, as seen below:

This, I think, should offer you complete control over the communications you get from Facebook. In fact, this post was initially published when there was a flaw in the system that allowed event invitations to flood my email. There is now an option that can assist you avoid receiving these emails from Facebook.

If you are still experiencing problems, please read the rest of my original blog article where I explain the loophole mentioned above to see if it offers you any fresh ideas to assist your situation.

I thought I had complete control over these emails until I began getting a particular kind of message that bothered me since I couldn’t manage it. If you’ve been getting Facebook messages from individuals you don’t know and/or groups you’re not a member of, stay reading because you may be experiencing the same issue I am: receiving messages from people you’re not friends with and/or organizations you’re not a part of!

First and foremost, I’d like to point out that, in addition to the above page, there is another screen where you may manage your Facebook notifications: Contact Settings –> Privacy Information

If you choose “Everyone” in these contact options, you are enabling anyone who discover you in search results or visit your profile to send you a message. I’m leaving it on since I’m interested in hearing from anybody who wants to contact me. However, this kind of spam is unrelated to this type of general communication. The following are the features of the Facebook email notice that I have been receiving:

The email subject indicates that it was issued by what seems to be the name of a Group of which I am not a member.

The title at the top of the email now depicts an unknown individual delivering a message to all members of what seems to be the Group that I am not a member of.

When I click on the person who sent the email, I discover that we are not friends.

When I click on the Group’s name, it is not the name of a Group, but rather the name of a Facebook Event.

And here is where I found the spam message loophole: When you create a Facebook Event, you can include email addresses from individuals you don’t need to be friends with or even on Facebook to send them the notice. People on Facebook are spamming you with Event alerts that you can’t turn off since they are entering your email address, similar to how people spam you on LinkedIn by joining the same LinkedIn Group that you are in and sending you a message.

There are many methods to acquire someone’s email address in this day and age of social media. The actual issue is how to report these communications that you no longer want to receive. If you get a message on LinkedIn, you may identify the profile and report spam to LinkedIn and/or the LinkedIn Groups that the individual is a part of. What should you do if you get these FB spam messages? There is a spot on the FB Event page to “Report the Event,” however even though there is a “Spam” option, the event itself may be genuine. The only remaining choice is to click on the link to respond to the message, and there is a “Report Spam” button at the top. When you hit it, there is no prompt for explanation, but it does state that the mail was reported as spam.

Will Facebook investigate the communications you report as spam? Will it stop the sender of the mail from spamming you in the future? Time will tell…

Where can I find spam messages on Facebook?

In messenger, spam messages are found under message requests. Because Facebook automatically filters spam communications, it is difficult to find. Once you’ve found the Message Requests in Messenger, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see a tiny link that reads, See Spam.

What does the term “spam messages” on Facebook mean?

Spam communications are messages sent to you by a Facebook user who is not a friend. Facebook automatically considers them spam in order to protect your account. It may contain mass communications and messages with an excessive number of links. If you get one of these, it will be automatically categorized as filtered communications.

How can I check my Messenger spam messages?

To check your spam messages on Messenger, go to the main message inbox in either the messenger app or the desktop version. Then, in the upper left corner, select the gear symbol to see Message Requests. You will then get a list of your message requests. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the list and click the tiny link labeled “See Spam.”

How Can I Stop  Spam Messages On Facebook Messenger

By adjusting your settings, you can simply block spam communications. To begin, log in to your account and go to Privacy Settings by clicking the menu arrow in the upper right-hand corner. Locate the How You Connect settings and click the modify settings link next to it. You may then choose the degree of privacy you want depending on who can search you up by name, send you friend requests, and messages.

Final Words

Opening a Facebook message does not instill a virus in you. Your first focus should be the message’s substance. Is there a random file on there that asks you to download it? Or are there any questionable links or images? If you answered yes, your chances of contracting a virus are greater. But don’t fret, Facebook is doing a fantastic job of screening dangerous URLs and binary files in Messenger.