How To Check The Admin Of A Facebook Page

However, there are two situations in which you may wish to go through the Admin list for a Page. The first is when you’re a part of the Page’s team and have a role, and the second is when you’re simply a fan.

Why would you want to see who the administrator of a page you’re not a member of? There are many causes for this. Perhaps you think someone is attempting to hijack the website for their own malicious objectives in bad faith. Perhaps you’re working on a brand marketing campaign and need to know who owns the Page. Perhaps you simply want to know whether it’s even feasible. Let’s see what we can find out, shall we?

Identifying the Administrator of a Facebook Page You Aren’t a Fan Of

First and foremost, you may consider to check Facebook’s new Page Transparency box for this sort of information.

What exactly am I referring to? Facebook has been widely chastised in recent years for its role in disseminating false information. Rather than attempting to control the flow of information or ban whole points of view, Facebook is attempting to make it more obvious when the material you’re seeing has been distorted.

They’re accomplishing this in a number of ways, one of which is enhancing Page transparency. They aim to provide you with information on the individuals who administer a Page so that you can make your own decision. For example, if you join a political memes Page and discover that it is run by five Russian members, you might assume that the memes they post have a hidden agenda.

If you want to view the Page transparency information box, it’s quite simple to accomplish so. Play along by going to the PC Gamer Magazine Facebook Page, which contains a good quantity of material that I can use as an example.

When you’re on the PC Gamer Page, look in the right-hand column for the Community box, About box, and other options. There are two pertinent boxes here that you may find useful. The first is the Page Transparency box, and the second is the Team Members box, which is immediately below it.

The Page Transparency box displays the Page’s creation date and includes a See More link that opens a lightbox with more information. There are three tabs of information in this new box.

The Summary is the first tab.

 This displays the Page’s history, as well as any previous names the Page has had and whether or not it has merged with other Pages. It also displays a box labeled “Individuals Who Administer This Page,” which is really simply a list of countries in which persons who manage the page live, together with the number of people in each country. PC Gamer has 16-page positions in the United Kingdom, 13 in the United States, 3 in Australia, 2 in Singapore, and 1 in Canada as of this writing.

A third piece of data informs you whether or not the Page is displaying advertisements. You can view what they’re running by looking at the page’s ad library. This is a great tool for individuals who want to learn more about Facebook advertising, however it’s not applicable to our needs.

Oh, and don’t forget about the three tabs I mentioned earlier? The Page History and Page Managers tabs are the second and third tabs, respectively. They don’t provide much more specific information, at least not for this Page, but knowing they exist is helpful.

Unfortunately, you may have observed that this section has no names at all. In reality, you can only view the general locations of everyone who has a part on the page, not everyone who has a role. This is just to enable users to make an informed decision on the Page’s ownership bias. Instead, have a peek at the Team Members section further down.

Jarred Walton is the only person named in this section. This individual is a Page Manager for PC Gamer, and according to his LinkedIn page, he is the magazine’s Senior Editor. (In 2016, Maximum PC and PC Gamer combined.)

Jarred is not the proprietor of the magazine, and he may or may not be the owner of the Facebook Page as well. People who are featured as the public face of the Page are included in the Team Members section, although they are not necessarily Admins. The admin must highlight them, however anybody with the Page role may be added to the public team.

In this page, you may learn more about what it means to be assigned to a team. It’s mostly a public connection between a user’s profile and a Facebook Page, allowing Page administrators to quickly persuade their friends to check out the Page.

Let’s take a look at another page and see what we can find. Another business whose Facebook page I often reference is Moz.

We can see that Maoz has changed the name of their page once – from SEOmoz to Moz – and that they have employees maintaining the website from the United States, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and a “not accessible” nation.

In this instance, I’m not sure what Not Available implies. Perhaps the person has a weird address listed as their home, such as an unnamed location in the middle of the ocean. Perhaps the user’s profile privacy is so well controlled that Facebook refuses to reveal it. Perhaps it’s just a case of a user who never filled out the information. I’m sorry, but I’m not sure.

Another thing you may note is that underneath the Transparency box on the Page, there is no Team Members area. No one has been asked to publicly identify themselves as a team member by Moz.

There is currently no alternative method to identify the administrator of a Facebook Page. The best you can do is follow potential users on Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social media platforms and, well, ask them. There’s no assurance that the owner of a business is also the administrator of the Facebook Page, and it’s frequently the case that they aren’t. In the case of Pages maintained by agencies, such agencies have their own users in Admin or Manager positions, which you won’t be able to view until they publicly reveal it.

This is most likely for a good cause. Although Facebook Pages are a public institution, they are often targets for disruption, harassment, and other forms of potential violence. Consider what would happen if a high-profile LGBT Page was forced to identify their team members publicly; each and every one of those people’s lives would be jeopardized.

This implies you won’t be able to locate a Page’s Admin if they don’t wish to share the information with you. On the other side, if you need to contact the Page Admin, all you have to do is message the Page directly.

As a side aside, there was once a flaw that enabled you to see details about a Page’s owner by inspecting the coding of an email invitation. Although the issue has been fixed, you may learn more about it here.

Identifying the Administrator of a Facebook Page You Manage

If you’re a part of a Page’s squad, though, things are a little different. You should be able to view other team members without difficulty if you have insider access. Page roles can only be managed by Page Admins, although they should be visible to everyone. All Page roles, for example, may view who has published as a Page at the moment, but not all roles can post as the Page.

To view this information, first log into your profile that has Page access, and then go to the Page itself. Look find the Page roles section on the left column of the Settings tab at the top right of the page. Of course, you can learn more about each position and its capabilities by visiting the Facebook Help Center.

You will be able to view and modify all role information if you are the Page’s Admin.

If you want to assign a new page role to someone, go to the Page Roles area of the settings menu and find the Assign a New Page Role box. You may enter someone’s name into this text field. Enter a name or email address, choose the role you want that individual to play, and then click Add.

If you want to modify or edit the responsibilities that current users hold, go to the same area and look below it. You should be able to see the names of everyone who has a role assigned to them, as well as the role displayed under their name. You may modify or delete their role by clicking the big Edit button next to their entry.

At all times, every Page must have at least one Admin. An Admin cannot remove the Page’s only Admin; instead, they must elevate someone else before removing themselves.

It’s also worth noting that entrusting the admin position to anybody other than the Page owner is usually very risky. Within a Page, Admins have unrestricted authority and may dismiss other Admins. This implies that if another person is added as an Admin, there is always the possibility of a hijacking.

This is also why Facebook has expanded the number of Page positions available. Give someone on your Page the Analyst position rather than the admin role if you want them to be able to view your insights data and create reports but not do anything else. Add someone as an Advertiser if you want them to run ads for you. Add someone as a Moderator if you want them to assist you monitor your comments and postings. It’s very uncommon that you should give up control of your whole business to someone else.

Wrap Up

That’s pretty much all I know about identifying Page Admins, but I’m willing to learn more. If any of you know of another method to figure out who the Admin of a Page is, especially if you’re not a member of the team, please let us know.