What Is An Alternative Way To log In To Facebook.

Here are some of the alternative ways to login to facebook. These alternative ways will surely help you to get login on facebook


Civic provides a system for personal identification verification that includes distributed ledger technology for banks and utility providers (DLT). DLT is a method for documenting asset transactions in many locations at the same time, rather than a centralized data store, to provide a safer, less expensive, and more efficient alternative for both people and developers. Their network supports all blockchain entities – users, recognized parties, and service providers. Their Security Identity App “Civic identity –Bitcoin Wallet,” which is accessible on the App Store, Google Play, and the web, allows users to quickly register their identity; all they need is an email address, a phone number, and a video selfie. The software encrypts personal information with a private key and does not keep it directly on the blockchain. Instead, they keep evidence of information, guaranteeing that consumers retain ownership over their data. Recognizing parties, also known as validators, validate the validity of an identity on the DLT and for service providers. This is sold to service providers in return for CVCs, Civic’s cryptocurrency. When a user uploads relevant information from their CIVIC account, they are required to sign a validation contract that governs data attestation. Users are also encouraged to participate by getting CVCs in return for submitting their data more securely through CIVIC. These CVCs may be used to interface with CIVIC and third-party identity-related products. This service is based on the Ethereum blockchain and supervises data attestation using smart contracts.

SelfKey is a security, privacy, ownership, access, protection, and data portability identification system. They utilize the Self-Sovereign IDentity (SSID) paradigm, in which people are at the center of the identity management process. SelfKey is governed by the SelfKey Foundation, a non-profit organization that provides a free and open-source digital wallet, SelfKey-specific products and services, a machine-readable JSON protocol for implementation, connection to third-party services in accordance with Know-Your-Customer (KYC) regulations, and “KEY” tokens to exchange information and conduct transactions more securely and privately. They provide a variety of goods and services, including Bitcoin signup, bank account applications, E-wallets, and token sales. Individuals who wish to utilize SelfKey may do so by downloading the “SelfKey Wallet” software and obtaining a SelfKey, which is a public/private key combination. As the private key is used to verify the identity to other parties, this serves as a digital “pen” to affix an identity owner’s signature to papers. SelfKey does not disclose its private key with anybody, unlike a conventional username-password credential kept in a third-party database. SelfKey is based on the Ethereum blockchain as well.


Sovrin is another another login service that focuses on creating self-sovereign identities for individuals and companies, allowing them to manage their own digital identities. Users may establish and maintain numerous identities for online banking, mobile applications, emails, and shopping websites. Sovrin members have the ability to manage their public and private data. They offer two keys: a private key used to sign documents and is kept hidden from the owner, and a public key that validates the signature and ensures the document has not been tampered with. These two keys allow a consensus method to function across many computers and replicate across numerous entities. The Sovrin Network likewise employs two node rings: one with validator nodes to accept transactions and another with observer nodes that run copies of the blockchain to handle requests. Their blockchain generates lightweight cryptographic evidence that can be analyzed on a smartphone. Sovrin also provides tokens that assist in the efficient exchange of digital credentials’ value. This improves confidence among all parties involved and provides an incentive for consumers to share consented data with businesses. The data is more valuable than third-party data since it comes straight from the consumer. Customers are given Sovrin tokens in return. Sovrin’s aim is to demonstrate that decentralization works for self-sovereign identification using Ethereum public blockchains.


Uport is another solution based on the Ethereum blockchain that offers a secure self-sovereign identification. Smart contracts, developer libraries, and a mobile app are the three components of their system. The app is in charge of the user’s keys, while Ethereum is in charge of smart contracts, which are at the heart of identity management. Third-party app developers may use the developer libraries to incorporate uPort into their own services and applications. Individuals, devices, organizations, and institutions may all have identities in uPort, which are all managed by the owners. The ability to digitally sign and validate a claim or transaction is a critical application of an uPort identity. End users have full ownership and control over their personal identity, data, and digital assets, which can then be securely provided to third parties in order for them to use their services, make transactions, and sign documents without the need of passwords. uPort provides a corporate identity to companies in order to simplify the KYC process and provide secure access-controlled environments for workers, encrypting and safeguarding critical data while improving compliance. The uPort identification is at the heart of an uPort identity; it is a 20-byte hexadecimal string that specifies the address of an Ethereum smart contract known as a Proxy contract. A user identity communicates with other smart contracts on the blockchain through this Proxy contract, providing a layer of interaction between the user’s private key on a mobile device and the application’s smart contract.


When a user establishes an identity, the Jolocum protocol provides mechanisms for creating and maintaining decentralized identities, verifiable credentials, and cryptographic signatures. Local identities are generated using hierarchical deterministic keys that can accommodate numerous personas. Users are referred to as “Holders” of trustworthy digital identities in the Jolocum ecosystem. With private key creation, holders have permanent virtual ownership over the genesis of their identity. Jolocom does not collect any user data, and only the identity holder may utilize their identity. By default, identity characteristics like as private keys are kept client-side on a device. The Jolocom protocol’s code is open source and is housed in a publicly accessible repository. By implementing the protocol, any identity holder may create, distribute, and consume identity data. Jolocom is based on Ethereum and the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), allowing it to link to other networks such as Bitcoin and provide flexibility in its implementation. Jolocom also employs a mobile app known as the “Jolocom SmartWallet” to help users maintain their identities, passwords, and tokens.

Peer Mountain

Peer Mountain is the first decentralized peer-to-peer trust marketplace, connecting self-sovereign identity owners with data privacy-compliant service providers. It employs cryptographic methods to establish a trustworthy record of digital identities, connections, and evidence of actions for individuals and businesses. The Peer Mountain ecosystem consists of three components: the mobile end-user, who is the consumer, the back-end service provider, and attestation engines, who are the certificate suppliers. Members of the ecosystem own and manage their data, and they have the ability to determine who has access to it, denying third parties access. They are also in accordance with KYC procedures and requirements for customer onboarding, which reduces the expenses of complying with these standards. Peer Mountain caters to both consumers seeking self-sovereign identities and service providers seeking ongoing and dependable compliance as well as effective commercial service delivery. A user may utilize their protocol to go through a normal service application, like as applying for a credit card, disclose their information, and have trusted third parties testify to that information in order for them to deliver their services. The procedure of certification and identification verification becomes less time-consuming, and liability is minimized. Each user has their own vault of safety deposit boxes in which they keep copies of papers that have been encrypted with unique keys. A 4096-bit master key is used, which is very difficult to decode. Even if a user loses their smartphone, their keys are secured by an authentication PIN and fingerprint since they are kept in the hardware-backed storage of the device. Peer Mountain also provides utility tokens called “Peer Mountain Tokens” (PMTN) to quantify the value of trustworthiness in the ecosystem.


THEKEY is a project in the identity verification business that offers answers to problems with centralized identity verification systems. They aim to connect blockchain with smart contracts, particularly via the use of “Blockchain-based Dynamic Multi-Dimension Identification” (BDMI) technology, which improves cost efficiency and security. BDMI technology is based on biometric data that has been verified by government agencies. Once a user’s identity has been confirmed, it is correctly recorded for the user to earn “THEKEY” tokens (“TKY Token”). They have the benefit of avoiding duplicate data for collection, processing, and authentication. THEKEY’s ecosystem provides a healthy atmosphere for data usage and protection. It is made up of validators, who process and produce results for identity verification requests, and service providers, who start the request. Individual users who are clients of the service providers must also agree to validators in order for the verification request to be processed.

Final Words

So, these are the best alternative ways to get login into facebook. Hope you now have understood every detail explained above. You can share this useful article with your friends.