Can A Business Page On Facebook See Who Visits Their Page

Unfortunately, Facebook analytics and insights have not provided us with a clear answer to the question, “Who visited my Facebook page?”

But no one is here to ask why you can’t see who has visited your Facebook page, are they? So, in this post, we’ll look at the best ways to find out who visited your Facebook page.

There are many reasons why individuals may wish to know the answer to this question.

Digital marketers, for example, should collect email addresses and phone numbers from individuals who interact with their Facebook Business Page in order to target Page followers with marketing campaigns.

Individuals, on the other hand, are often inquisitive about who is seeing their Facebook page. It’s only natural.

Here, we’ll concentrate on the former and assist Facebook Business Page administrators with their digital marketing efforts.

However, the techniques and strategies for collecting contact information from individuals who visit your Facebook Page may also be useful to the person who wants to know whether they are being stalked-though we hope that is not the case.

So, let us get right to it!

Here are the three greatest ways to find out who visited your Facebook Business Page.

#1. Lead Generation Tool on Facebook

Adding a Facebook Lead Generator to your Facebook Page and Posts is by far the simplest method to find out who visits your Facebook Page.

MobileMonkey’s Free Facebook Lead Generator is a free application that converts your Facebook Page followers into leads.

These are individuals who like and follow your company’s Facebook page.

And you automatically collect their names, emails, and phone numbers!

The following is how the free Facebook Lead Generator works:

Fans and prospects may contact you on Facebook and comment on your posts.

MobileMonkey uses Messenger auto-replies to gather emails and phone numbers.

Then, every day, MobileMonkey sends you an email with a list of all your new leads.

You may re-engage your leads at any moment by using MobileMonkey.

So, don’t allow hot Facebook leads slip through the gaps. And discover out who is visiting your Facebook Page!

Use the Free Facebook Lead Generator to add a free, automated responding service to your Facebook Page and Posts to collect essential contact information so you can follow-up with prospects quickly.

Look at you, a real Facebook samurai wielding the magical monkey’s power.

  1. Use Facebook Messenger Ads to reach Page Fans.

Running Facebook Messenger advertising is another excellent way to know who has seen your Facebook Page.

Facebook Messenger advertisements provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that smart digital marketers are capitalizing on in 2020.

This is due to the fact that Facebook Messenger advertising are not the same as normal Facebook ads. Above all, Messenger advertising outperform regular Facebook ads because they initiate a more interesting discussion with a bot.

In order to effectively collect the contact information of your Facebook Page visitors, you should run “send-to-Messenger ads.”

In this instance, a send-to-Messenger ad might be as simple as asking your page followers, “Hey, can we connect on Messenger?”

Here’s how to go about it.

Use the audience filters on Facebook to target your page followers with a send-to-Messenger ad. These are individuals who have interacted with your Facebook Business Page.

When your advertisements are shown to Page visitors, all they have to do is interact with your brand on Messenger to become a contact. That means you’ll collect their contact information and be able to send them follow-up messages.

To automate your interaction with a new lead, use MobileMonkey’s Facebook Messenger funnel builder. Because you don’t have to manually qualify and gather lead data, you can endlessly grow your lead generation operations.

Here’s how you utilize MobileMonkey’s Click-to-Messenger Ads tool to create a Facebook Messenger ad with automatic lead collection.

With a visual chatbot builder that links directly to your Facebook ad, you can ask qualifying questions and establish long-lasting relationships with new prospects.

With this appealing new ad style, MobileMonkey clients are reducing their cost per lead in half or more. In this Facebook Messenger ad case study, you’ll see what I mean.

#3: Make use of Facebook Post Autoresponders

A Facebook Post Autoresponder is the last tool you may use to address the question, “Can you see who visits your Facebook Page?” This is also referred to as a Comment Guard.

Naturally, the majority of individuals who comment on your Facebook postings are Page fans.

A Facebook post autoresponder sends a message in Messenger to everyone who leaves a remark on any of your Facebook material.

Facebook autoresponders are an excellent tool for boosting the reach of all of your organic posts. And MobileMonkey Facebook Comment Guards have shown to be very effective for advertisers.

Autoresponders are simple to set up and will run on all of your Facebook posts completely automatically.

So, to attract as many Page visitors to comment as possible and to draw a lot of attention to your article, attempt the following:

Ask a click-bait question in your article, such as “Name your top ten movies, go!” It’s human nature for people to like answering questions about themselves, and this strategy always succeeds.

Allow others to guess the answer in the comments section.

Send a private answer through Messenger using your MobileMonkey chatbot.

Then, when interaction on one of your posts is much higher than usual, promote your Facebook post to guarantee that it receives a large number of impressions.

The more people who react, the higher the post’s exposure in your news stream. The greatest thing is that every time someone responds to your private chat, you immediately collect lead user data. Those contacts have also agreed to receive promotional messages from your Messenger chatbot.

You can now see who has visited my Facebook page, but you can’t anymore.

Did you notice the “Who saw my profile” button that came out of nowhere on the Facebook app for iOS? Following the Cambridge Analytica incident, Facebook provided the much-requested option to its data-weary users.

It didn’t last very long. The “who saw my profile” button appeared fast and unexpectedly, and it has since vanished.

Nobody, save maybe Zuck, understands Facebook’s irreverent ways.

The Myth of the Source Code

Before we proceed any further, let’s explain a common internet trick for determining who visited my Facebook profile.

Several websites and people claim that if you follow these procedures, you will know “who visited my Facebook page?” or “who saw my profile?”

Right-click your timeline and choose “View Page Source.”

Press Ctrl-F to search the source code for “BUDDY ID.”

The name of a person will then appear anywhere around the 15-digit BUDDY ID number. If no name appears, you may copy and paste the 15-digit number into your menu bar as follows: (as in this example, insert the 15-digit BUDDY ID digits into the URL).

The concept is that you’re looking at a list of the individuals who have seen your profile the most often, from left to right or top to bottom.

However, there is no evidence to back up these claims, and a simple dummy test may demonstrate that it is useless.

These BUDDY ID numbers most likely correspond to the individuals with whom you’ve lately interacted through Messages or Messenger. In any event, don’t place too much stock in this while attempting to determine how to identify who looks at your Facebook page.


Using a mix of the three lead capture technologies listed above, you’ll receive the greatest response to the often asked issue, “Can you see who visits your Facebook Page?” Or, “Who has looked at my profile?”

Lead magnets are instruments for collecting contact information and connecting you with potential clients.