What Is The Limit In Facebook File Sending To other Person

The user must start the discussion in order to send messages to someone on Messenger. Messages delivered via the Messenger Platform are categorized into one of three categories. Each communication type has its own set of rules and guidelines for what kinds of material may be transmitted and under what circumstances.

A short description of each message type follows. See the Messenger Platform Policy Overview for more information.

Typical Messages

Your app has up to 24 hours to react when someone writes a message to your Page or begins a discussion through a web plug-in. Message tags allow messages to be sent outside of the 24-hour timeframe for particular use situations.

Notification just once

One-time Notification enables a Page to get a one-time message opt-in from a user in order to send a follow-up message after the 24-hour messaging window has expired.

Private Messages

When someone makes a Post Comment or a Visitor Post on your Page, Private Replies enables the Page to send a message to that individual through Messenger.

Tags for Messages

For a set of authorized use cases, Message Tags allow companies to deliver critical and personally relevant 1:1 update to users outside of the 24-hour Standard messaging timeframe. You might, for example, send notifications regarding shipment and delivery, a pending reservation or trip, or account alerts.

News Dissemination (beta)

News messages enable news providers to send their customers frequent news updates through Messenger. This functionality is only accessible to Facebook News Page Index registered news pages (NPI)

Messages from Sponsors

Outside of the Standard Messaging window, sponsored messages enable you to reengage an open discussion in Messenger. Sponsored Messages display in the discussion as regular messages but are labeled ‘Sponsored.’

Basics of the Send API

All messages are sent via the Send API through a POST request with your page access token added to the URL query string:

https://graph.facebook.com/v12.0/me/messages?access token=

The HTTP request body is delivered in JSON format and has three properties:

messaging type: Indicates the reason for sending the message.

The receiver is the person who receives the communication.

message: This parameter specifies the message that will be sent.

Here’s a basic example of the body of a text message request:

“Messaging type”:””, “messaging type”:””, “messaging type”

Types of Messages

The messaging type field specifies the message’s messaging type and provides a more clear method to comply with rules for particular messaging kinds while still honoring people’s choices.

The following ‘messaging type’ values are supported:

Type Description of Messaging


Message is in reaction to a message that has been received. Within the 24-hour regular communications window, this covers both promotional and non-promotional messages. Use this tag, for example, to reply to a request for a reservation confirmation or a status update.


The communication is being delivered in advance, rather than in reaction to a previous message. Messages delivered inside the 24-hour regular messaging window, both promotional and non-promotional, are included.


The message is non-promotional and is being delivered with a message tag outside of the 24-hour regular messaging window. The message must correspond to the tag’s permitted usage case.

IDs of Recipients

You must specify the message recipient in the body of the request whenever you send a message. The Messenger Platform allows you to identify message receivers in two ways:

The sender’s page-scoped ID will be provided in the sender.id property of the event whenever someone sends your Page a message or interacts with your Page in Messenger for the first time. For each page, the PSID is unique. Please keep in mind that Facebook Login user IDs are app-scoped and will not function with the Messenger platform.

User Ref: A special case that is used to refer to the user in the Checkbox Plugin.

Post of Comment ID: A special case that is utilized in the context of Private Replies to refer to the user.

Requests in Bulk


Call batching is supported by the Graph API, allowing you to send up to 50 messages with a single API request. Each request in a batch contributes to the Send API’s total. See Making Multiple Requests for additional details.

Text Messages

Send a POST request to the Send API with message. Text specified in the request body to send a simple text message:

Attachments to be sent

Audio, video, pictures, and files may all be attached to messages using the Messenger Platform. The maximum file size is 25 megabytes. The highest picture resolution is 85 Megapixels. An asset may be attached to a message in three ways:



attachment id

Please be aware that our servers may encrypt any files you submit to guarantee compatibility. If the file size exceeds the 25MB limit, you may get a file size limit error.

Types of Attachments

The Messenger Platform accepts the following attachment kinds, which are defined in the message’s attachment. Type property:





template. See Templates for additional information on this type.

Adding an attachment from a URL

Send a POST request to the Send API with message. Attachment set in the request body to send an attachment from a URL. The asset type (image, audio, video, or file) is included in the attachment object, as well as a payload that contains the asset url:

Adding from a File

Send a POST request to the Send API with the message information as form data, including the following fields:

recipient: A JSON object that identifies the receiver of the message

message: The message is described as a JSON object. The asset type is included, as well as a payload. Either the payload is empty or it sets the property.

file data: The asset’s location on your file system as well as its MIME type.

Attaching Assets that Have Been Saved

The Send API and Attachment Upload API on the Messenger Platform allow you to save assets. This saves you time by allowing you to reuse assets rather than having to submit them every time you need them. See Saving Assets for further information on how to save money.

To attach a stored asset to a message, use the payload. Attachment id field of the message request to provide the object’s attachment id:

Only attachments that had the is reusable attribute set to true when they were uploaded may be forwarded to other message recipients.

Response from the API

A successful Send API call to a PSID returns a JSON string with the message’s and recipient’s IDs.

For messages sent using recipient. User ref or recipient. Phone number to identify the message recipient, the Send API does not provide recipient id in the response.

“Recipient id”:”1008372609250235″, “recipient id”:”1008372609250235″, “recipient id

“”m AG5Hz2Uq7tuwNEhXfYYKj8mJEM QPpz5jdCK48PnKAjSdjfipqxqMvK8ma6AC8fplwlqLP 5cgXIbu7I3rBN0P m AG5Hz2Uq7tuwNEhXfYYKj8mJEM QPpz5jdCK48

Limiting the rate of change

To avoid malicious activity and bad user experiences, page rate restrictions have been implemented. Calls to the Messenger API that exceed the rate limit shown below will fail with error code 613.

200 * Total Messenger Audience = Calls within 24 hours

Because the rate restriction is dependent on the Page audience, the same app may reach the rate limit for one Page but not for another. See page messages total messaging connections for quick debugging of the page’s real rate limit.

We suggest a transmit rate of 250 requests per second for sites with big visitors. You should design your system such that any sudden large quantities of demand are distributed over time and that you can manage your throughput if you reach our rate limitations.

Make a note of any errors provided by the Send API, such as the one warning that you’ve exceeded the rate limit.





Wrap Up

Consider the size of the screen and how users scroll; concise statements are simpler to understand. Instead of sending a single lengthy message, send a few shorter ones.

Text should not be used to replace pictures, tables, charts, or graphics. Structured messaging or perhaps a WebView may be more appropriate for your requirements.

Long exchanges should be avoided. Instead of sending a single message, send a few distinct messages if you need to convey several items.