How To Tag Someone In A Post After You Posted It

So, you posted a group picture but failed to tag a friend? Don’t worry; you can fix the problem before they even notice. Facebook allows you to modify any of your timeline posts, including some that are several years old. Of course, this includes the addition of tags and mentions.

Nothing is fixed in stone when it comes to Facebook. You may edit status updates, individual pictures, and whole albums. This article will demonstrate how to tag someone after publishing on Facebook using various devices. Continue reading for step-by-step instructions for the app’s online and mobile editions.

How to Tag Someone in a Facebook Post After Posting (Windows10, macOS)

Almost every major browser app allows you to visit Facebook. So far, only Messenger has an official desktop version, but that isn’t a big deal. Facebook’s UI has recently been improved to make it even more user-friendly.

The sophisticated recommendation tool is one of the many useful features. When you submit a picture that includes more than one person, Facebook utilizes facial recognition to automatically tag their profile. It may save you a lot of time, particularly when taking group pictures. Of course, it is not completely trustworthy, especially if the face characteristics are obscured.

Fortunately, you can simply add the missing tags yourself. The most convenient method is to use your PC or Mac since the desktop mode is more visible. Simply take these few steps:

  1. Navigate to Facebook and sign in using your email address and password.
  2. In the top-right corner of the screen, click the downward arrow. Click on your profile photo to see your profile.
  3. Find the picture you want to tag by scrolling through your timeline. In the upper-right corner, click the small tag symbol.
  4. With your mouse, point to the person you wish to tag. In the tiny search box, type their name.
  5. Select their profile from the list of options and then click “Finished Tagging.”

Remember that there is a limit to the number of people you may tag in a single picture. Facebook now limits the number of individuals who may comment on a single post at 50. On the positive side, you can tag whole picture albums after they’ve already shown on your timeline. Here’s how to go about it:

  1. Use your chosen browser to access your Facebook account.
  2. Navigate to your profile and scroll down to the “Photos” section. In the top-right corner, click “See All Photos.”
  3. Navigate to the “Albums” tab. Browse for the one you want to tag and click on it.
  4. In the upper-right corner, click on the three horizontal dots. Choose “Edit Album” from the drop-down menu.
  5. A new window will be launched. Under the album name, click the description box. Enter your friend’s username using the “@” sign. You have the option of tagging more than one person.
  6. Add the individual as a “Contributor” if you want them to manage the album as well.
  7. When you’re finished, go to the bottom of the window and click the “Save” button.

How to Tag Someone in a Facebook Post (Android, iOS)?

Of course, there is a Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android smartphones. The official version is available for free from Google Play and the App Store. Here’s how you get your hands on the Android version:

  1. On your home screen, tap the Google Play Store icon.
  2. In the search box above, type “Facebook.” The app will almost certainly appear in the “Recommended for You” section.
  3. Under the app details, tap the green “Install” button.
  4. Wait a few seconds for the download to complete before tapping “Open.”
  5. To access your account, enter your email address and Facebook password.

In addition, for iPhone users:

  1. Tap the App Store icon on your home screen to launch the app.
  2. To locate Facebook, use the search feature.
  3. Because it’s a free app, hit “Get” beneath the information.
  4. To complete the setup, sign in to your account.

You can now manage your timeline posts without a hitch after downloading the app. Every functionality is accessible, including the ability to add tags and mentions after you’ve posted. Because the interfaces for iOS and Android are almost similar, the following procedures apply to both devices:

  1. Tap the Facebook symbol on your home screen or app library to open it.
  2. Tap on your small profile photo at the top of the News Feed.
  3. Scroll through your timeline until you find the picture you want to tag.
  4. In the top-right area of the screen, tap the tag symbol. Then, touch on the person you’d want to tag.
  5. Begin by entering their username into the tiny search box. Typically, they will appear as the first search result.
  6. Simply touch on the name to complete tagging. Regrettably, the 50 tag restriction per picture remains.

There’s also no reason why you couldn’t use your phone to tag existing albums:

  1. Navigate to your timeline in the Facebook app.
  2. Scroll down and choose the “Photos” option.
  3. Navigate to “Albums” and choose the one you wish to modify.
  4. Tap on the three horizontal dots in the upper-right corner of the screen. Choose “Edit” from the drop-down menu.
  5. Tag a buddy by entering”@” before their name under the album title.

Can you change the tags you’ve already included after you’ve posted?

As previously stated, you may make changes to your Facebook postings even after they have been made public. That means you may modify the privacy settings, post pictures or videos, and, of course, tag pals.

And you can delete tags just as fast as you add them. It’s useful for those of us who have clumsy fingertips, not to mention the odd touch screen blunder. If you accidentally tag the incorrect person, just do the following:

  1. Open your Facebook profile and scroll down to your timeline.
  2. Locate the picture you want to modify and click the Open button.
  3. Within the picture, click on the tagged profile or page. Then, next to the username, click the tiny “x.”
  4. To remove tags from a standard post, open the drop-down menu and choose “Edit Post.” Then just remove the references.

It is never too late to join in.

Facebook is extremely liberal when it comes to modifying postings, enabling you to update them even after they have been uploaded. There are many choices accessible, and one of them is to add tags.

Normally, Facebook will tag people who appear in your pictures automatically. Nonetheless, despite the excellent facial recognition technology, mistakes may occur. As a result, you may add and delete tags after the fact. Just remember to keep the “50 tags per post” restriction in mind, and you’ll be good.

One Last Thought

How much time do you spend perusing Facebook? What do you think about facial recognition? Comment below and tell us about your experience using one of the world’s most popular social networking sites.